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No Deities from me this time, just chiming in on different ideas about Deities and a little on worship. I too would like to see something beyond "X worshippers means Y power for God/Goddess who can't live without them". Especially when we don't know how the Deities were "created". Gods and Goddesses could be souls of people who refused to move onto another life for whatever reason (agenda, obsession, Larger Than Life qualities, etc.) or can't (another must take their place, stuck, not recognizing something about themselves keeping them as a God, etc.), which I think would be interesting since it allows for knowledge that it's possible to become a God/Goddess (not the exact how), but have the stipulation of death and giving up the next life while keeping this all in relation to souls. It could be the extremity of those traits is such an unknown factor that it would cause the majority to not randomly decide to die for possible Godhood, though some would still try anyways. This also means that Godhood wouldn't always be by choice either. This makes it harder for Deities to try and step away to rejoin the cycle, but not impossible. So, worshippers could be willing (or unwilling) candidates to take over office after they have died. If it's unknown what about the surrounding idea of worship as "good for the soul" so it's more about the interactions on themselves then the person being worshipped while creating a relationship. However, if the possibility is known then it would shake things up for why a zealot is a zealot or not. Could be some mortals are desperate to take over that office or love who is there and want them to stay, or perhaps frantically hope they will be ignored so long as they worship like a good person and remain ordinary. Again, no guarantee on any of this, which means a soul might stay a Deity forever and never get the chance to properly live in the world again. But, with the chance they could go back to the world would make a Deity generally a little more invested into the going-ons of the world. What soul is acting as the Deity could then influence the religion's position on how it spreads (or shrinks), fractures, conquers, etc. I think this would give a little more power back to the Deities, which would be nice instead of always having to rely on mortals to "stay alive" or matter in the actual world. It would also give Deities another reason to pay attention to the world or turn their back on it, because if they have knowledge of the possibility they could return, they may wish to change what they see. This would add then to why mortals don't always know why a Deity wants something done, but to the Deity there certainly is a reason. Plus, creating that "disconnect" quality should a Deity ever be stumbled upon by a mortal. Finally, should a Deity actually move onto another life it could account for an "old soul" quality instead of just having lived through many, many lives. Edit: Cause paragraphs are nicer on the eyes, even with awkward transistions.
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Lordy, did I get excited at this idea haha. I tend to enjoy the idea of flawed Gods and Goddesses because it always adds an extra dimension to not only the Gods, but also their worshippers. So when I start creating Gods or Goddesses for writing there tends to be a duality to them. There was another Goddess I would've created besides the ones I list below, but I need sleep. I will probably add on as time goes by potentially. Basically she would be considered a Goddess of locks and to a lesser degree security. While she may be worshipped by those wanting to have their homes, loved ones, or things safe guarded, she would also be worshipped by criminals for the purpose to gain easy entry or locks open with ease. Considering how in my mind she's a bit of an imp she would certainly go either way. Creation was tricky since we don't know what cultural norms are within the chosen society for this (or these?) pantheons and that can be highly influencing. I was also guilty of thinking of it in relation to potential quests or influences on mechanics, but that is pretty glossed over for the characters. Lack of cultural cues also caused the names to be all over the place instead of with a uniformity. So, here are a few I've created. I will state that I see the overall "mother and father" of this group rather remote and might not even be their actual parents, but just taking on the role. Anyways, brace for wall of text! Goddesses: Alora, Goddess of the Lost and a Guide of Souls. Tall, thin, and a pale blue woman with long hair swept back in a dark blue ribbon. Blue is considered her color along with violets and grays. The reason for this is because she voluntarily took away all of her warmth and compassion to fulfill this role when the pantheon asked for a volunteer. Scholars believe her choice had been influenced because she lost her only child. The gender of the child is a mystery, but it is agreed this was her only one. There are quite a few theories about how she lost the child: killed by her jealous brother Camaroon (and there are many theories over why