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Posts posted by Elerond




    are they systematically oppressed? is there a law to jail someone for being homosexual? perhaps it's not oppression, but simply lack of extra privileges?



    There is laws that if you speak about homosexuality you can be jailed, because of spreading homosexual propaganda. These laws are used to jail people carrying rainbow flags etc. symbols of LGBT community, so I would say that they are very much systematically oppressed.


    look good as well. 

     Would you say you hot?  You sound hot  :sweat:





    Wait, is it unhealthy or is it harmful?

    Those are synonims.
    In the same way that a butter knife and a combat knife are both sharp.

    You shouldn't get this drunk on Xmass you know.



    Nah, thats an   anti-Western conspiracy theory....I imagine you feel guilty every Xmas  because of the amounts of alcohol you must consume...its fine I give you permission  to get inebriated   :x


    Of course you  must get drunk on Xmas, everyone knows this as an irrefutable fact  :yes:



    That is why Dry January is a thing 8)  

    • Like 1

    Don't worry fellas, it's just an isolated incident. These new romans will succesfully integrate into Rome . After all, the franks, goths and vandals are all fleeing their home countries for a better life and it is our duty to welcome them.


    After all, everyone knows nobody has ever created anything of cultural and artistic value since the fall of Rome, especially not any people descended from those filthy barbarians.



    Rome for about thousand years conquered and raided its neighboring nations, but it ironically suffered that same fate itself after Romans started to become more interest to spat with each other than what was happening in world around them.

  4. According to psychological journals there isn't a single provable case in history of world where person's sexuality has changed. Subject is very difficult to study because all able bodied people are physically capable to have sex with people the aren't attracted towards, from which prostitution and porn work as examples. And historically subject is even harder to study because homosexuality has and still is frowned all around world where heterosexuality is not just accepted but seen as the norm and encouraged through one's life. Also societies are mainly designed for heterosexuals from norms to laws. Which is reason why there are people who realize that they are homosexuals later in their life. Also bisexuality isn't not well understood by people, in way that lots of people see it as phase where person decides their sexuality, which is why they miss identified themselves in surveys based on their current relationship.

    There isn't agreed on reason why people are sexually attracted towards anybody and sexual attraction is complex thing in sense that everybody seems to have different set of characteristics they are attracted towards. Which make it extremely difficult to pinpoint what comes from genetics and what comes from nurture especially when it is extremely hard to find commonalities in people's backgrounds that give same answers or who have same physical reactions in tests. Which is why study after study give different answers.

    • Like 2

    There's been some shooting at the US embassy in Ankara as well, and now i hear about three people shot at an islamic center in Zurich, a raid is going on in Brussels, and someone drove a truck through a christmas market in Berlin, killing 9 wounding 50 and got away with it to boot. They got him.


    ...the **** is going on?

    I said that Europe needs more truck control. WHEN WILL THEY LEARN!!!???



    It was Polish truck, so clearly they made mistake in letting Polish trucks and drivers in Germany


    But anyway there will be more truck control in near future.



    I only somewhat agree. Star Wars always had a balance of fantasy and contemporary elements. WW2 dogfights and Nazi uniforms aren't exactly fairy tale stuff and the first film pretty clearly deals with nuclear deterrent and government security just as much as it does with a Space Princess captured by the Black Knight. Rogue One just made it unbalanced towards politics and war movies and tried to hammer it home with obvious symbolism like mushroom clouds and Galen Erso as Space Oppenheimer. For me the most interesting moments were the more Fantasy elements like the Jedi Temple and Vader's personal dark tower, because they weren't obvious recreations of Iwo Jima with AT-AT's.


    Not sure why you think Ep7 falls into the same trap, because it's a race to find the wizard using the magic treasure map and the power was inside you all along fantasy cliches. I'm going to guess it's because of identity politics, because the anti-SJWs on this board inject more of that nonsense than any feminist I've ever seen.

