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About Lulla-Isra

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  1. Would someone be able to watercolor this? Slightly modified from here http://fypillarsofeternity.tumblr.com/post/174948871869/queendread-it-took-me-3-attempts-to-paint-my In return, some godlike portraits by Elizaveta Shchepina
  2. Attempted this moon godlike portrait
  3. Friend sent me these he found for a pale elf female
  4. This could be a mistranslation, but a gamestar.de article said all the new companions are romanceable, but none of the original three are. From German review site https://www.gamestar.de/artikel/pillars-of-eternity-2-deadfire-pirat-auf-goetterjagd,3329390,seite4.html " Alle Charaktere bilden nun stärkere Beziehungen untereinander aus, zerstreiten oder verlieben sich. Unsere Figur kann sogar eine Romanze eingehen, allerdings nur mit den neuen Charakteren aus Pillars of Eternity 2. " Google translate: All characters now form stronger relationships with each other, disparaging or falling in love. Our character can even make a romance, but only with the new characters from Pillars of Eternity 2.
  5. I also attempted to edit horns onto this one so I could use it for another nature godlike, if anyone else wants to use it too.
  6. I don't edit very often, so here's an attempt at just the portrait.
  7. I always have a really hard time finding decent aumaua portraits. It's hard since they aren't a standard fantasy race in the same way as say elves. Aumaua-ish Bonus: Werebeasts, godlikes
  8. I always have a really hard time finding decent aumaua portraits. It's hard since they aren't a standard fantasy race in the same way as say elves. No kidding. So here's four goliath and IWD portraits!
  9. I like hunting them down. Any more requests? ^^
  10. Bothered me too, but I find Anna Helme's fire godlike portraits to be too awesome not to use! Here's my collection of godlike-ish m & f with skin as close to the model as I could find.
  11. Some pale-elf-like portraits I've found. Female ones are so hard to find.
  12. Godlike Cipher as of now, it'll be interesting to see what they look like. But I tend to come up with at least five different concepts before a game comes out, and then use none of them and spend another few hours on the creation screen.
  13. Maybe it could also be about stuff that hasn't been done right in a cRPG before?
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