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Everything posted by zion22

  1. Im leaving this forum for good to many teptation for my weak mind :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:
  2. WALBE BASEM of the planet hash! pretty crappy name gen
  4. I dont really wont to now any thing els, maybe sum more on the prestige classes.
  5. Thos pic look grait, and i sore that kreia got to the station on the ebon halk
  6. Aarrrgh! My precious eyes...it burns!! Kill it! Kill it now! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> to first statment to second <_<
  7. dont spoil his little city infation
  8. I had to go with bioware since so far there obsidian hasen't released a game MO may change after TSL bhut till then I'm going with one I now and love
  9. Um.....you could talk with all of them.....only one of them clicked and beeped. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and one graaaaed rorrrred :D :D
  10. Give me hoods an I'l wait for feb :D
  11. I want one of those bugeyed alians dont now there name. and I want him\her to be a jedi. PS, NO WOOKKIEE'S
  12. yes thanks you did a grait job my the foce be with you :D :D
  13. site looks grait with all those dodads thingmijiggs. but they didient have much more info on it
  14. All ways have mea next bahits a rule <_<
  15. I found that I like the first part of KOTOR, before you became a jedi the best and the most enjoyerbull
  16. We all have choices but sometimes there just swirling of the foce and someimes there more. :D
  17. To all the devs don't show us stuff we can't have like the those cool jedi robes and those republice uniforms and that fishy looking guy and the cool planet and sith on dantoween.beginns ranting like a loon jumps of stool and runs sceaming down the street yelling robes robes. :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:
  18. Thay do argue, if i remember it was on dantoween.
  19. I feel as craftman does there is very litlle differans between them in look only more feats and powers,
  20. Citadel station is just a remake of cloud city.
  21. I'm old fashan ITs green all thye way for me.
  22. Im going with yoda. mace coming in close behind, samual J with lightsabar the coolest.
  23. That's because most girls have cooties and this is a cootie free web forum. :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <_<
  24. the new sport for TSL, dich swoop racing I wont a basalisk racing, first one one to the surface win's :D
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