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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. If nothing else, this is visual proof that you can create a Benedict Cumberbatch character. I like that the towns look a lot more populated than the original M&B. It was always quite immersion breaking for me walking into a town with all of 6 or 7 people standing around and 3 or 4 walking around.
  2. Oh lookie here, Bruce has managed to derail yet another thread, whodathunkit. I sense a pattern developing here... almost as if it's intentional. Anyway, to get back on topic, here's a radio interview MCA did a few weeks back:
  3. So much fun to watch, just nonstop aggression.
  4. Suddenly we go from 2 Luna games in a week and a half to multiple Luna games in a row. Also, that wall at the Rosh pit.
  5. Can someone who understands German summarize? From the gameplay it looks like you do play as gravelly voice guy. I'm disappointed, I wanted to play as foxy black woman with afro.
  6. Please let all the combat be avoidable. Please let all the combat be avoidable. Please let all the combat be avoidable.
  7. I'm going to go out on a limb here, I realize this is a wild theory, never before seen in gaming, but I'm guessing Dana will be a love interest and will die at some point during the game. Also, a hacking mini-game. Wonderful, everybody loves those. Snarky comments aside, I do like me some open world shooters, so hopefully this turns out good.
  8. Maybe I'm reading too much into that Mafia 3 trailer, but from the last line "Now you've seen what I'm willing to do for my family, what would you do for yours?" it seems like you might not be playing a preset character but instead you will make your own character (potentially a black woman with a fro, which would be awesome) and recruit your own gang family.
  9. Yeah, that was some insane Rubick play, just ridiculous mid-battle spell steals. The only other players I can only think of playing Rubick at that level are Kuroky and Lil.
  10. I've seen, 2nd game in group stages vs Fnatic Yeah, but that was one game, not an entire series, and that was sorta a pocket strat that just caught them off guard. Here they got straight up outplayed for an entire series (the second game especially), no tricks. Still, that Fnatic game was pretty shocking.
  11. Oh good, Lara gets to murder 600 or 700 more people.
  12. Dunno if it will ever be finished, but it was already being made:
  13. Homefront: The Revolution Gamescom trailer: It's nice to see that North Koreans have replaced Russians and joined Nazis as the de facto evildoers in vidya games. Thanks, Glorious Leader Kim Jong-Un. Anyway, I'm glad this game is still happening after being pried from Crytek's near-bankrupt hands a while back.
  14. @Darkpriest - My biggest surprise of day 1 was
  15. The PC version of the game that reportedly caused the Konami/Kojima divorce is now coming out on the same day as the console versions, Sep 1.
  16. Did Youtube get an upgrade when I wasn't looking? Their player looks different and now my LPs play in glorious 1440p 60. I record and upload my LPs in 1440p 60, since that's what I play at, but they only showed up at a max of 1080p 60 before (I could get 1440p but only if I uploaded a 30 FPS video). Anyway, nice to see Youtube getting with the times. I wonder if it works at 4K 60 now too? I don't have a monitor with that resolution to find out.
  17. Come on Meshugger, are you accusing Saint Anita of being a fraud and a hypocrite? Dude, we've been through this. She's a woman, you can't ever question a woman. If you do question a woman you're sexist. It's science.
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