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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Because I'm an awesome hunter, I got an upgrade in accommodations to a super deluxe room. It even has palicoes playing a harp.
  2. Wildly popular, extremely profitable, and immensely overrated? But the Half-Life series is already that. *ducks for cover* I would argue that the first Half-Life is properly rated. At the time it came out there was a buzz about which game was going to revolutionize FPS gaming and take it to the next level. Ironically, the games that were being discussed as the potential "game-changers" (Blood, Unreal, etc.) all failed to be that, instead Half-Life was the game that took the genre to the next level by weaving a compelling narrative into FPS gameplay, and managing to do it without a single cutscene to break up the game flow. This was so well designed and executed that a protagonist who never utters a single line of dialogue became a cultural icon. As for Half-Life 2, yeah, it's overrated. It's still a very good game, but it's certainly not the greatest game ever made, or whatever.
  3. Wildly popular, extremely profitable, and immensely overrated?
  4. I completed the original main objective of Monster Hunter World. Of course, the game doesn't end there. On the contrary, this is where the real game begins. High rank quests and equipment are now unlocked and stronger (much stronger in some cases) variants of monsters are now out and about, along with some blasts from the past and possibly a brand new monster. The grind for the ultimate gear to slay the ultimate beasts begins!
  5. I defeated my first Elder Dragon, the Kirin. It's essentially a big bearded unicorn that spams lightning. A Zeus Unicorn. It took me 2 tries. I came really close to defeating it the first time and just barely managed to get the job done on my second try. The biggest problem is that the Kirin has some really powerful attacks that have a decent chance of stunning you, and if you get caught by one of those and it hits you with another powerful attack while you're helpless, you're a gonner, even if you were at nearly full health beforehand. I had that happen to me several times. In the end, I got the job done and got a Thunderproof Mantle for my troubles (holy smokes would that have been useful in the battle and will definitely be useful if I fight the Kirin again). I made myself some Kirin gloves from the carcass, and I also hooked Benny up with some new gear:
  6. Actually, it kinda does. That's what you pay insurance for. You don't exactly get get another car exactly like the one you had if you total it, instead you a get fair market value pay out. If you also happen to have GAP insurance then you get actual cash value for your car, which could, in theory, be used to buy another car exactly like the one you had. That's how it work is Murica, mind you. I can't speak to how it works in other countries.
  7. Yet another remaster. Still, Burnout Paradise was pretty rad.
  8. From the folks that made Hatred and IS Defense. This looks to be their first game that doesn't go for controversy/shock value to get publicity. It's a RTS set in dark ages Europe.
  9. Also maces. Cheaper to produce, require very little training to wield at a basic functional level, nearly as effective in many situations as a sword, more effective in some.
  10. I imagine this is the side story they talked about during the crowdfunding campaign. People asked about having the option to play a female character during crowdfunding and Warhorse replied that making gender interchangeable in the main campaign would be impossible, given that they were going for historical accuracy and the experience of a woman in early 15th century Bohemia would be VASTLY different than that of a man and something you couldn't just change pronouns and a few lines of dialogue for. Instead, they promised to include a side story where you play a female character. I'm assuming that's what this will be.
  11. Certain foods, especially salty ones, tend to initially increase your appetite, making you want to eat more of them, whether you need to or not. Kind of like how sugary sodas actually initially make you more thirsty, making you want to drink more sugary sodas. Part of the reason why these foods tend to be so unhealthy. The trick is to fight off that initial upsurge in hunger/thirst, then you realize you really don't need to eat/drink more. Easier said than done... /pats fat stomach
  12. Still playing Monster Hunter World. I'm guessing at least 25 hours in at this point, but who knows, since I can't find that information for the life of me on the PS4 (it's right there in front of you on Steam). Someone help me out here and tell me how to find this super basic information that should, by all rights, be very easy to find. Anyway, the game is freakin' awesome. I'm Hunter rank 10 now and about to tackle my first 6 star quest. This is easily my early front runner for GotY 2018. Of course, there is a lot of year left.
