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Everything posted by teknoman2

  1. yeah, why would anyone want to work in any company? any answer besides "because i need money to live" is a lie, they know its a lie and they expect you to lie... and if you don't lie you are disqualified
  2. in Greece it would be "problem -> voting -> PROBLEM -> voting -> PROBLEM"
  3. George Soros created covid on a socialist dare
  4. the difference is that one stayed true to his beliefs until they killed him, the other took the 30 pieces of silver to give up.
  5. as funny as it looks at first glance, Genghis Khan's time was right in the middle of the medieval period (late 12th century) when everyone had the exact same technology. european conquest or the age of exploration was after renascence some 500 years later when science and technology stopped being seen as witchcraft.
  6. he does have a point though, real dinosaurs today are not scary... they are lunch. KFC makes some great fried dinosaur
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