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Everything posted by Fingorn

  1. Voted for #2; for EU-backers, especially for those living in Germany, every parcel might trigger custom issues; as it is no fun dealing with custom authorities, I'd rather get everything at once.
  2. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/65027-which-class-do-you-want-to-see-covered-in-the-next-update/ Right here! Great, thanks!
  3. So... ...where can I vote on which of the three class pairs I'd like to see covered next? I'd very much like to learn more about "The Mob Rulers (wizards and druids)" next; but there are no buttons at the end of the update which would allow me or others to voice this opinion effectively...
  4. Happy X-Mas to everybody and lets hope, that 2014 will be the year we get a great beta...
  5. The Stronghold is the prize - while a second city would be great and improve the game quantity wise (more of what we get with the first big city), a stronghold is a new quality in game mechanics which we would see in the game. So the stronghold is what I`m realy excited about, while the second big city wouldl be "nice to have".
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