  13. Yesterday was very likely the last "winter" day here in Charlotte, and by "winter" I mean high 40s (I lived 30 years in Connecticut, high 40s in mid February would be considered Spring-like and worth celebrating in CT). Today we returned to normal temps in the low 60s with plentiful sunshine, so I decided to break out the ol' grill and grill up some chicken breast and veggies to use for quesadillas for tonight and for lunch the next few days. I marinated the chicken in Korean BBQ sauce the started cooking them on the grill in a foil pouch, before putting them directly on the grill to sear. The veggies, consisting of green bell peppers, white onions, and mushrooms, went on the grill in an open foil pouch with butter, essentially steaming them in butter. Then it all goes in a tortilla and cheese sandwich.
  14. It is time to face the mighty Diablos, not to be confused with the plural for of Blizzard's Diablo. Uh oh... While by no means an easy battle, I found the Diablos much easier than the Ratholos. I never fainted once during the battle, though I did come pretty close a couple of times. Not only did I defeat the Diablos, I captured it. Also, check out my sweet guild card. Benny is such a badsss. This was taken before I defeated the Diablos, so I now have Diablos waist armor instead of Paolumu and Benny has Diablos torso armor. I definitely want to get 2 more pieces of Diablos armor for my character to get the set bonus, as the Slugger skill is tailor made for a hammer wielder, like Corinth.
  15. I've been done with crowdfunding for a couple years now. I also don't do early access or pre-ordering either. I'm trying to buy games the old fashioned way. Remember the days a finished product would come out and then people would go out and buy it... Okay, these days "finished product" seems to have lost all meaning, but you know what I mean.
  16. I fought a Rathalos in MHW and holy crap did I get my ass whooped. Now, eventually I did manage to slay the beast, but I did faint twice (three times if you cont my first encounter after which I retreated to base to properly gear up) and I almost ran out of time. I would do well for a while then the Rathalos would just be like "Welcome to stun lock. Oh, you're poisoned, on fire, and stunned? Here, let me swoop in and hit you again while you're helpless and just make sure you never have a chance to drink a potion or put yourself out." I think I had 2, maybe 3 minutes left when I finally got that giant sucker down. Next up, I need to take down a Diablos. At least the Diablos, unlike the Rathalos, can't fly, though it can burrow underground. I encountered one in the wild many moons ago when I was still using fairly low tier gear. It 1 shot me.
  17. The Meowscular Chef is easily the best character in the game Someday, if I try my hardest, I hope to be even half as badass as he is.
  18. I did enjoy some of the hilariously broken builds possible in the original Sacred. My favorite was the Machinegun Daemon. The build took advantage of the devs' failure to code a crossbow animation for the Deamon while using Soaring Daemon (flying). Normally, the Daemon was meant to be a hybrid melee/caster class and was terrible using any ranged weapon, crossbow included. However, since the devs never created an attack animation for the Daemon while she was flying the game defaulted to the unarmed attack animation, which was the fastest attack animation in the game for that character. This allowed you to shoot the powerful, but normally slow firing, crossbow extremely rapidly with bolts coming out of your hip while you kicked the air. It was both hilarious and extremely OP.
  19. For me, levs 5-15 are the sweet spot for D&D. Both low level and epic level D&D sucks IMHO.
  20. I played a short bit of the beginning (presumably tutorial) section just to check it out. This definitely seems like a game I will probably enjoy. It works out well that I'm too deep into MHW right now to really play anything else seriously. By the time I fully scratch the Monster Hunter itch this game will hopefully be 3 or 4 patches deep and I'll have a much smoother experience than if I were to play it right now.
  21. I wouldn't be opposed to a proper Sacred 4. On the other hand, they already own the recently revived Titan Quest IP, which was a much better loot em up to begin with IMHO.
  22. THQ Nordic has been fairly consumer-friendly over the last couple years, relatively speaking. Hopefully, as they grow, they continue this trend and don't follow EA, Activision Blizzard, and Ubisoft over to the dark side known as Games as a Service or Live Gaming.
  23. Descending down to the bottom of the Vale. But then... Stuff happened and I had to take care of business. I got some sweet new gear for myself and Benny for my troubles, though I am 1 piece of armor short for the set bonus. The glowing paw print on Benny's cuirass is a nice touch.
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