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About rsgeiger

  • Rank
    Scribe Extrodinare of the Order
    (1) Prestidigitator


  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  1. I also want to congratulate the Order on their awesome team spirit! This truly only happens once a generation. And a very happy holidays to all!
  2. The official history: The Pink one never thought about tomorrow; He ate and swallowed, drowning his sorrow. In a fit of madness, in flew Sir Baddass! Calling the Pink one a monster, a gluttony impostor. Good to his word, out flew his sword. He hacked and cut, but the goo did anything but. The Pink one ate the fool's tool, and thus began to drool. It tasted quite heavenly, a full on symphony! He then had a hunch, and began to munch, Much to Lord Baddass's dismay. The Pink one rejoiced! There was finally a choice! Holy metal soothed his soul; didn't even need the bowl! He began a quest, forsooth, to mend his sweet tooth! And thus began Lord Kerfluffleupogus's story, tales of tidings so gory! So saith the Scribe of the Obsidian Order....
  3. Is survived in Life By his blind Wife Who stuck him with a Knife Thinking it was his Fife
  4. Thanks Matt, and thanks guys. I am happy to wait.
  5. Yeah, I'm not counting the weekend, but I did send my request in on monday, and I got the automated responce in my mailbox that the request for help was recieved. And I'm glad you got help
  6. Hi loyal Eternians, Has anyone tried to get support using the "Contact Us" button and got a response? I sent in a request a week ago, but still no word. And I know they are busy, so I'll keep waiting, but I still want to see if anyone had more luck than I have so far. For clarity, this is all about the pledge manager. Cheers R.S.Geiger
  7. Elthosian, Use paypal on the front page of the Project Eternity website. Give the money you need to give and email them all the details (the instructions are there). You can get your soundtrack that way.
  8. Upped my pledge! ) I pronounce myself R.S.Geiger, Scribe Extrodinare of the Order!
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