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About manio

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Interests
    Cooking and gaming!


  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  1. Guys sorry if i missed it, but wasn't the new kickstarter project to be announced back at 2014? They just postponed it for this year (2015) or was , oh god no, cancelled ?
  2. #2 for me too . I don't mind waiting a couple of months. Need the feeling of unboxing the disc and insert it into tray. Yes that long forgotten art ...oh memories... *remembers his age and cries in corner.
  3. Can someone provide us a link for whatever crumbs of info about this new KS project?
  4. Argl, where is that interview already?
  5. Anyone knows where the inteview will appear? Will be on Rock Paper Shotgun or twitch or something?
  6. I for once have total faith in Obsidian. From the work so far through time (Kotor 2, NWN2, F:NV ) and to this amazing kickstarting project (hell i am replaying BG2 right now!) which looks amazing in all those screenshots. I like the 2D style, i like the combat, the lore, the mechanics. Yea bring more i say! RPGs i mean....if you kickstart MMOFPS or whatever, then well....yea....
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