    The first SW films were pretty firmly Space Princess, Black Knight and lighthearted adventure first and everything else a distant second. None of the characters take themselves too seriously and the whole thing has a decidedly campy feel.


    Rogue One and Ep7 have the same in your face, slavish devotion to series tropes, treating the universe as though its this grand, sacred fully fledged world. Everything that the more obnoxious series fans obsess over needlessly like the horde of cretins they are takes front and center instead of making a carefree adventure that both children and adults can enjoy.


    That's why I said its fan fiction.

    Eh. Again, I see that in Rogue One very clearly but I felt like Ep7 was carefree as they come, slavishly devoted to the style of Star Wars while not stressing over the actual suvstance. It does have a huge fan fiction quality to it as a loose remake, but for very different reasons. Because it takes itself too seriously sounds like projection to me. It doesn't explain its setting and the politics of the New Republic or even why Luke's saber is there because it's to busy getting to the next ridiculous fight. "Take this cool laser sword, that you have it is more important than why 'cuz dem baddies are here."


    That's opposite to Rogue One, which goes out of its way to equate Rebels with terrorists and gives Emperor Ming's Doomsday Space Laser the dramatic weight of a nuke in a war movie. It tries to add shades of grey to that farmboy saving the princess that it doesn't deserve and that IMO don't fit. Seeing a gritty war movie in Star Wars is a fanboy wish I've never shared, I guess.


    Force Awakens doesn't even give its death laser respect: "So, it's big. There's always a way to blow it up." It makes an off-hand remark about Stormtroopers being brainwashed innocents and then gleefully blows some more up whereas Rogue One broods about collateral damage like it's Nolan's Batman movies. There's a difference to trying too hard to feel like Star Wars, like Ep7, and taking Star Wars far too seriously like Rogue One. Ep7 fits fine into a world where Teddy Bears defeat the Empire, Rogue One doesn't.



    Rogue One works in Star Wars universe in sense that it is prelude to New Hope and its mission is to convey world without hope, but where people seek hope and at end they succeed to find it. It is from darker end of fairy tales that uses lots of themes from war and political movies, but in my opinion it succeed to tell fairy tale of people seeking hope, much better than Force Awakens succeed to tell fairy tale of people seeking wisdom and understanding about darkness that threatens world. So in short, in my opinion Rogue One fits much better on its place in Star Wars mythos than Force Awakens.

  7. http://www.pravdareport.com/news/world/europe/15-12-2016/136425-russia_eu_trump-0/


    Russia and EU to unite against Donald Trump?


    "The head of EU diplomacy Federica Mogherini said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal said that the EU and Russia could find common grounds on a number of international issues to join forces to counter future policies of the Donald Trump administration.

    Moghernini, speaking about the fate of the nuclear agreement with Iran under the new US president, noted that Washington's slightest derogation from those agreements would raise serious concerns in Moscow.

    "In a transactional manner...case by case, you will find issues where I wouldn't be surprised to see the Europeans and the Russians on the same side - Iran deal, Middle East peace process, possibly the role of the UN," Mogherini told The Wall Street Journal."




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  8. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/12/donald-trump-twitter-emoji-crooked-hillary-232647


    "Source: Twitter cut out of Trump tech meeting over failed emoji deal


    Twitter was told it was "bounced" from Wednesday's meeting between tech executives and President-elect Donald Trump in retribution for refusing during the campaign to allow an emoji version of the hashtag #CrookedHillary, according to a source close to the situation.


    Twitter is one of the few major U.S. tech companies not represented at Wednesday afternoon's Trump Tower meeting attended by, among others, Apple's Tim Cook, Amazon's Jeff Bezos, Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg and Tesla's Elon Musk — an omission all the more striking because of Trump's heavy dependence on the Twitter platform. With some 17.3 million followers of his account, the president-elect has made Twitter into the de facto press channel of his transition operation."


