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Everything posted by bahamut_gundam

  1. I am also interested in the second point. Any chance that the developers can shed a light on this ? Another question that came up to my mind is, reshaping and morphing one character into another doesn't sound difficult at first, but I am pretty sure there are a lot of issues that have to be tackled, not to mention how the animations should be applied later. Perhaps the developers can also share their approaches in doing this ?
  2. They still code lots, but a lot of the structure and framework would have been done for them. When I went to College, one thing that made our game dev degree different from other colleges offering similar degrees, was the game dev kids coded their engine from scratch, and didn't use things like Unreal or Unity to code with. I think this has helped them get better jobs as a result because even though everyone primarily codes in C or C++, there's lots of ways to get to x, and when you use something like Unity, you sacrifice some of that control, but Unity is great for allowing teams to add and modify bits and bobs along the way, so I don't see it hurting things. Sounds great to me. I'm just wondering if the engine programmers will modify bits of Unity itself, or if they will have their own "framework" on top of Unity. By the way, can you share some reasons why you are using Unity instead of Unreal, or even your previous game engines ? I'll wait if you are going to share that in the next update of the game
  3. Just wondering, if you are using Unity, then what do your engine programmers do ? Do they modify Unity itself ?
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