he was jealous), that when Alora had possessed warmth and compassion it was too much, resulting in either the neglect or smothering of her child; there is even a theory it was all a careless accident during one of the many petty fights among the gods. However, the factions within her church are divided by the reason she volunteered. There are those who believe she had become a guide of the lost and souls to find her child (either living or not). Others that she had done so in grief that continues for eternity. Others still that she had decided to become the guide to try and prevent other mothers from feeling her sorrow while trying to soothe those who have moved on and ones left behind. This particular theory though is controversial, but as a smaller faction is grows slowly in popularity around wartimes. Now, her favored creature is considered the willow wisp (or whatever would be considered equivalent there) because they are generally considered guides to the lost. Some say these wisps are actually souls employed by her or her lantern. She has particular patronage among sailors, mothers, wives, travelers, rangers, and people of woodcraft. Alora rarely speaks. Messages are usually interpreted from how she would hold her shuttered lantern or how she would shut or open the shutter. It is generally accepted that this is more of a voluntary silence and many would be wise to listen should she decide to speak. Meredith the Goddess of cloth, marriage, and fertility. She's a curly, dark haired and dark eyed woman. The colors associated with her tend to be oranges and reds due to the nature of her Goddess hood. The reason she is also a Goddess of cloth is because of the cloth exchanged between soon-to-be husbands and wives for marriage clothes and the first outfits made for a baby (a cultural assumption here). Many of her worshippers tend to be weavers, cloth makers, seamstresses, tailors, and others that are involved with cloth. Many of her temples are not only places of worship, but also sell cloth, which is noted for being strong and sturdy. It is almost considered unlucky to not get your wedding cloth from one of her temples. Otherwise she's popular for those wishing a good match or birth from those intimately involved or the family surrounding the couple. She's considered loving and full of laughter, but practical for the end result. She will gladly think marrying a dowdy lawyer a suitable match over the singing chanter, whether or not feelings are involved. This has caused more than a few to curse her name due to their married partner. They say if a child is born who laughs instead of cries then she has blessed him or her. On the other side, if a child is still born that means Meredith had become too fond of the babe and decided to keep him for herself and will burn her cloth in retaliation. These reactions have often put her at odds with Alora and her brother Chelek. She favors the (whatever would be the equivalent) kookaburra due to its laugh, which is also considered a blessing at weddings. However, many husbands and blushing brides have also been embarrassed by her laughter on their wedding night. Gods: Chelek the God of love. He has a very dual personality as he is considered extremely alpha and macho, but is also known for being tender and vulnerable. Many think it's because Chelek does not want to be limited to displaying only a particular kind of love while others argue he shows love as a form of manipulation. This also leads him to a slight manic personality being caught between such different ways of love. His worshippers are commonly divided between the idea of love being shown in many different forms and using love to get what one wants. No one is really surprised his worshippers tend to be star-crossed lovers, serial cheaters, prostitutes, and newlyweds. Chelek is one of the younger Gods with Meredith being his closest older sister. Some stories say Meredith actually made him out of cloth as a present to her mother and father. This does not stop him from fighting with her. On the contrary he’s usually the one to start things. Typically it’s over something she has done or a match she decided on. There is no particular color association with his role; the common joke is because he can't decide because he loves them all. He's also constantly changing his appearance, though he favors short auburn hair and a chin strap beard. Parson as God of the Hunt and Animals. Fierce, animalistic, and without fault blood thirsty when the possibility of a hunt occurs. He has motley green hair and a thick beard. Color association is generally green, but also brown. He's at constant odds with his sisters and brothers as they tend to be in his way of a hunt or object to his choice of prey. They would not have these objections so often if humans were not considered one of his choices. Because of this there is the suggestion he is a little mad as Gods go. A sudden shiver down one’s spine has been associated with luck that Parson decided he did not want to hunt you that day. While his hunts do run the typical you’re dropped in the woods and you better run style, it can also mean constant business plans are failing or changing