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Greetings, all! How viable is a solo PotD Wizard? I assume you'll be sneaking a lot for exploration EXP to get your level up and generally avoiding fighting in the early game. When it comes to killing things, that... seems best left to an expert on the subject. What should people attempting this know beforehand?
Greetings, all! I'm currently soloing Path of the Damned. How common are camping supplies? I'm level 3 going on level 4 and my character (a Fire Godlike Chanter with full stats here) hasn't rested yet. I'm relying on kiting and summoning to get foes' attention. Yes, I'm at Critical Fatigue, but there's no Critical Critical Fatigue in this game, meaning I'm free to stealth and steal things throughout the game world! Mwahahaha! Yes, camping supplies. How prevalant are they? Can I run out? I'm still exploring the overworld map's northwest portion. I found 3 sets of camping supplies so far (1 in Cilant Lis and 2 in the next area). I have money to stay at inns, but there's the matter of avoiding fatigue when I transition maps. (I have 0 Athletics and no Stronghold.)
Adding to the list: 8: Player-placed map markers! Baldur's Gate II included this and I loved it! It was so spiffy to be able to leave in-game notes for myself. "Door locked." "Come back at level 20." Notes like that! 2: (Addendum)) In addition, if this is included, allow players to choose the personality point spread they want from the legal options, like 1 Aggressive, 2 Clever.
Greetings, all! While Obsidian is stlll in the mood to heavily modify things via patches, I find this a good time to include suggestiosn for future Pillars of Eternity versions. Note that I am generally enjoying what I've played so far and wish to make this game even more perfect! Suggestions 1: Please allow us to manually name our saves! Dragon Age: Origins did it. Baldur's Gate did it. Divinity: Original Sin did it. Being able to name my saves tells me where I've been and lets me tell myself where to go next and what to do there. 2: For those who have completed the intro sequence, please add an option to allow skipping that. (This may not apply on Trial of Iron mode.) We'd simply get all the items of the introductory sequence, all the EXP, etc. and be placed at the northeast entrance to the Gilded Vale. 3: In the options menu, allow an adjustable number of autosave and quicksave slots (minimum 1, maximum 20). Doing so lets people have quicksave and autosave rotations. On the player side, this requires less effort than manually saving 'just in case,' especially with no manual save names. Divinity: Original Sin does this. 4: For all descriptions (and I'm looking at you, Fire Godlike), have the tooltip show exactly what the ability does. In the case of Fire Godlikes, what's the bonus to DR and the damage inflicted in melee when the Fire Godlike is below 50% Endurance? 5: May we get other battle music tracks? Divinity: Original Sin includes a variety of battle tracks. Maybe it's because I've only played as far as the first town that I keep hearing the same battle music. 6: I'd greatly like the ability to also access the level up screen via my character sheet, a la Baldur's Gate. Make a LEVEL UP button on the character sheet UI. Bam! Problem solved! 7: In the options menu, add a toggle for whether the game should pause when it loses focus, like when someone alt-tabs out. In other games, I often order my units to move then alt-tab to find something interesting on the Internet, then return to see it done. I'm grateful that we can use Double Speed, and I'd like this option too.
Inc: Why only 10 INT in that build? What race?
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- Path of the Damned
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Intro Greetings, all! I'm doing a Spotty run - solo Path of the Damned (SPOTD). Why? Because I think I've found a winning formula! The short answer? Bide my time with super high defenses then summon disposable minions and traps - repeatedly! (I call it "Stalling for summoning!" or SFS for short!) Having soloed Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition, Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition, and much of Baldur's Gate II, I learned the best way to solo any game is to make your one unit have the strength of many via mind control, crowd control, and summoning. (Alternatively, just slaughter everything so well it can't fight back. That didn't work for me in Pillars of Eternity.) I got to the first town and am level 2 - sort of. I have the EXP but have not yet leveled. I wanted to ask y'all about your thoughts on this character. Stats, including from race and background! Fire Godlike Chanter1 (Fire Godlike is for the +Damage Reduction and fire damage on melee hit when below 50% Endurance. The +1 Intelligence also helps!) Might 3 (Summons do my work.) Constitution 18 (I must endure until I can summon.) Dexterity 4 (Summons still do my work.) Perception 19 (I dlslike being interrupted. See also Constitution.) Intelligence 16 (Larger AoEs and longer lingers and better dialog options? Yay!) Resolve 18 (Defense, ahoy!) Chants -Make It Go Faster [blessed Was Wendrigh, Quickest of His Tribe] (Kiting with ranged weapons and escaping hazardous situations are things.) -Sharp Weapon Resistance [Dull the Edge, Blunt the Point] (10% less damage is good.) Invocations -Phantom Pain [but Reny Daret's Ghost, He Would not Rest] (Phantoms have higher Deflection and attack than skeletons.) Skills Lore 3 (I like scrolls.) Mechanics 2 (I like laying and disarming traps.) Others 0 (I'd max Stealth if it meant a strong chance of total 'invisibility' a la Infinity Engine games.) End Current Stats - Begin Prospective Stats Items and Enchantments I plan to wear the highest Damage Reduction I can equip ASAP due to stalling for summons. Stat-wise, what are my priorities? I like all stats, but CON and Perception seem best for my continued not dying. Do I need a crafting/enchanting in-game recipe to perform the crafting or enchanting? What other items are best for me to get, enchant, and