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Posts posted by Valsuelm

  1. Best BruceVC post ever:

    Honestly I like most ladies from South America and Central America, its there dark hair and general appearance...like her  sweat.gif
    Like her  

    However, he's a communist, even if he doesn't realize it, so he get's it wrong even when he's on to something. Here's the correct way to do it:


    • Like 3

    "I would allow freedom of speech but not if it offends people on certain levels..trust me there would be much less social acrimony"


    if I followed your stupid philosophy you would be  be inpriosned because your  Nazi SJWism offends me. See how that works? It is not freedom of speech if you only allow speech you approve of. That  is what nazi SJWs don't udnerstand.

    Volo why do you think its wrong if only I decide what is considered free speech? That would not be practical or realistic, I would have tribunals of people who decide these things


    So it wouldn't just be up to me, I'm not arrogant  :-  


    Does the inherent evil in what you're proposing truly escape you?


    Ted Cruz looks like


    ..the lovechild of John de Lancie and Chris Avellone. The latter is particularly disturbing as having noticed it I just cannot unsee it.



    I'm very thankful I don't see it.


    If things that are told in media are true, then case seems to be that Federal Government has been asked to investigate possibility of if fossil-fuel companies have practiced similar doctoring of scientific evidence and false marketing as which tobacco industry was convicted in 90s. So charges would not be for disagreeing with federal government but knowingly deceived public about something that is or could be harmful for them.

    Something deeply ironic about the US Federal government being against public deception :lol:



    They aren't. It's about power, money, and furthering more deception to achieve more power.


    It is highly unlikely that Sanders will win majority of voted delegates or even popular vote. Southern pelt just have most of the population and Clinton's support there seems to be overwhelming. 



    There generally isn't any geographical or political terminology in regards to a 'southern belt' (I'm assuming you typoed the 'p').


    Occasionally the somewhat arbitrary term 'sunbelt' is used, though just about never politically, as it really has no meaning politically. It barely has much of a meaning geographically. It's pretty much just a 'weather channel' and tourist thing. Depending on which arbitrary definition you use of the 'sunbelt', perhaps half of the U.S. population lives within it, though definitely not most.


    The 'bible belt' is a bit more widely used. Politically it has some meaning, though increasingly less in recent decades. No matter which arbitrary definition you use for the 'bible belt', it doesn't come close to having even half of the U.S. population., let alone a majority of it.

  6. I'm less upset about Chipman's seemingly perpetually reprehensible behavior and opinions than I am about the fact that some people still care enough about him to take the time out of their day to screenshot the random garbage that comes out of his mouth (or fingers, in this case, I guess). C'mon, we don't need to promote this lunatic. :p


    Twitter is for lunatics...

    • Like 1
  7. ......


    We cant fix it now, wait till after the election then push for change? Its about activism Vals ....its about not just complaining on a forum. This is why I spend so much time  on radio talk shows discussing politics and events that influence SA

    I think you should post links to the audio and transcripts of these radio talk shows.





    Yes sure but once again I ask a simple question....does the USA Constitution not allow him to vote for who he wants?


    So it seems what would make people happy if Dean used his superdelegate rights to vote for Sanders ....that would be okay right?

    Again Bruce, the issue is not who Dean votes for as a Democratic primary voter or general election voter, it's that he is a superdelegate and his support for Clinton is the equivalent of 1/16th of the entire state of Vermont. It's criticism of the superdelegate system in the Democratic primary because it is undemocratic.


    Okay well thats easy to address.....its not Deans fault the system is like that. Once Hilary is elected then you guys should push for changes


    I just see that reason as a valid point but more a distraction as Dean cant change that 



    Still trying to skew that people here are talking about Dean himself? No one here has said it was at all about him, it was about the power of superdelegates and he was used as an example. Are you deliberately obtuse or do you lack conceptual thinking?


