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Nomine Vacans

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Posts posted by Nomine Vacans

  1. MEh. The golden one leaves your entire face exposed and has that big lion on top that not only weight a lot, but would also catch any blade you try to duck under.

    I can live with gaps for breating in my helmet - chances of a blade slipping trough are minimal, especialyl since the gaps are samll, and I need oxygen.


    Crest (in the European tradition - Kleinod) - decoration mounted on top of the helmet , originally made of the horns of animals and feathers of birds. This element was developed during a joust and served as an additional identification mark, by which a knight may be seen in the confusion of tournament battle, because the figure could be seen from afar better than a coat of arms depicted on the shield.

    Crests were made of light wood, leather, and papier-mâché, but over time they began to be produced from the more valuable materials.


  2. Thus I said "the Knight wears", because he clearly wears Maximilian (inspired) armour, I just couldn't find a good picture of it. Nevertheless the armour in the picture is not Maximilian, you're right. I still couldn't find a picture, but I think a video is just as good

    Yes, heavily inspired by Maximilian. I just make wrong conclusions due to attached picture. My bad.

    I haven't played Dark Souls, so my knowledge about the game is limited by Google-dzutsu =)

  3. Because I can enjoy a game with an aesthetic I may not like means I have no valid arguments? You enjoyed PS:T (I'm assuming) so I guess you have no valid arguments either?

    I've enjoyed Fallout as well, so let's bring powerarmor and miniguns in P:E?

    You opposing realistic design with no particular reason for it, just for the sake of opposing something.


    By the way: High Fantasy doesn't single out realistic and historically inspired armor. Proof? Dark Souls or Dragon's Dogma. The Knight in Dark Souls wears a Maximilian armor, 16th century German plate armor. Of course it's not a historically accurate design, but it's cleary inspired by it. The armor that the Chosen One wears at the beginning of Dragon's Dogma is probably 14th century inspired.




    To be fair It's not a Maximillian armor) It's stylization for some generic European armor, quite adequate, but it's clearly not a Maximilian and not of 16th century)


    Just to be clear with terms. =)

    It's good looking armor (in Dark Souls) and it is realistic enough (doesn't have to be a replica).

  4. PS:T still had gravity, blades and spikes in it were still sharp, and unwieldy **** would have still been unwieldy. If one were to make a "realistic" planescape game then armor there would still have to be functional despite it's crazy setting. However, this was not the case in PS:T and as far as I can tell the fans didn't really have a problem with that.

    Like I said earlier you can't really argue immersion or taste because those things are highly subjective. The only real argument you can have is about what the intended audience of Project: Eternity would like. Seeing as we can't exactly poll all 75k backers we have to extrapolate based on the data we have. This poll, for instance, shows that the games that most brought people here were PS:T, followed by BG, and followed further by "other or multiples" with most of those answers being BG + PS:T. That finding is in line with the fact that P:E was directly advertised as being a modern Infinity Engine game. Now, is it possible that the majority of the fans of those games loved them enough to invest in a spiritual successor while at the same time hating the armor choices they made (while never really complaining about it, despite the internet loving to bitch)? Sure, but it's not very likely.

    Are you familiar with AD&D Planescape Setting outside of Planescape: Torment? Planescape is one of the most unique and eclectic settings. Comparing Planescape to generic fantasy (like Grayhawk or Forgotten Realms) is just incongruously.

    As for realistic armor making games bad: no because aesthetics are not the end all be all of what makes a game good. For me as long as a game has solid game play and good writing then I'll likely enjoy it, but having a look that I like certainly doesn't hurt the experience (which brings us back to what would the average backer of P:E prefer; realism or surrealism, form or function).There have been several great games that had a realistic and functional design aesthetics, but Project: Eternity wasn't advertised as a successor to those games.

    So you don't have any real complaints or valid arguments, you just want to argue. How good of you.

  5. Obsidian has said they don't want to make P:E typical high fantasy either (as evidenced by guns, the whole soul mechanic, etc.).


    As for why I'm defending them; because this is a discussion, or is your idea of a proper discussion one where everyone agrees with you so you can stroke your ego and feel smart?

    And how existance of guns and soul-based magic put P:E in line with Planescape's eclectic craziness (in a good sence)?

    My idea of a proper discussion is one where opponents basing their statements on facts and logical conclusions, not empty rethorics of "I know what majority want".

    And I will repeat my previous question: do you believe that game will be bad because of higher than normal amount of common sense and better designed armor?

  6. That's kinda the point of the PST pictures; you can have fantastical armor designs without a game being ruined forever.

    And Planescape is clearly a typical high fantasy setting. Of course.

    Would you like to have sci-fi costumes in P:E because they look good in Star Trek?


    If you don't care about unrealistic armors and concept why do you protecting them so vigorously? Do you belive that game will be bad becouse of highter than normal amount of common sence and better designed armor?

  7. The argument in this thread is whether unrealistic armor should be in Project: Eternity or not. Since taste and immersion are highly subjective (for me it's good game play and writing that provides immersion; realism is pretty much a none-issue) the only real argument to have is what the majority of the community prefers. In that regard, all the evidence points to people, by and large, not caring if armor is unrealistic. If you have evidence to the contrary then feel free to present it and we can have a discussion about it. However, saying that unrealistic armor makes for bad video games is as an asinine a statement as saying romcoms are objectively better movies than action flicks; it's all a matter of taste.

    "Most of IE fans don't care about realistic armor concepts, therefore armor concepts should be retarded because *I* like it."

    Your logic is flawless as always.

  8. This is ridiculous.

    Are you a troll or just retarded?


    No, it isn't. What he's saying is that melee combatants like fighter, paladin or barbarian don their armour, equip their sword\axe whatever and go on whacking enemies left and right with no worries whatsoever. Their damage is more than enough and their armour makes them nigh invulnerable to simple enemies. If those enemies are boss-ish like, for example, Guardian in IWD2 they get haste and some cleric buffs and then go whack that someone in a couple of rounds.


    And when you take even the best mage and try doing the same even measly goblins will swarm you in seconds. To be effective as a mage you need to spend an hour putting on every protective spell possible, then, if you're not fighting goblins you need to spend another hour lowering their defences to go through their saving throws and spell resistance. And then, if the encounter featured like 10-15 enemies, you have to rest.


    So, yes. Mages have greater potential power but this power requires you to literally spend hours on buffs and rest. So if you're not powergaming on some Heart of fury(I think) or Ironman mode, party of mostly warriors is prefferable. 2-3 buffs and you are ready to go punching dragons until the area is clear of enemies.

    yeah, because Gish is clearly must be a Wizard (20) *facepalm*

  9. i hope they have rainbow spiky armor with humongous shoulder plates and 10 ft glowing buster swords.



    would the realism aspies kill themselves if this happened...i wonder...



    no matter that every piece of concept art and dev info that has come out indicates a realistic approach, no, we need to discuss this ad nauseum just because: "It's our way or nothing at all."

    how else you get your butthurt delivered to you, nerdboy? =P

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