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Everything posted by Ninjamestari

  1. haha, looks like there's an 'm' missing from the word 'many' xD
  2. Hey! I was going to say yes to that question! EDIT: to be quite honest, I don't think racism is that interesting as a 'moral issue'. As a phenomenon it is more interesting, and if it is a major theme in deadfire, I hope they observe it more as a phenomenon, it's reasons and implications, rather than making a sad attempt at moral commentary like most games and movies do. Like attracts like and rejecting 'the other' is simple practical reality for limited and vulnerable biological creatures such as us. It's not inherently evil, it's just a natural fear of the unknown; which is important because the unknown *can* be incredibly dangerous, and a certain care needs to be exercised when exploring it. Bravery is one thing, but suicidal foolishness is completely another. People naturally create factions over similarities, racial traits being one of them, and then these factions naturally oppose one-another. Stupid black dudes hate white dudes and stupid white dudes hate black dudes, and intelligent white dudes and intelligent black dudes just hate stupid dudes, but can't be on the side of eachother because the stupid dudes outnumber them 20 to 1, so they naturally pick their racial faction instead. This phenomenon is as old as humanity, and it will never go away.
  3. This. Threat is just a mechanic that allows you to game AI behavior, which is kinda stupid. I've never liked threat as a function of damage dealt/healed. The less MMO-bull**** there is in an RPG, the better.
  4. I'm fairly rigid, but I'm 6'7", does that mean I can't be a bureaucrat? Yes, I'm sorry if this realization crushed your dreams.
  5. To be honest, I really don't give a rat about etiquette, but his outfit really make my eyes want to vomit ^^ And my inner 15 year old rebel is dead, he died of starvation about a decade ago. Everything that stupid little punk ever wanted just happened and now the world is ****ed up for it.
  6. I don't think anything looks as stupid as a freaking cap with a suit. Why the hell does everyone these days have to try so hard to look like a retarded teenager? Just had to get that out of my system
  7. Well, not completely for everyone...A character can actively do one thing at a time: damage, heal, buff, debuff. A dedicated support doesn't need PER for healing and buffing. In current beta, he can easily get away with something like: 3/17/18/3/19/18. Yeah, but it's still a completely binary "all in" or "none at all" pick, at least it was in PoE 1, so for me Perception is the prime candidate to be axed. Str can be made more interesting by tying it to using heavier equipment and armor in some way And Res is a wonderful stat to boost passive abilities, such as constant regen and paladin auras. You could even add duration to Resilience and add skillpoints to Int. The point I'm making here is that you don't need to think purely on "might" vs "str + res", as there are countless other options available to make the stats more interesting. Think outside the box people, the feeling I'm getting that neither of these supposed options is actually any good, so they should just both be canned and the whole thing thought over again.
  8. If I get to make stupid comments about Palleginas feathers in the game, I'll be happy.
  9. It's true that PoE1 didn't really have any humorous elements, but I really don't play Obsidian games for the humor anyway. I'm not going to complain if there's more humor in Deadfire and it's well written, but I'm not going to slit my wrists hoping for a more slapstick approach either.
  10. What is it with women and Worthless Idiots?
  11. I'd rather have self-healing as part of resolve than constitution if the choice is between those two. I think they should just take Perception as a stat away completely as that is way too important for everyone, and instead add a separate stat for magic damage, such as Wits.
  12. I hope you realize how you contradicted yourself just there. If you really don't care about something, then by definition you have an inability to appreciate that something, and as I said, that is your failing. You really don't get to make general points on which words should be used when you don't even really understand, let alone appreciate (or even care) what those words actually mean. I'm not really saying that "You don't understand historic weapons, therefore you're a subhuman **** and should kill yourself", but what I *am* saying that your ignorance *is* a failing, albeit a minor one, and as such should not be used as a basis for decision making in this context. Don't get me wrong, I'm no expert on this myself, but I definitely want the terms the game uses for its firearms to be accurate, if for nothing else than to provide a little education on the side while entertaining me. A game that manages to teach the player knowledge or wisdom that is applicable beyond what happens in the game world is always a superior game compared to a one that doesn't. Here's a few wikipedia articles, a quick read through should begin to give some idea on how to properly represent the early design firearms: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musket https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arquebus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shotgun#History https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blunderbuss https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pistol
  13. Ouch, that's not something I wanted to hear. I hope they'll do something about it before release.
  14. I think the main mistake was removing universal talents, while another probably is allowing multiclass characters to have subclasses.
