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About RaketenRichard

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator


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  1. This game is about a 300ft tall magic statue walking around. Historical accuracy my ass.
  2. Since only the pledges are comparable to Kickstarter and they contribute only half of the funding, I'd say hardly so.
  3. I think I've read in some interview, that they 're going to strictly separate the way combat and non-combat skill-points are spent. So you don't have to choose between fireball and herbalism.
  4. To me "respec" is the alternation of character customization. I'm sorry if we don't have the same definition. But just arguing about talents will keep this discussion a little flat. Please tell me, what exactly is the difference between the skill system of D3 and the memorizing spells system of BG2?
  5. Changing gear does not count as respeccing and never has, and actually it shows how respeccing can ruin the impact of gear has upon an encounter: if you can respec yourself to fit an encounter then picking the right equipment for the task at hand is no longer as important. Why take along that mace that kills undead when you can respec yourself to have that anti-undead power that lets you take along that more powerful sword and then imbue it with anti-undead with your respecced powers that you wouldn't normally take because they are so situational? Please read my post carefully. And yes There where completely situational spells in BG2. You could respec your mage very nicely for an undead-encounter. How about: Hold Undead (Necromancy) Range: Sight of caster Saving Throw: Neg. Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Duration: 2 rounds/level ? [Edit: I just saw that you quoted my unedited post. My fault, sorry, didn't want to offend you with this "read carefully" thing..]
  6. I like making choices. I like the finality of choice because it is (for me) what creates some kind of identiy and therefore is a very important feature in rpgs. But also having some interchangeable features can be quite fun. Nobody of the death-to-respec people seems to be concerned about the fact that you could respec your gear in BG2 anytime you want (exactly like skills in D3) and this was a really cool thing, because it added some tactics and freedom to the game. Gear is a big part of character customization and its usually completely interchangeable. Think of the anti-undead mace you found during the second Bodhi encounter, the fireweapons against trolls, the club/mace thing with golems and the anti-mindflayer sword found during the events of TOB. Another example is the system of memorizing spells in BG2. The priest, wizard or druid could choose before each rest a couple of spells they wanted to use. This system of memorizing was indeed a form of "respec". And it was great! If an encounter was really hard, I thought a lot about which spells it would be best to choose. Maybe some AOE dmg fireball? Or rather mass confusion? Maybe it would be better to cast invisibility on every character? Or protection against evil and open some gate to hell? So these were both core features of BG2 that I liked a lot. And therefore my question: Why not add a couple of skills to each class that you can change from time to time (visit tronghold, take rest)? This is a great way to add tactical complexity to the game, because people have to think about possible combinations to solve harder encounters. Also I don't think it would destroy roleplay, if there were enough other decions (race, gender, class, a couple of combat talents, tradeskills) that are final. If you don't like that idea, please point out why that is something different of the examples shown above. [sorry for all the editing =)]
  7. In most rpg's characters controlled be the player can be customized. For me the finality of choices concerning character customization induces some kind of identity, which contributes a lot to what I humbly call "feeling". Yet it seems to sometimes restrain the gameplay. In Baldur's Gate 2 we had both. Talents, skills, race etc. were final, but gear was completely interchangeable. Do you think it should stay like this in PE? Which parts of character customization should be final?
  8. Classes are also pretty restrictive =)
  9. Anybody who's complaining about medically inaccuracy should seriously meditate a moment about the ridiculousness of the approach to represent the physical condition of a human by a single (or two or three) scale(s). This will never be realistic. So when it comes to the choice of a system of defensive resources we should focus (as this is going to be a crpg) on tactical complexity. And in this terms the system of two scales, health and stamina, seems to be a much better one than the classic approach.
  10. I think there should be some base xp for completing a quest and then some (optional) revard in forms of loot, reputation, story and/or xp for the chosen method.
  11. When it comes to the option of solving a quest violent or nonviolent, for me the choice is not only affected by the promised revard, but the compexitiy of the used method. More general, let Q be an instance in the game and A and B different methods to solve it. If you want to give the player a fair choice between A and B, you have to make sure that both A and B have an equal powerfull impulse on the game (that are revards or story based stuff) AND both A and B are equal in the complexity of game mechanics. I'm sorry, I didn't read the whole thread, so I hope this has not been said already.
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