    You funny :lol:


    I just addressed the question of the super delegates ....in the post you quoted. I said " its not Deans fault the system is like that. Once Hilary is elected then you guys should push for changes" 


    Meshugger I like you...you really weird but you are also the last person who should be calling me  obtuse....and this term " conceptual thinking "  ....are you sure you want to debate something that has a unclear meaning for you?


    He is correct Bruce. You are either completely misunderstanding what has been written by many here, and is easily located via search engine, or you are going out of your way to ignore pertinent facts and your mind is truly does lack the ability to think, conceptually, critically, as well as objectively.


    You will find no honest ethical person, Democrat, Republican, or whatever, who understands the 'super-delegate' system that will defend it. It is an absolute cowpie system, created by corrupt Ftards, and generally made up of corrupt Ftards such as Dean.


    Why do you care about Howard Dean? He's entirely inconsequential.


    Also, he was chairman of the DNC. A prerequisite of being chair of either the RNC or DNC is that you are an unprincipled #*@!. To be clear: Dean has no principles to go against.




    Dean's greatest contribution to American politics, and probably what's going on in his head much of the time:


    Its become an issue because the reality is the people of Vermont feel he should now vote for Sanders ..because the majority of people in Vermont will be voting for Sanders...once again its a strange view and makes no sense to me





    You're confusing Dean's role as a 'super-delegate' with his vote as everyday citizen X.


    The people of Vermont have a legitimate complaint over Dean's potential act as a 'super-delegate', and the 'super-delegate' system overall.


  10. Why do you care about Howard Dean? He's entirely inconsequential.

    Also, he was chairman of the DNC. A prerequisite of being chair of either the RNC or DNC is that you are an unprincipled #*@!. To be clear: Dean has no principles to go against.


    Dean's greatest contribution to American politics, and probably what's going on in his head much of the time:

  11. Typical Afrikan Hilary supporter.


    Is there such a thing?


    I've only come across a few self professed South Africans in my life, only one of which spends a lot of time commenting on American politics, let alone is a supporter of the most vetted, proven criminal, and obviously evil candidate in modern U.S. History.

  12. This is ridiculous.  And yet, you are free to continue posting such ridiculousness on this forum, as you have done for years.  You will not be censored, and even if you were, given this is a forum owned by a gaming company, you are free to start your own forum or find others that allow all sorts of extra ridiculous discussions to happen.  

    Your cognitive dissonance and hardcore ignorance is showing. Evidence of censorship on this very forum is linked on this very page below, and that is by no means an isolated incident of censorship in the land of Obsidian in my experience.


    On the wider scale that I was referring to (I was not limiting my observation to this particular forum), there are cases of various forms of censorship, in particular in schools, that make national news almost every day. If you look into the Foundation for Individual Rights in Higher Education ,or even the ACLU (they are less consistent in fighting censorship, but they do often fight it) you can find an in recent times ever increasing number of censorship cases, often (though certainly not always) driven by sentiments the SJW crowd holds dear.


    Much more could be said, but given your usual immature ignorant response, I think it's likely a waste on you.

  13. Pretty sure you can argue colleges and universities have always been swarming with such people, albeit with different labels.


    Not really. While culturally marxist folks and their deluded zombie followers (a.k.a. SJWs) have existed for quite some time, it's only been in the last decade or so that they finally achieved such great numbers.


    When I was in college back in the 90s, you could still tell such idiots (who were very much in the minority even at the overall liberal school I went to) what to go do with themselves.


    Nowadays saying such things are generally banned from all sorts of places (especially internet forums; which historically were far more free) as 'offensive speech'. People in general used to have more backbone, as well had a much greater aversion to censorship and appreciation for the First Amendment. People in general also used to be more social in a real sense. It's the anti-social nature of 'social media' that has lead to much of the insanity now plaguing us methinks. That's a complex thing to explain to someone who doesn't intuitively get it. [And you're not like to intuitively get it if you aren't old enough to have been around before the 'eternal september' and experienced first hand how the internet, cell phones, etc have changed the culture over the years; and/or appreciate just what's lost in communicating via text vs face to face].


