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Everything posted by Loranc

  1. 11,926 in the past half an hour in donations, just wow.
  2. karathos Are you guys looking for any other source of investment, or relying entirely on Paypal/Kickstarter? There is precedent out there for kickstarter campaigns that meet their goals, but only receive a fraction of the actual amount because of chargebacks/frivolous donations/etc. Assuming that you receive less than the $3.2mil that it's currently at, what affect will that have on the project? Obsidian_Ent[S] Adam Brennecke: The budget entirely based on the Kickstarter/PayPal donations. Our planning takes into account of the chargeback/frivolous donations/fees/fulfillment of goods.
  3. Thanks for the pledge! I'll be increasing mine tomorrow after work.
  4. Not really sure what you guys are talking about.. I was busy posting updates and the Q&A's, so I've only been reading bits and pieces. (Think I commented on it earlier but briefly) What exactly is going on?
  5. We moved up 8,000 in the past 20 minutes donation wise. That's pretty amazing.
  6. Hmm.. they really slowed down on answering questions now.
  7. tsavatar Will backers be able to get some of the digital stuff like the Campaign Almanac, Map etc. before the game release date? Obsidian_Ent[S] Adam Brennecke: Yes, some of the rewards will be released before the game is released.
  8. ]Borskey Will you be releasing the documentary episodically like Doublefine, or releasing it all at once after Project Eternity is complete? Obsidian_Ent[S] Adam Brennecke: Mayhaps a bit of both. We haven't decided the exact format yet. We will be releasing and doing more video/blog type updates in combination with the video documentary.
  9. Feldoth Two things - I know nothing is set in stone and it can be dangerous to speculate on this sort of thing for fear of disappointing people, but I've seen essentially that same answer several times now and it really worries me - it seems like you're avoiding the (spirit of the) question, even if this is not your intention. On the other hand, I do like that you are differentiating the races/culture/background - however, please be careful with this. In NWN2 it's difficult to rationalize picking anything but a human for use in any sort of multiclass character due to all the customization bonuses they get (extra feat, extra skills, and essentially no multi-class penalty). Obsidian_Ent[S] Tim Cain: Feldoth, I don't mean to sound prevaricating. The simplest answer is that right now, multi-classing is NOT in the game. We are still designing the base classes, and after that is done, we will look into multi-classing. If we can add it without unbalancing the game, we will.
  10. 2 hour update time!!! We are now at 3,334,936 that's a 23,688 increase 11.8k/hour. Backers are now 66,055 that's a 311 increase 155/hour.
  11. syn2083 In my own personal experience creating campaigns, and working on text based MUDs, I always found that creating a world was best done by conceiving of every possible point of reality within that world. Often times, 80% of these items never made it into the 'finished' item, but I felt, and my players felt, it created for a more realistic feeling when interacting with the world. In your development process, is this type of approach used when creating a new IP such as PE? When the design meets the technical, do the game designers draw on this type of methodology while creating an area, or city, coupled with the world, and if so how does that affect decisions that are made regarding 'spontaneous' thought while designing an area? I suppose this boils down to, how deeply is a world, lore, ethos, etc fleshed out during pre-development, and subsequently, how greatly does that effect the design and 'code' teams who create the tangible world? Obsidian_Ent[S] JESawyer: I think it's important to think about the setting comprehensively, which means a lot of work that, as you said, players often won't see. It's valuable because it gives you solid footing and a good basis for moving in any direction. Once you've established "the ground", it makes things a lot clearer for everyone involved in the project (even if it may take a while to get everyone on the same page).
  12. hideo__kuze Can you say what will the player level cap be at his point, or is it too soon? Obsidian_Ent[S] JESawyer: Too soon to say, but we want to save room to grow for possible sequels.
  13. They need to stop answering questions over each other.
  14. tomimt How many smaller locations (villages etc.) are you planning to add on the game? Obsidian_Ent[S] Tim Cain: It's really hard to say at this point. Small villages tend to get added as needed to support a set of side quests, so until we have the full scope of the game design complete, we won't know how many of these we will need.
  15. tomimt How many smaller locations (villages etc.) are you planning to add on the game? Obsidian_Ent[S] JESawyer: A fair amount. Any time we add communities it's a big deal (even small ones), but they really do help the world feel more alive and fleshed out. We also want to have a lot of exploration environments, similar to the original Baldur's Gate.
  16. marnyramirez Will the Tim Cain cookbook be included in the game itself, and will it grant miraculous dishes of unparalleled deliciousness? Obsidian_Ent[S] Tim Cain: we will have food in the game, so I will have some of those items reflect food from the cookbook. If you ever wanted to be eating the exact same food as your characters, now's your chance!
