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Everything posted by Humodour

  1. Humodour


    As long as it takes. Meanwhile the loss of life and human rights atrocities NK commits on its own people as well as South Koreans over time is far larger than what would be produced by replacing their North Korean leadership. That's peace to you? China is not about to start a war with the world over a country that it knows is clearly in the wrong. It values its own stability far, far too much. And nuclear weapons would never be involved unless North Korea decided to launch the single nuke it is known to have (but not known to have a launching device for).
  2. That would appear to be a reasonably resounding no.
  3. lol? I found combat easy. You're probably not using your environment enough. If somebody catches fire, that's close to (or is) an instant kill. If somebody hits spikes, again, instant kill. If somebody falls out a window, instant kill. Sometimes these things will only severely wound them, but still. And you don't need fireballs to kill them. The first fire spell works fine. Other than that, melee is just generally considered the easiest route in the game (although I loved playing with mage spells). Truth be told, I hybridised a bit, taking skills from every class and killing with all three, too. Might want to look up some guides as to where to find the awesome enchanted weapons and armour because it's easy to miss some really cool ones.
  4. Humodour


    Can't do that, Krez. Not without a UN resolution. Because we all know that the UN is a pure and noble institution and would never haver over such an important issue. UN votes against protecting gays from execution When undemocratic countries outnumber democracies in representation and authoritarian states like Russia and China have veto powers you've got a basically gutless and impotent institution. mkreku: how many more decades should we give for diplomatic solutions to work in North Korea do you think? They have no economy, they subsist entirely on foreign aid from China - a country we have no leverage over on the matter, they've rejected diplomatic overtures for decades, what the **** else do you suggest? Letting them persist in this state of perpetual atrocity for another 50 years? 100 years? What do you suggest would catalyse change in North Korea when the new leader about to take over (****-face's son) is directing military strikes on innocent South Koreans to cement his power? Do you think we have peaceful diplomat in him or his military commanders?
  5. Humodour


    Oh, and surprise North Korea announced a secret uranium enrichment facility has been operational for quite a while just a few days back. Oh they're just big bundles of joy aren't they.
  6. Humodour