    Even when I was touring colleges in the early/mid 00s SJWs hadn't yet taken over (save for Harvard in my experience (that place being infested much sooner than most other places from what I've seen (holy *(#@$ at the nutjobs I met there); which stands to reason as much of higher academia has tried to emulate Harvard for better or worse for a long time now)).


    It's somewhat ironic that some (most SJWs certainly) are actually deluded to think the stifling of speech we now have is 'progress'.


    He has never run for the White House. But when he does, he talks about his **** size in a presidential debate on live national TV.


    Donald Trump is, The Most Interesting Man in the World.


    It was actually the immature and vapid puppet Rubio that brought the subject up, not Trump. The whole thing lends a little credence to the probably untrue accusations that he's been in some gay porn, him being interested in Trump's wee wee that is.

  14. That lady has a very myopic view of politics to blame SJW for the state of the Republican party?


    Also you notice how vitriolic the Republican candidacy race has been, its been very bitter. Compare that to Clinton vs Sanders, you tel me  you don't prefer the way the Democrats debate?


    Julie's videos are generally laced with a degree of tongue in cheek sarcasm, and this one isn't one of the exceptions. She's not very myopic, she's actually more astute than most. Her satire wasn't blaming SJWs for the state of the Republican party though, get yer facts straight. ;) I can see where someone not familiar with her work can miss the satiric aspect of this video though; you are forgiven.


    As for the vitriol in the Republican race, I'd say it's been relatively tame albeit more entertaining than most previous elections, so far. That's likely to change if Trump actually get nominated. Also, most of the vitriol that we have seen is coming from outside of the Republican party, albeit aimed at it (and in particular Trump), and it's really par for the course for the vitriolic (and often untruthful) slander to be slung when any establishment outsider begins to gain traction.


    The Democratic party debates? Yawn. Hillary is incapable, and Sanders plays softball with her (unfortunately, as he's capable of more). Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats have good debates insofar as actual debating goes, however occasionally there's an entertainment factor (which is really all they're meant for as it's all essentially a circus show). I'd love to see actual debates. Can't say I've seen one in my lifetime, other than through reading transcripts of some from the era before TV. Prior to that era, and especially prior to the era of radio, politicians were generally much more interesting and substantive to listen to.

  15. Thanks for your response peko.

    My bad.

    I realize the game caps you at 120k (or lower if you don't have the expansion(s)). As well as that one generally reaches this cap well before the game ends. I should have clarified better.


    My question is more directed at anyone who has used an xp cap remover (is there one out there?), or changed the rate at which you level via the IE mod or a hex editor so that you hit the level cap above 120k XP.


    In other words, I'd like to know how much XP there is to be had in the game, which can best be answered by Obsidian themselves or by someone who has played all the way through (completionist style) without hitting an XP cap.

    It would be awesome if someone from Obsidian could supply the answer.

  16. I'm curious as to how much XP people have earned throughout the course of the game. If you've finished the game, and in particular if you're a completionist (attempted to do everything you could in the game), please post your XP total for your main character.

    [Also please note anything worth noting that may have affected the XP total, such as if you played a large portion of the game without a full party]





    I ask both out of curiousity, and because I'd like to determine the best XP value to set my game at via hex editing as mentioned in this thread and others. (I've yet to play past Act 1, but expect to in the next month or so with a new game).


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  17. The pertinent question is, just how much XP do we end the game with?

    Can some completionists post their end game total XP?

    If we get a number of end game XP values, we can determine an optimal XP nerf via hex editing.

    (or, wishful thinking: Obsidian can better design the game so there isn't so much excess XP; not like to happen at this point I know)



    Edit: This question is actually worthy of a new thread methinks. Made.

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