    2017: RIP The Funny Things Thread, replaced by Politics 2017 thread  :dancing:

  9. Star Wars Rogue One, which seemed to be popular, as my local theater was screening it simultaneously on three screens (with total about 900 seats) and they were nearly sold out all their screenings.


    Movie itself is darkest Star Wars, but it is still full of jokes and comedic scenes and it focus on hope (which isn't that surprising considering that it is New Hope's prelude)


    One thing that I liked most in the movie was their explanation why Deathstar had such massive design flaw.


    I liked movie and I would recommend it if you are planning to go see movie in this month.

  10. Walls don't stop people coming in the country. If you want stop people crossing illegally your borders it would be much better investment to hire more border patrols, because even with walls you need people to patrol those borders in order to prevent people coming over/under/from the side the wall. 


    With eight billion dollars that Trump estimates his wall to cost you could hire about 2-3  additional people to patrol per mile of that border (somewhere between 4000-6000 people) for next 50 years. Which I would estimate to prevent more illegals than any wall alone can and it would even create more permanent jobs than building and maintaining said wall, which would mean that it would also be economically more solid option.  On negative side it would not give USA bigger wall than China has and it would not allow criminals and volunteers to be sent to guard the wall like they do in GoT. :p

    • Like 3
  11. Gun violence was a big part of the discussion last election here. I notice that Finland had a random act of gun violence. Hopefully Elerond and the other Finish folks are okay. Finland has a number of gun owners as I understand it and yet gun violence has been relatively rare there compared to here. I'm not for further restrictions on gun ownership in the United States, although I do think laws that are already passed should be enforced. The weapon the murderer in Finland used was a hunting rilfe, which is scary. The real anti-personnel weapon is the pistol, though. Rifles are deadly, but they serve a practical purpose in society. Pistols don't do anything better than rifles other than kill people at close quarters. That said, I don't advocate banning them.


    Anyhow, hope all you Finish folk are good and healthy. Meanwhile, Oakland saw a fire that killed off ~30 people, but no matter what we do with firearms, there's no banning fire.


    Gun violence is rare and gun violence towards strangers is even rarer, but American style gun culture has become more popular in Finland in past couple decades that has increased gun violence, but number of deaths (murders, accidents and suicides combined) that include firearm are still in relative small number, less than 200 deaths in year, although in EU level it is one of the highest when it is proportional population.


    That latest incident that you speak about was done by known violent criminal who was using legal weapon he loaned from his friend and he seems to have decided to go shoot random women for still unknown reasons in local bar. 


    I don't think that this event will anyway impact in weapon laws in Finland.

  12. "You have raised a good point which does surprise me at times, for example why do you Canadians copy the Americans all the time?



    For example you seem to watch TV  series that all come from the USA...whats wrong with watching local content only?"


    Because barring a  few noteable exemptions, Kanadian tv sucks. And, largely because our actuial talent  goes to the US because we pay them peanuts (in comparison). It's so bad that the govt' has to act like Nazis and mandate a minimum % of Kanadian content on Kanadian tv.


    The good thing about our Kanadian talent though is they can easily pass for your typical Amerikan whitey so Amerikans fall in love with them BEFORE they figure out they are Kanadian and can hate them ion principal. L0L


    There is always the new wave of Canadian tv aka The CW  :dancing:

  13. @Elerond:

    Yet not everyone volunteers for the armed forces.


    In my opinion it should not be choice. Everybody needs to serve in capacity they are capable. Which is one of the reason why I support Finland's constitutional obligation to serve.  

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  14. The question is why would you ever let anybody take bullet for you? Why is your life more valuable than theirs? It is one duty as citizens to protect other citizens, if you need to sacrifice your life in order to ensure that your fellow citizens are safe then that is the sacrifice one needs to make.

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  15. The only issue I see is some of the early season stuff doesn't match up.  Logan and Billy are clearly taking part in the more recent narrative stuff at the start, it seems a stretch to say they had the same stuff 30 years ago.