    **** this **** can we get rid of their leaders with some tacticals yet or is the Western world still too lazy?
  7. Places I'll be visiting: Scotland, England, Italy, Germany If I have time I'd like to visit: Portugal over Spain? Sell your country Pidesco! Also Poland and Scandinavia. Where should I visit within Scandinavia if I have time?
  8. This was the voice actress for Deus Ex 2? Interesting... she also voiced the protagonist in Bloodrayne. And a bazillion anime characters. Her voice was the best part of the Bloodrayne games. Are the Bloodrayne games worth buying and playing on GOG or kind of wastes of time if one has other things to play to keep them busy?
  9. I'd berate you for saying that, except I'm pretty sure you've mentioned in the past that you have AD(H)D so I think it would be a bit odd to do so. Certainly I have ADHD and the movie was simple to understand. I thoroughly enjoyed it and while it wasn't necessarily intellectually strenuous to understand, it WAS an intellectual movie because it made you think, ponder and consider for days afterwards. EDIT: We're talking about Inception
  10. Exactly that kind of bureaucracy exists at the uni I work at Tig (so much so I laughed at the adjectives you chose, as meetings and groups are actually named like that), but we get things done very rapidly (weeks or months) because a) the people involved are all managers and executives with real power to implement whatever is discussed, and b) said managers and executives are very fast-moving people who like consensus-building/compromise but have a distaste for procrastination and delay, or excessive talking. So, you know, bureaucracy can be quite potent in the right hands. The other thing that is key at a university is constantly considering change. So you don't meet once or twice a year (or every two years), you meet once or twice a month, or as needed to discuss whatever anybody brings up as an issue. Granted, I work on the admin/operations side of things, not academia, although the committees involve IT, academics, student leaders, learning support, etc. The variety of roles represented is really refreshing. Eh anyway not sure what the purpose of this post was but I certainly enjoy working at a university which constantly seeks to improve itself and involves all its stakeholders in doing so.
  11. It's an RPG. Not terribly non-linear or deep, but unless you plan on replaying it I wouldn't worry - as a once over game it's really cool and fun. I highly recommend it. Fun combat, 3 classes (which you can mix and match), nice graphics, story/atmosphere is definitely enough to keep you going.
  12. I had a dream that my mother got somebody to install Vista on her computer and I was very angry when she told me because she did not consult me first. No part of the dream was surreal or unreal. Except for the fact that is wasn't real. WTF.
  13. Which part is Bioware Melbourne working on?
  14. Hahaha thanks for that post mr insomniac. Pretty much confirms what've I've already started doing with this char, which is good (maxing Coercion, 2:1 ratio, and getting Crushing Prison first). That will keep me busy for a while. Choosing spells carefully because I've decided I want to be ABLE to use a sword on whim, so this play through I'm only picking spells that are usable with swords. After Crushing Prison I'm going to grab Mana Clash. I know I have to do a certain quest to activate Arcane Warrior. How soon can I do it and where do I go? Any special conditions I need to meet?
  15. Are you OK? Need to discuss anything?
  16. It's currently taking a lot of willpower not to reply to your snide post with something equally scathing. Fact is Maria, I also said I don't mind playing as a girl in that post. Some games are better if the developers can focus on one gender (e.g. NOLF, Longest Journey) if not because it allows them to tell a better story, then because of time or art constraints. Don't like playing as a guy? There are plenty of other games out there for you to play that let you play as a girl. Or perhaps you could learn to be open-minded and play as a guy. Do you also get enraged when the protagonist of a movie or novel is a guy rather than a girl or do you simply not read or watch them?
  17. Cheers man, I'll take a read. The AW is ok with a sword (and the shield is nice) - but I've never tried the ranged approach, mostly because I think your staff is a better ranged attack? It's however important to remember that you can't cast certain spells while you have a sword or bow in hand. See this list to see what you can and cannot. I did not know the staff was ranged! No need for a bow, then! Hah. Any downsides at all to taking Blood Mage + Arcane Warrior? What skills does everyone take? I'm leaning towards Coercion and Poison-Making or Herbalism? How many skill points do I get and which skills are useless? Heh. And which spells are good (not necessarily great, but good enough, useful)?
  18. Fair enough guys, but I think I really would prefer an Arcane Warrior, so does anybody know what stats I should build, or if ranged/bow combat is viable? I don't want a mage that can replace a fighter. I want a mage that can cast spells a bit less effectively (or as effectively) as a pure nuker, but with significantly increased survivability. Being able to do decent physical damage (ranged or melee) when spells run out would also be ideal but is gravy (have my cake and eat it as Gorth says). And what about diplomacy? Do my stats change dialogue options? Cheers man, I'll take a read.
  19. Can I make an Arcane Warrior that uses bows/ranged effectively when not casting spells or is it just melee?
  20. I didn't miss the lack of a female option in Deus Ex 1 and PS:T, and the inclusion of one in Deus Ex 2 added nothing to the game. So I don't mind. As long as the voice acting for the guy is good. Voice acting for the male is **** in Mass Effect, while the Female's is great, so it kind of forces me to play as a female (not to mention I'd prefer to look at one).
  21. OK so for now I'm in Dragon Age. Making my char, going for the Arcane Warrior route - what stats should I do? Arcane Warriors abilities are dependent on Magic so should I just max that? What about constitution, or is health not a concern for the Arcane Warrior (tanky enough already)? And what's that about being able to unlock Arcane Warrior permanently? So I have to unlock an achievement before I can build this class? Go die in a hole Bioware. Nepenthe: I've also contemplated a Sentinel->Bastion. Tanky as a Vanguard->Shock Trooper (i.e. very). Doesn't really get any extra biotic powers, but gets the tech ones to make up for it. Pistols obviously since he gets Marksman. Thoughts? Maybe I could do that thing where you unlock Shotguns by shooting the gas balls at the start repeatedly. **** I hate achievements and Bioware's obsession with them.
  22. So guys, what'd you find the most fun to play in these games? I love fighter mages, so I'm thinking of building: ME1: Vanguard -> Shock Trooper Use Shotguns, with the Shotgun's powerup ability as a sniper rifle and rocket launcher. Shields augmented with biotics that heal it over time, and Adrenaline Rush to help decrease cooldown times. Dragon Age: Well, I want mage first and foremost. But I want one that can tank damage, if not able to actually deal physical damage themselves (i.e. be able to fight in a battle without being taken out by a the first enemy that gets your aggro). I am tossing up between Shapeshifter and Arcane Warrior. Shapeshifter seems to suit my playstyle more maybe. What do you guys think? And what do you build and enjoy?
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