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Everything posted by Valsuelm

  1. George Lucas also said that Greedo shot first... The original trilogy, without a doubt the first two movies, were made for people of all ages. If those movies just appealed to kids, they would not have been near as successful as they were. Nor would so many people be wanting to be seeing them decades later, or be invested in what the sequel trilogy will bring us. The addition of the original cast would not be so important if they just wanted to appeal to 10 year olds.
  2. Please refrain from posting spoilers in this thread, at least without a warning. Very uncool. I purposely don't look for 'leaked art' for good reason.
  3. Doubt it. J.J. is a purveyor of cheese and he's never shown he can do anything else but cheese. It's not just the queer lightsaber, though that really sums it all up. If it was just the queer lightsaber in an otherwise good trailer, it might be ignorable. There's a reason that the picture of that lightsaber is being shown and ridiculed all over. If you're someone who can't see why, I dunno what to tell ya. But in addition to said lightsaber, we've got the whole contrived jerky stance thing. The uber stupid voice narrating. The soccer ball cutesy droid. The jerky camera stupid flashy light effect gimmicks on the stormtroopers. It's called really bad direction. Actually... 'uber stupid' is an understatement for that voice over. That voice over might be the worst thing I've seen/heard in a trailer in memory. The SW7 trailer makes this trailer look good!:
  4. I know people who like both... For me JW is meh... been there done that, but it doesn't look bad. It might be amusing though likely forgettable (as most remake, redo, rehashes are), and it probably won't sh*t on the original. SW7 trailer just looks bad, and the movie is like to sh*t on the originals. WTB original stories coming out of Hollywood. TV seems to be able to do it, but the movie studios not so much these days.
  5. That is a myth. The rest of what you say above is for the most part right on though. 1) Check the purchases of gov bonds 2) Check the manufacturing plants placement of US based companies. 1) China is the largest foreign holder of U.S. government bonds yes. However the vast majority of government bonds are held within the U.S.. That said, who holds the government bonds means very little in regards to how the U.S. (and the majority of other nations) accrues and fund it's debt. Also, last I looked (which was a few months back), China was divesting itself of a great deal of those bonds and other U.S. backed assets (i.e. cash)... 2) Irrelevant in regards to the deficit the U.S. federal government runs.
  6. That is a myth. The rest of what you say above is for the most part right on though.
  7. HAHAHA!!! Oh socialists and their class theories. None of it is ever based on facts; just ideology. The push to end welfare mostly comes from blue collar (I don't know if that's an American specific term; it basically means working class) people pissed off that they have to work while lazy slackers feed off the system. Most of the political support FOR welfare comes from the upper-class communities. I can assure you in the US if you ask poor to lower-middle class people about welfare about 1/2 of them will want it eliminated, and the other half will only accept the programs grudgingly. Ask the rich and about 19/20 of them will give their complete support for welfare. That's because neoliberal ideologues are working overtime to convince everyone that the theoretical "welfare queen" is to blame for everything. Its a project they've been doing ever since the Reagan/Thatcher era and its easy to prove where it originated. Just because some blue collar muppets took up the cause (that goes against their own interests) doesn't make them the real brains behind it. Its nonsense of course, people have no sense of the scale at which a country's economy operates. A certain number of people leeching the system at the bottom rung make absolutely no difference whatsoever to an economy that shuffles billions or trillions of (insert currency) per year. its easy to demonstrate how the current economic crisis and the recession are precisely the fault of the uncontrolled financial capital institutions from the housing crisis onwards. It was the result of systematic abuse that cost taxpayers across the world insane amounts of money and brought economies to the brink of collapse. In fact, it has been repeatedly demonstrated by top economists that that is in fact what happened. Welfare itself has never been an economic threat to the system but it is a barrier to increasing profit margins and possibilities for corruption for people on the top. The money that can be made from privatizing health care and social services is unfathomably large. No. The primary reason is because people who work see the giant chunk the state takes out of their paycheck each pay period in the name of welfare. It's because some people are opposed to the evil of robbing from someone to give to someone else. It's never taken any propaganda from 'neoliberal ideologues' to get a great many people in the U.S. to dislike welfare. It's also because many are aware of the rampant abuse and corruption in the system. And some, though fewer, realize that welfare ultimately causes far more harm than good on many levels. 'The road to hell is paved with good intentions' applies. The various financial crisis as reported to you in the main stream media that you're referring to are other issues all together. Welfare itself is a financial crisis, just one almost never mentioned in a media that for the most part endorses and supports it.