  17. GrueWithNoLight Since I will either have a thief or be one, I am curious about traps. Are you planning on having invisible traps (NWN style) or are you going to model them so they are visible? So will we see what is slicing us, or will it just say, "Darn, not fast enough. -4 hp" And thank you for making this game! Obsidian_Ent[S] JESawyer: We haven't talked much about traps, but personally I like them to be physically present/modeled into the environment somehow. Even in IWD I liked keeping the pressure plates linked to specific pieces of the environment (e.g. the darkest sets of stones in the hallways in the lower levels of Dragon's Eye).
  18. You're welcome, I figure someone will make a thread syncing all this information together later on. But for now this is sort of a 'rough' draft so people can check out what's going on.
  19. KellyCommaRoy I'm a voice actor with a thin resume but a huge enthusiasm for games. Is there a way for me to get involved? Obsidian_Ent[S] Chris Avellone thinks: You can always volunteer for Kickstarter projects. There may not be money in it, but hey, experience is experience. A more complicated answer from our audio producer Mikey Dowling: The number one most important piece of advice I can give you: do theater. If you've acted in the pass, awesome! Keep it up. Acting is the number one skill you need for voice acting, it often goes neglected. After that: make a demo reel. If it's what you really want to do, get a demo reel together that shows your range and chops. You don't really need more than a minute, but try to cover a good wealth of material in that minute's time. One thing to be conscience of when finalizing the demo reel (and this is just form the perspective of someone who listens to auditions regularly) is the mix. You don't want someone to listen to it and immediately blow their ears out, nor do you want it to be too quiet. A good level (TV standard broadcasting level is -21db, commercials are at -12db, somewhere in between is fine) is incredibly welcome when going through auditions/reels. Once you have a reel in a place that you're comfortable with, get in touch with an active voice actor for feedback. It may sound weird, but some of them are incredibly helpful when it comes to that sort of thing. A voice actor I've met recently (and who is now a good buddy) did just that when he got started and it was the best thing for him. When you get to a point where you want to share it with some voice actors, I will absolutely put you in touch with people who will give you feedback. With the demo reel in hand it will be matter of getting your voice in front of those that make the decisions for games/shows. That's where things get the most complicated as the best way to do so is to get an agent, but the agent will also want you to join the Union, so... that could be a good deal of work. Getting into some non-union gigs (there are a TON of animes that are done non-union) will get your voice out there and once people hear it, it can help you get in a better position to get more gigs. It is by no means the easiest field to get into, but with work and determination, you can absolutely make it. Another great source for voice actors is a book written by Yuri Lowenthal and Tara Platt called Voice-Over Voice Actor: What It's Like Behind the Mic. Amazing read for anyone interested to get into the industry.
  20. When does this end anyways, anyone know? I gotta start getting ready for work in 1 hour 20 minutes.
  21. riggo49 There is currently a lot of interest in the KS comments about the Giant in the Endless Path... Will the giant itself be in the dungeon and will we learn lore about it as we move deeper into the dungeon? Obsidian_Ent[S] JESawyer: It is... a mystery.
  22. azo_everburning Josh, I understand you'll be DMing the D&D session that will be streamed later today. Can you give us - and your future party of adventurers - a smal sneak preview/tease on what is coming? Obsidian_Ent[S] JESawyer: The session is called BLOOD IN THE BRINE and it involves rescuing people from Nelanther pirate scum, Umberlant dagger-lickers, and weresharks. 7th level characters. Air Genasi Fig/Rog, Gold Dwarf Rog, Moon Elf Druid, Human Enchanter, Ghostwise Halfing Bbn/Rgr. w00t
  23. arbyday Given your past experience with making wonderful RPGs, what are the most important (or were the hardest for you to master) skills you think you bring to development of this title that another dev team might not have? Obsidian_Ent[S] Chris Avellone thinks: The ability to both present, allow, and then design a game's reactivity around the character build and options allowed for in character creation. If we give you a choice in how to design your character, we need to honor that throughout the game, from race, to culture, to class, to abilities. There have been titles in the past (and ones we've done in the past) that haven't honored this compact, and it's important to us that we do.
  24. inertiax do you plan on letting us know the exact radius of our spells? ToEE or will it be more up in the air like iwd bg pst Obsidian_Ent[S] JESawyer: I'd like to show the AoE and it shouldn't be hard to do. In fact... I think Steve may already have that working...
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