  15. The general ignorance of the playerbase is no reason to use inaccurate and therefore inferior terms. A game that can teach you something is always better than a game that simply lowers itself to your level of knowledge. The fact that you're unable to appreciate the historical accuracy doesn't suggest that it's not worth it, it in fact suggests that perhaps there's some reading you ought to do on the subject.
  16. Hmm.... perhaps beer got outlawed and all the Dwarves are malnourished? ^^
  17. With 4 different subclass-variants of each class and multiclassing, there are 55*16 = 880 variants to consider. If you think that can be balanced while still retaining any semblance of class identity and uniqueness, you're simply nuts. That being said, I'm interested in how this is handled as well. Has anyone in the Beta experimented on this single vs multi-class? I'd really like to hear what has been discovered.
  18. Please... don't get my hopes up for seeing Durance again.
  19. I was happy without vancian in PoE. Ok, almost without, because Spell Mastery got introduced. It's sad OBS took the only vancian thing from PoE, that played a minor role there, and made it a foundation of spell casting in PoE2. PoE1 Spellcaster: "Damn, a fire blight. I can't hurt it with this fire spell of mine. Fortunately i can select any druid spell at any time so i'd just blast it with ice!" PoE2 Spellcaster: "Damn, a fire blight. I can't hurt it with this fire spell of mine. Too bad my only offensive spells are of fire type. In part because there are so few spells to choose per level. Even worse, i can't reset spells by sleeping, i need to level up to choose a new spell. I wish i were one of those D&D vancian casters who can reset their spell selection by resting :(" At least wizards have their grimoires. Wait, so how exactly does casting work in PoE2? Do you have to pick individual spells to learn as a Priest/Druid and no longer get the full book to cast from?
  20. Aumaua are just a tad too tall, and Dwarves are definitely too skinny, they need boarder shoulders. Other than that, I think they're fine.
  21. It's always good to see my opposition show their pettiness in public, it kinda reinforces everything I say.
  22. The fact that this problem existed doesn't make my statement any less true. I would've preferred some other solution to this, something that doesn't completely sacrifice the strategic layer of the game. A big part of the problem in BG was the incredibly inflexible vancian magic system. A spellpoint system could've been used instead to facilitate drawbacks, such as continual spellpoint drain while a spell is active but no activation cost/time, and like you said, having pre-cast spells on the NPCs also helps. Then naturally there are the ludicrously powerful buffs that lasted too long. What I mean is, that problem could've been solved, and the strategic layer didn't have to be sacrificed. How does precasting add a strategic layer? You just spam all your longer lasting buffs without worry of getting interrupted. If you have to cast in combat you need to worry about a good buff order (at least if you play with a smaller party or solo, wrong order might mean death) or as a cipher in PoE 1 you had to attack in between to gain focus for buffs etc.. Having to program NPCs with precast buffs is a waste of resources compared to simply making spells combat only. Not saying strategy in PoE is on SCS level, but let's not forget SCS was a fanmade mod that cost the developer a lot of free time. Precasting doesn't indeed add a strategic layer alone, but if you limit spells per rest and limit resting, it becomes more of a resource management game. Also, there could be more situations than combat that could utilize said buffs, such as maybe you need elemental resistance to endure the heat of a particularly hot place without taking continuous damage, or perhaps you'll use it to trigger a trap that you cannot disarm otherwise, or maybe there is a timed event that you can boost your speed for. The idea is that you'd have spells for out-of-combat usage also. Also, programming NPCs with precast spells is incredibly easy if the scripting is properly written; you can just flag the spells on the NPC's list you want to be precast and it will happen so. For generic non-named NPCs, this can be a part of the blueprint. In essence, it's about a few lines of code and an extra mouse click or two here and there, not that much work. If you have to mod it in an existing game, THEN it can get tricky, but obsidian has access to their own source code so they can just add that feature in whenever they like. Also, you don't need to have as many as ridiculously powerful buffs in the spell list as there was in D&D if you get rid of the whole vancian spell-slot system. It's all about how the game itself is designed around that concept. All of PoEs problems stem from poor design, and as such, if you really wanted to 'fix' it, you'd have to start the whole design process again with better defined goals features.
  23. Just curious, please name them. Those ten societies that have more than two genders I mean.
  24. Conversely, if they have the freedom to do whatever they want, why shouldn't they be able to release a game that follows the values of their creative staff? After all, the game is being produced in 2018 California, not the 1950s. Are you saying that Obsidian's boys are a bunch of SJWs? That's quite an accusation. Either way, bad ideas don't become good ideas simply because it's 2018 and not 1950.
  25. And now they all multiply? Hmm.... That's quite a boost to damage, in your example it would translate to around 85 damage. Can you get multiple multipliers for spells as well or is that limited to weapon attacks?
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