use? What enchantments are best? Remember, > > minimal spoilers! < < Prospective Skills -How much Lore do I need to use each level of scroll? -How much Mechanics do I need to unlock everything? How high should my Mechanics skill be otherwise? -How much Stealth is worthwhile? Remember, I can save and reload. -Athletics and Survival: What numbers of these should I have? They don't seem especially useful. Deflection and Prospective Talents As for the future, I've heard I should just stack Deflection (via talents, items, etc.) as high as possible. This means, talent-wise, I take Weapon and Shield Style then 5 stacks of Superior Deflection (+10 Deflection each). This seems... boring, but I know too little of the game to say otherwise. These talents look interesting: -Ancient Memory [Chanter-Only] (Heal while I chant? Awesome! The amount I heal per second? Um...) -Body Control [Any Class] (It's +10% resistance against most stunlocks, but the spirits who target Deflection make Superior Deflection a better choice.) -Fast Runner (+1 movement speed. +5 Deflection vs. disengaging. Kiting still works and this saves me a song most the time. It still stacks with Make It Go Faster.) -Powerful Traps [Any Class] (It's more damage from some traps. How worth it is it?) -Superior Deflection [Any Class] (+10 Deflection. Stacks with itself. Boring but practical.) -Weapon and Shield Style [Any Class] (+6 shield Deflection and my shield's Deflection bonus also applies to my Reflex. Sounds good - tentatively.) Prospective Phrases - Level 1 (+2 @L1, +1 @L3) -Chant of Broken Concentration (Enemies are more likely to experience interruptions in their flailings and castings.) -Chant of Slowly Killing Everything (It does Raw(?) Endurance damage to all foes in the area - slowly. My Might affects damage dealt. This seems like a 'meh' pick,) Prospective Phrases - Level 2 (+1 @L5, L7) -Chant of Disney's Frozen (Only matters if I'm moving away from my foes and they're following in my wake. Having seen how enemies cluster in some sections of this game, this seems like a low priority. See also the Chant of Slowly Killing Everything.) -Chant of Ranged Attacks (I like kiting. This helps me kite. It also relies on kiting. As useful as kiting.) -Chant of the Scaredy Pants (-2 Dexterity and -2 Resolve are just gravy compared to -10 melee and ranged accuracy! Note AoE though, and this is mostly better against melee.) Prospective Phrases - Level 3 (+1 @L9, L11) -Chant of Burning Blades (40 Slash and 40 Burn damage per tick to those near me. Might be worthwhile. Seems better than the Chant of Burning Hands.) -Chant of Burning Hands (Ally attacks do +25 Burn damage. Does Might affect this? Is it worth it?) -Chant of Practical Deflection (+10 Deflection to self and all friendlies in range. A debatably slight improvement over the level 2 version.) Prospective Invocations - Level 1 (+1 @L1, +1@ L2, L4) -Cone of Blown (Stuns foes in melee range then pushes them back slightly. Handy for disengaging. Is another invocation better?) -Cone of Moan (Summons 3 worms from the corpse of any foe that died this fight. Also explodes corpses in range, dealing Crush damage.) -The Thanatos Trio (Summon 3 skeletons. They help flank and deal some damage. Each is ntoably weak, even at level 1. This invocation doesn't scale well.) Prospective Invocations - Level 2 (+1 @L6, L8) -Be Mine! (Charms foes in melee range for 8 seconds. Mine!) -Summon Dragon Babies (Are the 3 units I get with this summon better than the 2 I get with Summon Wisps?) -Summon Wisps (If I get 2 units per summon instead of 3 from the same level ability, they seem more individually powerful. True?) Prospective Invocations - Level 3 (+1 @L10, L12) -Disposable Drake (I summon a drake. Worth it?) -"He Did It! No, He Did It!" (Summon 2 ogres. How does this compare to a lone drake?) -Let It Snow (45-60 Freeze damage - before Might? - to foes around me. I may already have Chant of Burning Blades. I'm not convinced Let It Snow is worth it. Convince me.) End Prospective Stats
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Greetings, all! A solo Cipher on PotD at early levels felt frustrating and like suicide. (I only got to the first town.) A Chanter's 'Thunder Rolls' and 'Summon Skeleton' and 'DR to Piercing and Slashing' abilities greatly help. I was considering going Wood Elf Chanter, maxing MGT, DEX, and INT, dumping PER and RES and putting the rest into CON. I use a (cross)bow as my main weapon and use a kite and smite strategy. I Stealth as much as practical and lay traps to end fights quickly (Mechanics). If I'm still allowed to take a second class later in the game, I'm seriously considering Wizard or Cipher. Both give me crowd control and I know Cipher can confuse and Charm foes from level 1. How much Stealth and Mechanics are practical for this build? What specific abilities are notably spiffy or bad for me?
The game hands you a Human Fighter companion at the start and there's the option to get a Human Rogue companion soon thereafter. Once the tutorial area ends, then soloing begins. So far, an Elf Cipher maxing DEX, INT, Might, and Resolve (in that priority order) and dumping CON and PER has gotten me out of the tutorial zones. Stealth, Mechanics, Whispers of Treason, and bows have done me well to get me this far! Also, Confusion on the enemies (via Tenuous Grasp) is wonderful! Eyestrike is also appealing as my first AoE.
Greetings, all! Having played Baldur's Gate II and Divinity: Original Sin lately, these seem like oversights/omissions in Pillars of Eternity. 1: No map markers. Baldur's Gate II had these! I can make my own physical or out-of-game maps, but this is 2015. Why should I have to? 2: No way to name my saves. Baldur's Gate II had these! I'd like to be able to make note of my progress in each save's name. Did I just kill a boss or get a spiffy item? That's noted. I could also rename a save file to say "BEFORE VERY IMPORTANT DECISION Y" just in case I wanted to try more than one way of a decision. Finally, these are minor gripes in the face of what is so far a very spiffy game. Thankee!