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Everything posted by Hypevosa

  1. sums it up nicely...
  2. Has anyone been proposing MP that's not the co-op MP from baldur's gate? o.O
  3. again, locking the door. And if someone with a tracking ability can lead us to the bandits, we just get to take all their loot as well ;D
  4. 58% to 41 for is not firm opposition my friend - that still is very much just a divided community- and it especially doesn't represent the rest of the market that could potentially buy this game. Unless we're limiting this game to JUST the people who use the kickstarter, we can't ignore that having the option to play with friends will mean alot more sales, and, hopefully, alot more money for the NEXT game. If only 58% of an otherwise notoriously ANTI-multiplayer community is all that was opposed? I'm honestly surprised it wasn't 80% with how phobic some CRPG fans are of multiplayer since it was crapily done in some more complex games. Bioshock 2 is usually the best example, but let's be honest... this is nowhere near as complicated as it was for bioshock 2.
  5. If the multiplayer for this game would be that hard, I could understand the concerns that the game might be ruined, but we aren't talking about hit boxes, tons of balancing, hit detection, or anything like that. This is not bioshock 2 where the multiplayer needs to take half the budget away. We're talking about what are essentially NPCs on each player's screen, that don't have an AI script to follow, but are just waiting for commands from someone else over the internet, and let your computer know the coordinates they are doing things at and what actions they're taking. It shouldn't really detract from the game in any way, shape or form - only add to it in that you get to experience it with some friends. Look at it this way, if they can put 100k towards multiplayer and it's the last stretch goal, would that really harm anyone? Multiplayer in this case only really needs to be tacked on - any inclusion or special considerations would be extra compared to just having someone you enjoy around to experience it with you.
  6. Have it be automatic though. My character should have enough sense on his own to eat and drink on his own. Traditionally, food and drink in a tavern would only cost a few copper pieces, have that automatically deducted if you speak to a bartender. Allow rations to be carried and a water flask, and just let the player know when they're empty instead of having to think about eating them. If someone in the party has a high enough "survival" check, allow them to find food and water on their own without having to carry these things, and just change the check required based on the environment they're in. If they have a really good check, they can find such things for the other companions as well. Have priests know orrisons that allow them to summon food or purify drink for the party that they simply use automatically when necessary. Lastly have some special items that give you an endless source of food and water. As long as the player doesn't have to constantly worry about who has eaten and who hasn't, it should be fine and add a little depth to the game.
  7. Unless they go over-board and include flying invisible donkeys that carry your gold for you I am not sure how exactly they are supposed to make gold with weight 'fun'. Unless gold is worthless and insanely heavy, why wouldn't having a genuine system of currency be a little more interesting? Why not carry that emerald worth 200 gold since it weighs less and just sell it when you're bartering for that +2 longsword... ya know? hum....I can see the worth in that in expert mode but then I would go back to the point about means of transport. Why would you as a daring, smart adventurer go to a dungeon without the means to transport the goods? If they do add means of transport though then you would still have the smart decision making included only here it would involve managing the hiring of a donkey, keeping it alive (maybe, sounds like a pain in the arse tbh but that's what the expert mode is for) and whatever else the devs can think of. I as a brave and strong adventurer, would assume that me and my companions could carry the loot between all of our combined strengths - the only time that being not true, would be going after an old dragon who had a massive hoard... Mages with Tensor's floating disks (http://www.d20srd.or...loatingDisk.htm) also make transport nice and easy if we found more than we could take by ourselves, and having a bag of holding or a portable hole also makes life easier. Assuming access to none of those things, we could take a carriage to the site, kill the dragon, load the carriage, and then have to defend it from bandits on the way back to town. ;D Honestly, if we are killing a dragon we should have access to that kind of equipment by that point... I am all for floating discs/whatever. That aside, I would quibble that unless the dungeon is teeny or devoid of any of the standard loot like armour/weapons/artifacts then there's no way your group of strong and brave adventurers would ever be able to haul ALL the loot without multiple trips. Armour especially weighs a lot, not so much when distributed all around your body but that's not happening if you're lugging it back to town in a sack and this multiple trips business I really don't want to see. 6 people? again, unless it's a dragon's hoard, there shouldn't be THAT much gold. Sure, if everyone killed is wearing full plate armor, that's enough weight it would be very problematic, but that's all that should be a problem. Weapons generally weigh little, scrolls, gems, potions and coins weigh generally nothing... push comes to shove we just drop everything in one room, lock it, then come back for it later so that everyone can have their full mobility. In D&D 50 pieces of currency weighs a pound... so assuming average strength for all characters, and assuming they stay light load going in, we could leave a dungeon with 67*50*6 20,100 gp. Full plate armor weighs 50 lbs, but could be sold for 750gp. If we have it so equipment is at least somewhat worth its weight, and we don't randomly shower the game with super heavy armor, it shouldn't be a problem even if gold has weight. Basically, not every tom **** and harry should be wearing full plate armor, or even half plate for that matter.