  8. Coming out against Israel was for a very long time political suicide in the U.S., and in many circles still is. The Israeli lobby is arguably the most effective lobby in Washington D.C. Without a doubt it's the most effective foreign lobby. They have a lot of politicians by the balls. Times are slowly changing though as one really has to try to ignore the evils and pure BS that government perpetrates, and more people have woken up to that and the fact that Israel really does near nothing positive for the U.S. as an ally, is a giant liability, potentially on a scale no nation can afford, and if you're really astute in your history and modern world affairs they're even arguably our enemy. Hearing anything bad about Israel in main stream media just about never happens. It's pretty much non stop: 'Israel is our friend we must help them', 'Israel is our friend we must help them', 'Israel is our friend we must help them', 'Israel is our friend we must help them', 'Israel is our friend we must help them' over and over and over and over. Basic and effective brainwashing. The closest you'll get to a major national politician saying we shouldn't support Israel is someone like Ron Paul saying we shouldn't be involved in their issues, and he wasn't at all supported by the major parties or the main stream media.
  9. It's not going to take even close to that long....
  10. Given your time on this forum, does that really surprise you? The commies and willing serfs out number us here.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIDmK5qwarU
  12. I've wondered the same thing... as he often posts in a manner that would lead one to think this.
  13. Rand is definitely not his father, however he's probably the best there is on capital hill right now (that's how bad things are), and the only one of the so far possible presidential contenders that might actually earn my vote. There's no indication however that he's going to 'lick the boots of evangelical whackjobs', nor do such people have remotely as much power as you and many others seem to think. Not much more power than the boogie man brigade really. Also, Huntsman supported Israel, the unconstitutional and frankly evil individual mandate that everyone buys insurance, believes in 'global warmi' errrrr..... 'climate change', and endorsed Mitt Romney. He was a sh*t candidate.
  14. These tests have about as much merit as your average 'purity test'. They're limited by the box the designer(s) of the test think in, and I've yet to see one that isn't done in the context of the indoctrinated perceptions of mass media and bought propaganda. Generally it's a polarized box, and thus generally serves to polarize. For anyone with a working brain the majority of the questions are not black and white issues, nor yes/no/maybes. Nor does a 'maybe' make you a 'centrist'. The issues they touch on more often than not have a great deal more complexity than the question encompasses, and/or they simply rely on a false perception that's perpetrated in the mass media that makes the question foundationless, irrational, or unreasonable in an informed and truly thinking mind.
  15. You really have to ask? While the above lightsaber was indeed downright cheese, the new one is far far worse. I'll wager a lot that the lightsabers are going to be good representatives of overall movie quality. Despite what some are saying here, I'll also wager a lot that the new movies are going to make the prequels look good. They'll be so bad we might even miss Jar Jar. Kinda like Bush and Obama made many of us miss Clinton.
  16. I haven't seen that recently. But you clearly need reschooling in Martin Luther King. His final speech covered the importance of economic boycott. Plus it's possibly the most amazing speech I've ever heard. It starts slow, but is well worth sticking with. Like The Blues Brothers. Make up your own minds whether MLK would support what is happening today. CONSPIRACY NOTE: The full version of this speech, which mentions economic boycott _keeps being taken down from Youtube_ and replaced with the neutered version that is much shorter. I don't think that Bruce is denying the validity of boycotting itself as much as he is wondering why Macy's is being targeted. Macy's and the others are being targeted because those businesses have something the rioting thugs want or it just happens to have the unfortunate luck of being in the path of the wandering zombies bent on destruction.
  17. I am so not looking forward to the day my MX518 dies...
  18. As do I. The only thing the movie has going for it is the original cast and Kasdan. I was hopeful they could overcome the cheese that is J.J., but after seeing the trailer... it's clear that's not going to happen and bad cheese is what we're going to get. I've never before seen a trailer for Star Wars that I thought sucked until today. Even the prequels had at least decent trailers, some of them actually being good.
