That's funny, because none of us has done that. So it's you being a fanatic isn't it? No, nobody can prove there is a God, but neither can you prove there isn't. It's one of the oldest and most pointless arguments ever. I believe there is a God. I really believe we all have souls, and that's where moral compunctions and a self awareness stem from. I've stood on the west coast of Kerry for hours, just staring out at the horizon. I can really feel something, I don't know what it is, and I'm not nearly poetic enough to describe it without sounding like a dramatic jackass. If it's a chemical reaction in my brain with foggy dew and sea-fresh smell as the catalyst, then fine, that's what it is. I'll die and that'll be the end, just like all the earth worms and seagulls which have died before me. I don't see how believing in a God makes you weak minded. The alternative, Oblivion, is not good nor bad, it just isn't. So in that case, it wouldn't be something to dread.