  8. how about tensor's floating disk as a spell for carrying around tons of junk? Maybe even renting out or buying a carriage/ horse.
  9. Unless they go over-board and include flying invisible donkeys that carry your gold for you I am not sure how exactly they are supposed to make gold with weight 'fun'. Unless gold is worthless and insanely heavy, why wouldn't having a genuine system of currency be a little more interesting? Why not carry that emerald worth 200 gold since it weighs less and just sell it when you're bartering for that +2 longsword... ya know? hum....I can see the worth in that in expert mode but then I would go back to the point about means of transport. Why would you as a daring, smart adventurer go to a dungeon without the means to transport the goods? If they do add means of transport though then you would still have the smart decision making included only here it would involve managing the hiring of a donkey, keeping it alive (maybe, sounds like a pain in the arse tbh but that's what the expert mode is for) and whatever else the devs can think of. I as a brave and strong adventurer, would assume that me and my companions could carry the loot between all of our combined strengths - the only time that being not true, would be going after an old dragon who had a massive hoard... Mages with Tensor's floating disks (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/floatingDisk.htm) also make transport nice and easy if we found more than we could take by ourselves, and having a bag of holding or a portable hole also makes life easier. Assuming access to none of those things, we could take a carriage to the site, kill the dragon, load the carriage, and then have to defend it from bandits on the way back to town. ;D Honestly, if we are killing a dragon we should have access to that kind of equipment by that point...
  10. Unless they go over-board and include flying invisible donkeys that carry your gold for you I am not sure how exactly they are supposed to make gold with weight 'fun'. Unless gold is worthless and insanely heavy, why wouldn't having a genuine system of currency be a little more interesting? Why not carry that emerald worth 200 gold since it weighs less and just sell it when you're bartering for that +2 longsword... ya know?
  11. ugh, I hate multiplayer only videogames... alot. I'd like to share the experience with other people here - just like I play D&D with pals I'd love to play PE with them, ya know? If baldur's gate could do it, PE should be able to as well. I can't imagine the multiplayer for this kind of game is very complicated either (compared to the multiplayer for bioshock 2 which would be horrific to program for by comparison) since all you do is have the computers share who set what as their destination and have the other one draw that and similar simple checks - essentially the other player is just an NPC that does what your buddy on the other end commands instead of following a script, right? There's no hit detection, no moving boxes, just NPC "j" sets his destination coordinate as X=87 and Y=22. It's not like we have to worry about exploits either since this isn't competitive either.
  12. I think the game should have a complex currency system of copper, silver, gold, and platinum and gems if it's going to bother with gold having weight - just like in D&D. The beauty of the system in D&D is that, while things have weight, you can decrease the weight you're carrying by just moving it up to the next kind of coin. Also, instead of selling all your gems instantly, you have incentive to carry them instead since they're inherently valuable and just sell them when you NEED cash, or just use them as trade, same with scrolls. It's more interesting than "I have X gold that magically appears when I want it to". That said, I'd really like a system where we don't have to buy pouches and scroll boxes I mean, seriously? Scrolls take up 1 whole slot that a piece of armor could take up? No. A scroll box should just make it so my scrolls are ORGANIZED - as in I can find the scroll I want instantly during a battle and use it, rather than having to sift through the pile bunch by bunch.
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