  19. It's 7 Messages in total. How exactly should I make it more legible? The problem is probably with you, who are so lazy. And stroppy\sullen, now that I think of it. Make it clear who is saying what. Colorize it, paragraph it better, or figure something else out. It's not a matter of being lazy. It's a matter of the writer making it so the reader can easily read what they wrote and understand it. You're some random person on the web, who has no history so far as I know of writing anything interesting to read, who frankly looks to be emoing (first impression based on the first, last paragraphs that I did read, and your response to me), but I don't know for sure as I didn't read it all. If you want other people to read what you write, make it legible to them. And you look like your head is most likely where it shouldn't be, in addition to all what you said about me, applicable to you, with the addendum that you haven't actually written anything. Nevertheless, the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many, so I'll see to "colorize it". Thanks for colorizing it. Much easier to read. In regards to your reply to me: grow up; resist the urge to tit for tat. In regards to your pms. a) Very poor form to be discussing a private conversation with anyone in such a public manner without their permission. If you think it must be done, it's fair to leave such a person unnamed or unidentifiable in all ways. Doing otherwise is generally a serious breach of etiquette and really just isn't cool. b) You've demonstrated well how conceited and without self awareness so many masters students are these days. As the Dev says: your level of 'education' is irrelevant. In fact, you bringing it up makes you look like a serious moron to put it nicely. c) The Dev took more time with you than I'd have. Then again they were likely giving you the benefit of the doubt, which you demonstrated clearly right away on this forum that you didn't deserve. I'll give you this though, it was poor form of them to say 'buy these other games' in the manner they did. All in all, you should just chillax. If I were the Dev, I'd be more than happy to refund you your money and send you packing from the forums (if I became aware of this thread that most definitely would happen). If I were you, I'd be more than happy to take my money back. There's fail on both sides on the conversation, but moreso on yours. I took the time to write this, since you took the time to implement my suggestion to better format your OP. I appreciate people stepping up. Thanks again, but seriously, go get yourself some fresh air, and forget about that game, and that conversation. It's not worth it.
  20. Hi Hurlshot Nice to see you posting again, I am of the opinion that when someone of your reasonable temperament and equanimity decides to leave these forums its an indictment on certain levels around the level of conversation I'm am hoping others realized it? So its good to hear from you again You come off as so amazingly prissy. Do you realize that?
  21. It's 7 Messages in total. How exactly should I make it more legible? The problem is probably with you, who are so lazy. And stroppy\sullen, now that I think of it. Make it clear who is saying what. Colorize it, paragraph it better, or figure something else out. It's not a matter of being lazy. It's a matter of the writer making it so the reader can easily read what they wrote and understand it. You're some random person on the web, who has no history so far as I know of writing anything interesting to read, who frankly looks to be emoing (first impression based on the first, last paragraphs that I did read, and your response to me), but I don't know for sure as I didn't read it all. If you want other people to read what you write, make it legible to them. Otherwise, a lot of people are just going to skip your post, as some of us have better things to do than spend time deciphering some random person's post.
  22. As we learned in Ep.3, he spends the rest of his days as some kind robed emissary of Naboo. One can hope and easily imagine that he one day falls into a garbage disposal, never to be seen or heard from again. Did he really fall? Or was he helped into the disposal. That's a mystery we'll have to live with, and one I can live contented never knowing which it was. It just matters that he's gone. And that is good.
  23. Formatting of your pm back and forth is too much work to bother to read. Make it easily legible, and perhaps I'll read it.
  24. They asked him to come back, but he gave some sort of snooty ac-tor refusal about the character being finished and he couldn't add any more. 'Snooty ac-tor refusal?' Perhaps he just realizes, like so many of the rest of us do, that some things should not be remade, retouched, or sequelled. If I were him I wouldn't rejoin either (unless you paid me way way way too much money, then I'd consider it). Wedge's story is done. As is Luke's, Leia's, Han's, and the rest of them. That is, if you want to have a story with integrity. The Star Wars movies should have ended with Episode VI. The prequels are a nasty stain on the franchise, and the cheesy trailer released today pretty much confirms what a lot of us were worried about: that it's gonna be more of the bad same as the prequels for the upcoming films. Very possibly worse, as at least the first trailers for episode one weren't cheesy, and actually made the movie look good.
  25. Fixed it for you. Take all your fascist and socialist ideals that will fail to do any good to some other nation please.
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