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Everything posted by oldschool

  1. Same here, they didn't have my address or phone, and contacted me over email about it. Hopefully will deliver today or tomorrow.
  2. We're in this together.. Western Europe seems underway, the East not so much P.S. Got a call from delivery service today about a package from Germany
  3. I personally think more enemy variety in the combat situations will go a long way. Right now it feel like most of the time you are fighting the very same type of enemy, just multiple of them. In comparison, tougher battles in BGII always had you fighting agains a party of a tank, a DPS character, a cleric, a mage, a ranged marksman, etc. These situations seem much, much rarer in PoE and combat is often boring.
  4. With latest Nvidia drivers 350.12 text and HUD became blurry, had to reset resolutions as mentioned above!
  5. I confirm that with latest Nvidia drivers 350.12 text and interface became blurry, had to reset resolutions to fix it.
  6. Some quick impressions: - Graphics are gorgeous but the spell effects could be better - Characted models, and particularly faces, are a bit ugly and featureless - Characters need better contrast - they blend into the background quite a lot and are difficult to distinguish - Combat is chaotic - I can't figure out what is going on - need better prompts. Right now, I feel I have little control over what's happening - All the popup ballons and text should be smoother and better made - the stats popup for enemies takes half the screen! There should also be an option to turn off the health dots and stamina bars in combat - Need more combat anymations!! Characters only swing one way - Dialogue bar is too small even with reduced fonts - I'd suggest moving it in the center of the screen and making it wider, while have the party commands on the right
  7. Some quick impressions: - Graphics are gorgeous but the spell effects could be better - Characted models, and particularly faces, are a bit ugly and featureless - Characters need better contrast - they blend into the background quite a lot and are difficult to distinguish - Combat is chaotic - I can't figure out what is going on - need better prompts. Right now, I feel I have little control over what's happening - All the popup ballons and text should be smoother and better made - the stats popup for enemies takes half the screen! There should also be an option to turn off the health dots and stamina bars in combat - Need more combat anymations!! Characters only swing one way - Dialogue bar is too small even with reduced fonts - I'd suggest moving it in the center of the screen and making it wider, while have the party commands on the right
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