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Nomine Vacans

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Posts posted by Nomine Vacans

  1. The idea is to change the name from Monk to Flagellant, seeing as that's what we are getting from Obsidian in Forton.


    Should the Monk in P:E be called "Flagellant" instead?

    Flagellant: http://en.wikipedia....ern_flagellants

    Flagellants are practioners of an extreme form of mortification of their own flesh by whipping it with various instruments.

    I belive you used wrong link for what you had in mind.

    http://www.games-wor...questid=1675683 (is it OK with forum rules to use such links?)

    When war threatens, bands of crazed Flagellants instinctively gravitate towards battlefields, appearing unannounced and charging headlong towards the enemy without fear or hesitation. Flagellants fight in a crazed frenzy, driven insane by the horrors the world has inficted upon them and desperate for their pain to end.
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  2. 1. Furries must be burned. Their uncleanness must be purged. No exeptions.

    2. "A talented martial artist (eastern or western arts) skilled with a staff is the equal of a swordsman." Stick is stick, sword is sword. It's like saying what skilled man with a slingshot is equal to man with a gun. Bullsh*t.

    3. Lether must be equal to plate mail and daggers to swords? wtf are you talking about?

    4. Also characters must be able to become addict and ruin their families and careers... (no real objections at this point)

  3. 1. What if (hypothetically) I don't want to going through objectives? What if I want to improve myself (my character) by overcoming challenges of combat, getting harder from fight to fight, grow over myself in mastery and prowes? Shall I be forced to do "quests" and "objectives"? Isn't it a needless limitation of gameplay possibilities?

    2. It's much harder to disigning and balancing a game around "objective only" character advancement, since it's not an Action/RPG like a Deus Ex or VtM: Bloodlines (last one is more of RPG of course, but poorly designed one). Having a lot of successfull RPGs based on "experience for kill" concept and few very arguably fine games based on "objective only", bringing up a question: is it worth a risk of basing entire gameplay on doubtful idea instead of a concept well proven by time? If we talking about an old school hardcore RPG why don't make it old school indeed?

    P.S. sorry for my english, obviously not my native language :-

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