Straw man.
Find me the person who says all three of the above. You have some people who want romance in the game who would agree with you that BioWare does it badly. But you don't have anyone saying that romances don't cost resources to write, period, let alone to write well.
You'd have to define "significant" and what it's being drained from? We can make silly statements like "would you rather have romances or would you rather have first person shooting mechanics?" or "would you rather have romances or would you rather have realistic physics for parkour?" You have to give an either or, this or that, for "draining resources" to mean anything.
For example, I would much rather have writing time spent on romances than on discussions on religion. I would also much rather have writing resources spent on romances than on thieving and sneaking mechanics.
To say, blanketly, "drain resources" is to put into people's mind that whatever their favorite parts of the game are could be cut for romances. But that's just fear-mongering.
And you fall into what I'm about to address again below - the assumption that everyone thinks that BioWare's romances are universally (or even mostly) bad.
So everyone that's opposite you is in a bubble ? Heh, hits keep coming.
Straw man. I never said that those who disagree with me live in a bubble. I said, as bolded above, that those who think "everyone agrees that romance in games is always done badly" are in a bubble... a bubble of talking too frequently with those who agree with them that romances are always done badly.
That's not a judgment on their opinion as opposed to mine. That's an objective judgment on every post that states "romances are always done badly" as if there is a general consensus, let alone universal one.
By empirical evidence in this thread alone you have many people who list games they felt the romances were good in.
Misrepresenting what I say doesn't make you clever. It makes you look confused, as if you don't understand what I'm saying.
Or, barring that, it makes you look petty.
I'm gonna say this as clearly as I can.
Writing romances could take...let's say 30 hours. Now, that 30 hours of writing time comes off from something else, such as other companions, quests and story. They only have certain amount of time writing time because they have to pay salary for it.
People who dont want romances doesnt want it to drain the writing hours from the before mentioned other areas.
Clear? Good.