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Posts posted by Valsuelm

  1. Fill in an eurotrash in this, but how is it in any way acceptable for anyone, republican or independent, to vote for Kasich if he is the result of the republican establishment and not from those caucuses and primaries? He is basically broadcasting himself with a sticker "i.do.not.represent.you." on his forehead.

    For a very lot of people, it wouldn't be. Hence me saying it would be a giant step towards the **** hitting the fan.



    At this point, I actually consider BruceVC to be an honorary female. A bat poop crazy one.


    No.  Bruce doesn't even understand women, which is not the problem, since we all are pretty clueless.  The problem is he thinks he does.


    You must have missed his material on strippers and overweight girls.   :blink:


    No I dont understand or know everything about women and you I doubt you will find a single post I have made suggesting that


    But I am not clueless either  :biggrin:



    Yea... you kinda are. All 2nd and 3rd wave 'feminists', SJWs and 'White Knights' are. ;)

    • Like 1

    Kascich will never will the general election.


    Over Clinton?  I am not ready to commit to that.  She is very beatable.  



    By almost anyone that's been in the field except Kasich, yes.


    As far as electability, only Santorum, Bush, or Graham were worse offerings. The vast majority of votes that Kasich will get will be anti-Hillary votes, not votes for him. His platform as a Republican is not good, in many ways he comes off as an establishment Democrat. Such a person is not electable (governor or some other position in some places sure, but not U.S. President in 2016; unless there's a wildcard 3rd party, but if that happens, the Democrat candidate is much more like to win than the Republican).


    All that said, Kasich won't even be the nominee unless some evil stuff is done at the Republican convention. If that happens, the GOP very well might have dealt itself a fatal blow, and the poop will be a giant step closer to hitting the fan in this country.


    Whatever one's political leanings, it should be abundantly clear that a very large chunk of the electorate in the U.S. are beyond sick of what both parties have been doing, and almost as many are beyond sick of the mainstream media's coverage of the political process. The only two candidates that actually have a very large enthusiastic base are Trump and Sanders, both at least perceived to be outsiders (whether they are or aren't is possibly/arguably another story). While some of their supporters will eventually 'tow the party line' for whoever is the nominee, a lot of them, if not the majority of them, will not. Sanders and Trump supporters generally already feel very disenfranchised and unrepresented, hence their support of what they see as outsiders. If a perceived outsider doesn't get elected this election, that will also be a giant step towards poop hitting the fan in this nation.

  4. (Do you have to be an active declared candidate for a brokered convention? ....)


    Nope. Anyone who is constitutionally qualified to be President can potentially be nominated. It has happened before, more than once, though it's been quite some time since it has, and all of the examples I can think of (Garfield probably being the best one) happened prior to voting primaries being a thing.



    Hahaha, the GOP are scrapping the rule of a candidate having to win 8 states in order to be eligible. You know, the very rule imposted in 2012 in order to unseat any delegate for Ron Paul.



    So they plan to select John Kasich if it's a brokered convention?



    I am not well versed in lawspeak, but from i gather it could be practically anyone, even those that have dropped out.



    You need not be versed in 'lawspeak'. It can be anyone.


    For most elections, that's how it always has been. The primary thing is for the most part an early 20th century creation, and for the most part has always been a rigged dog and pony show, as arguably the actual Presidential election itself has become (the 2000 election most obviously).


    The corruption, which has been there in spades for over 100 years now, is just getting a bit more obvious at this point, with a large portion of the electorate being thoroughly disillusioned with both major parties and with the internet allowing for the proliferation of relatively easily accessible information mainstream media generally doesn't talk about, and the people who own it generally don't want you to know about.

  6. For cereal though. I've actually given this general scenario thought on a number of occasions, as I've already had a couple of brushes with death and know well how fragile life is. As well as the fact that while a 24 hour time limit is unlikely, many people find themselves with months, weeks, or even days left to live (I've known such people).

    What I'd do depends on a number of factors, ie: where exactly I am, what the weather's like, who's around, how I'm like to die. In the end though, what I'd do is more than likely not for public consumption. :)

    • Like 1
  7. Obsidian is second only to Paradox in my experience when it comes to having overzealous arbitrary immature moderators. I thought it unfortunately ironic when Obsidian teamed up with them, on more than one level.


    The sexes are not equal. But that's cool, mostly. I don't want to be good at breast feeding. I don't want my woman to be able to bench press me. People who want them to be equal or already think they are, are in lala land. Reality defies them.


    You are amusing Oby. Here's two videos for you:




    Update on the most interesting story this primary season.


    Apparently the AZ Democratic party has already been contacted by at least 4000 people whose party affiliation was changed without their consent. Seeing how most Democratic caucuses/primaries ahead are closed and how irregularities are already reported in other states such as Oregon, this looks like massive election fraud.

    It won't amount to anything. Everyone knows how corrupt the democratic party is and it's never stopped leftists from voting for them before.



    There's a difference between people actually voting for them and election fraud. Also, this particular fraud is being perpetrated by 'leftists' on 'leftists', and election fraud is certainly not something the Democratic Party has a monopoly on.


    Frankly, it's looking like the folks behind Clinton are stealing the nomination from Sanders, via not only the corrupt 'super delegate' system, but by rigging the election results in various locations. Arizona and Oregon are not the only places this is happening. Utah is another (though the alleged fraud there is mostly on the Republican side), and these three places are just where people are getting caught and/or speaking out and there's been a decent amount of coverage of the problem (note that the mainstream media is not really even touching this, they just about never cover election fraud issues).




    Bernie Sanders is the newest Disney Princess.



    Na... he's no princess. He's just from some alien invader from an alternate universe where Disney meets Animal Farm.



  10. You would be surprised how easy it is to make decent explosives. Although it might not be easy to procure all components if you seem suspicious.


    Very easy, in the U.S. anyways.


    This is the interwebs, and a super touchy subject, so I shant say more than I know some current and former military folks who have some toys, and that it's not an uncommon thing.


    While I didn't make this video, nor know the people who did, here's an example of some folks playing with such toys:



    Note: there are many different types of toys out there. Understanding chemistry is an interesting, often beautiful, yet sometimes ugly thing [and something that the anti-gun, and 'gotta keep everyone from having access to X' crowds, almost laughably lack an understanding of (where there's a will and even half a brain, there's almost always a way)].


    Random aside: I used to own a '98 Jetta so I personally find this video amusing particular amusing. There are other similar videos out there.

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