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Everything posted by Valci

  1. Wow...i never realized people actually hoarded all the "leather armors" and "short swords" of the world. In BG for instance i only pick up all the common items in the first 30min or so to get a few gold pieces to start me off. After that i only ever pick up "unidentified" items + gems, scrolls and potions (which have their respective containers). I just leave all the rest of the crap on the ground. Whenever im in a town i just sell everything i dont use and thats that. And yet i still end up with tens of thousands of unused gold while never having an inventory space problem. Which is why i find that this "endless inventory feature" is not really needed and the only thing it does is make an unrealistic system even more so. I guess im just weird that way lol.
  2. Voted Human (but might go fish-man) Priest. I always enjoy making a priest that clobers people with his staff between spells... so i usually go for strength after wisdom and let him "inspire" people towards finding some faith.
  3. I didnt know that. Really? ... and if so, can you build a campfire for instance?
  4. Imho simulating reality should be on the cards if the experience i get from the game is to be believable. For instance...in BG the fact that NPC's got fatigued when not resting for long periods for me added to the game experience and made it richer and more believable. I want to be able to immerse myself in the fantasy world and in order to do that there need to be at least a few mundane things that i need to do, in order to feel a part of a living, breathing world. Sleeping/resting is one of the easier to implement and it can double up as a crutch for mechanics.... whereas having you NPC's tell you they need to use the bathroom...not so much. Needing "special places" to rest makes little to no sense for me.... i should be able to rest wherever... how much rest i get should depend on the conditions i sleep in like i said above but that's it.
  5. Not necessarily the Holy Avenger per say...but class-restricted items yes. It gives them a uniquely personal feel. I still remember the joys of finding the Melodic Chain for my all time favorite class... the blade (dual-wielding scimitars ofc as they just looked so epic - take that Drizzt).
  6. i'm sure this has been answered before but as i'm relatively new i'm gonna ask anyway... How is eliminating resting in any way realistic? After a certain amount of waking hours you literally NEED to sleep. Also... going long periods without rest leads to muscle fatigue, impaired judgement etc etc. which translates into the game into a limited amount of special attacks/spells a character can cast before exhausting his body/mind and needing to rest. In regards to the connection between resting and healing yourself...if my recollection of BG is accurate i think the idea was that *healing spells were cast on rest*....meaning that your healers would auto-use the remaining healing spells on your NPC's so you didnt have to do it manually. The fewer unused healing spells you had the less your party healed on rest with minimal amounts of health gained if you had no healing spells left (which would be similar to what bandaging would accomplish). The idea was that the healing was still of a magical nature (even though you didnt have to manually do it) and not that sleep would miraculously heal your gaping wounds. There is merit in the idea that resting should be restricted depending on the location (nr. of times or time spent resting - 8 hours in inn, 6 in wilderness, 3 in dungeon for example - etc) and that the health gained (strictly from resting) should also be proportional to the time spent resting and the conditions you would be resting in (warm blanket in inn as opposed to using a rock as a pillow for instance).... but to eliminate resting altogether is in no way realistic and imho the concept of resting should not be removed.
  7. I personally like the monk class. I have no trouble accepting that he can gain supernatural abilities via his soul or some such. However...i agree that the class should be more open...if it is based on specific "unarmed combat" abilities then there should be specific monk-type weapons that allow them to retain said abilities. Basically... i would like the PE monk to be somewhat of a hibrid between the D&D monk and kensai... not restricted to unarmed combat. Alternatively, it could be more western focused but even then i would go with special weapons...specific to the monk's order and such. I would like to be able to make my monk a badass staff fighter. Personally i love the staff as a weapon and it fits in with both western and easter (there are staffs in kung-fu) martial arts. And it's one of the most basic weapons out there which fits in with the asceticism of the monk. Weapons could be implemented for the monk similarly to the priest...say there are 3-4 well known monestaries in the land... and each has a focus on specific weapons...you could choose which you wanted to focus on at char creation. Anyway...just some thoughts i had while browsing the thread.
  8. Most likely a Chanter as "bard" has been my most played class in rpg's so far. I especially liked the blade kit from bg2 so if possible i will have a dual-wielding chanter of some sort. As far as i understand gear restrictions will not be very tight so here's hoping. The fact that chanters can do whatever else while "performing" will hopefully help having one that is more combat oriented.
  9. This is from a PCgamer Q&A a while back so i don't know if it is still relevant but here it is: T.J. Hafer: How many cultures/subraces can we expect each race to choose from? Will some have more than others? Josh Sawyer: we haven't decided on the number of subraces per race, and cultures are separate from races/subraces, so that's even more up in the air. if we do have more subraces for certain races than other, it will not be by a large margin. we want to make the field of choices relatively even. food for thought i guess.
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