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Everything posted by TLPS

  1. I just hope and trust guys. I trust in your choices and hope that it was for the best, even if not seems to. Because the people that does this kind of clever game dont just fall in the kind of trap that this media is today.
  2. I know it is a matter of taste, but I 'm in love with the music, including the battle ones. Thank you very much for the quality of the sounds of the game, its awesome and no intrusive at all, at least for me. But as i said before, a matter of preference.
  3. Yes, I use GoG and many problems too.(PS : Sorry for my bad english ^^' ) For me its vo delay, portrait issue. When loading game in any circunstances the game stops responding for some seconds, llike the portrait issues, when change any equipment from the characters that change their visual appearance the bug occurs. I think that is all. And the hamachi thing at the moment had worked just fine for all the issues. Just some random when loading, but its 100% better now. And im using GOG.
  4. WOW! Unbelievable dude! It was IT! I disabled the hamachi network and the thing just worked! Thanks. But Obsidian need to find a way to get over this. But thanks nonetheless, the game plays so much better now!
  5. Yes, and I just perceived that the issues extends to the fixed companions as well. The issues didnt happened with calisca and the other dude but persists with Aloth at least.
  6. All my gog games are installed in D: and the windows is installed in C:
  7. Sorry about that, but how do I attach the files?
  8. nothing yet. I hope the guys at Obsidian get a workaround, cause its a shame not get the full experience that this epic deserves.
  9. I believe that the problem is with the portraits. Anyone tried to creat a character with a customized portrait to see if the problem persists? I didnt tried yet (i dont know how this works, but I think it worth trying)
  10. I got the EXACT same problem as you guys, My version is GOGs. My OS is Windows 7 64bit My CPU is i7 740QM, 1.73ghz VGA NVIDIA Geforce GTX 460m VRAM 1,50gb Memory is 6GB. (I think its useful for you to edit and put your system specs to make easier for the staff to identify the problem.)
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