for instance. He actually has little regard for humans, finding the death of an animal more grievous compared to a human’s. Mainly because he believes they should know better, no matter what it was. There are positive associations with him, which usually means he has teamed up with his younger brother Chelek. More than once Parson has been preyed to by a suitor wanting to gain his or her quarry in love or lust. His worshippers also are hunters, those living among the woods, bounty hunters, and even law officials. Now, while one may be unlucky enough to be pursued by Parson, they may also be one of the rare lucky ones allowed to hunt with him. The criteria is unknown still as there have been noblemen, potters, brick layers, tailors, and even once a young housewife that has joined him on a hunt. Pairs: Tia and Tarus the God and Goddess of the Arts, particularly Music and Dance. Popular legend is they were only separated once, and that was at their birth. This has caused some suggestions of incest for their relationship, depending on how their stories are viewed. Their interest otherwise is more concerned on creating art, music, and dancing together. Tia and Tarus were born from a song created by their father to their considered mother, sprouting from the notes he had written down. Both are with a dark (almost a deep purple) hair color and tan skin. Sometimes they are depicted as teens instead of adults, depending on how the temple views their relationship. Red is associated with them due to the passion required for the arts. They are said to never be walking, but always waltzing or sashaying to their destinations together. Generally their worshippers are artists or those wishing to gain the talent. There are a few pieces (name what you like) that are considered works where the twins led Insert Famous Composer/Artist Here to completion. There are also some they are blamed for driving to madness from the need to create. Animals they are found of tend to be birds, not only for their songs, but also those that tend to mate for life like the swan. They generally keep to themselves, content to create with each other while trying to ignore their siblings’ squabbles. However, it is said they can certainly change the tide of a fight should they pick a side, such is the power of their art. Unknown: Irid is the Keeper of Secrets. So secretive that many are clueless as to Irid's gender. (Cultural assumption here) It’s created the phrase “So-and-So is over there trying to figure out if Irid is a man or woman” as a way of saying someone is wasting their time. Color association tends to be brown due to the robe ze wears. Hir most dedicated followers will shave their head in hir likeness as ze has shaved hir head. Irid’s worshippers will not remain in their temples, but wander the streets and back alleys as to give any a chance to share their secrets with them. Some nobles or merchants will employ their own personal Keepers. All secrets are committed to memory, even if they are never to be said aloud or written down. Should a person be lucky enough to tell Irid all their secrets when confessing they say it feels like their soul has been washed anew (cultural and game play assumption here). However, because this knowledge is considered so sacred it is considered a grave breach for a follower to share with someone, even if for a good reason. The fact Irid loves secrets (why is up to debate since Irid never shared) have led to a number of conflicts between hir brothers and sisters. Most of the stories give the reason as either Irid being told something ze shouldn’t have been or ze knows something another of hir siblings wishes to know. Alora has a particular grudge against hir. Scholars believe it might involve how Alora lost her child. This same grudge revolves around a rumored book Irid has where ze kept the Gods’ secrets, but scholars go back and forth on whether it exists. Worshippers tend to be scholars, historians, criminals, and general seekers of knowledge.
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Just throwing in my two cents/copper pieces/shinies. While I do sometimes prefer a blank slate, I like having some personalized flavor involved; though a little more than Dragon Age: Origins where it doesn't really matter what you pick it feels like, but not railroaded into choices. I recall a video game ages back that let you click on traits ("I click adopted, cursed, and I fell on my head as a child" as an example.), that would affect reactions, how your journal was written (the arsonist one was particularly amusing there), and to a degree the story line Perhaps have it as a choice to be a blank slate or you can pick some traits that affect story line, how people react, etc. like
Thanks to gog I got BG I and II, IWD I and II to replay. Going through BG I currently. Figured after I finish the BGs I'll move onto the IWDs, which I tend to prefer a little more.
Well this is the first time I'm pledging $100 on Kickstarter. Remembered I hadn't added on the expansion to the $80 tier I was at. Now I'll really be living as a hermit until next payday, but so worth it!
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