    Logan's and Billy's narrative is based on Dolores' memories and we have seen her mixing up happenings in her head and seeing Billy in places and times where he wasn't actually.

    But I am quite sure that Men in Black is Billy. Because we they both carry same knife, they both work for same company, it is established that things with Billy happened in past when host were still mechanical, company didn't yet have control over the park, Billy is destined to marry same woman that was said to be Men in Black's dead wife. And so on.


  16. Right now I am more interested in how the heck he managed to slaughter that whole camp in one night without anyone seem to notice.


    I think he was noticed, but because only non-host there addition to William was Logan who drank himself under the table, there was no one that could actually prevent William to slaughtering the camp (as host aren't capable to really fight back if quests just want to kill them) and of course park's monitors don't care if quests slaughter hosts.



    Regarding the 4 Million issue,  if you think that a company puts 4 million dollars in a safe and keeps paying everything from that until a project is finished, than it is not much. That is not, and should not be, how companies work though. One can squeeze a lot from million dollar sums by proper handling of that money. Also I have to mention Larian's Divinity Original Sin 2 here. 1 Million Budget, using their own engine (by the way the only reason I am bringing the engine Issue up here is not because I want the developers to come up with their engine, definitely not, unity is fine, and certainly saves a lot of resources (funds, work etc). Using unity would allow them to allocate those resources where it is needed). Let us not get into comparing Original Sin to PoE, though. Original Sin is not a great RPG in terms of story writing etc. and had way too many cheap jokes for my liking. 


    Divinity Original Sin's budget was over 4 million euros (which was at that time over 5 million dollars). Majority of their budget didn't come from KS as they only collected 1 million dollars to finish the game. Before they started their kickstarter Larian was already build their engine and engine tools in most parts and most of the game itself. Larian also did in their KS for D:OS mistake to promise too much and they had to take back some of those promises during developing the game.


    Divinity Original Sin 2 also had KS for it, that produced over 2 million dollars and Larian puts in their own money also in that game so it budget is about same as the budget of the first game.


    There are benefits and draw back in both making own engine and using general purpose engine like unity. And those benefits and draw back vary from project to project and there which is why companies make assessments of their needs and select tool according to them. One thing is certain that Obsidian didn't have their own engine ready when they started their KS and making one from the scratch would have meant additional developing time, as it takes time to build engine. 


    And there is also one thing that needs to be taking in consideration when you compare D:OS to PoE, which is difference in typical salaries in Belgium and California.



    Come on now, and Obsidian had no spare funds at all.


    According PCGamer, Larian loaned money from banks, got outside investors and also got the Kickstarter funds. Shows enormous dedication, if nothing else. Larian's "dream RPG" concept does not really overlap with mine, but I enjoyed playing it.


    Maybe a better comparison to PoE will be Torment: Tides of Numenera (definitely a friendly comparison though, not as rivals), that one took much longer to be sure and still not out.     



    Obisidian put their own money to PoE, they run out KS funds half year or so before release. Also Paradox put their funds in the game. I don't have knowledge how much they put their own funds, but quite lot.


    As I said Larian developed D:OS years before they brought it to KS where they seek funds to add some features they wanted and create buzz for the game. Larian started D:OS after relative success of Divinity 2 and they were also developing Divinity: Dragon Commander, but they had to release it bit too early to bring money in, so that they could focus in developing D:OS. Obsidian wasn't in best financial situation when they decided to do KS for PoE, it was bit Hail Mary move after cancellation of one of their projects. 


    As side note: Torment: Tides of Numenera was delayed because Wasteland 2 was delayed. It was bit chain effect situation. Said delay gave TToN's design team more time to design things which they think will make game better. And they also build on work that Obsidian did with PoE as they licensed add ons that Obsidian made for Unity in order to use 2d backgrounds etc.. 

  18. Regarding the 4 Million issue,  if you think that a company puts 4 million dollars in a safe and keeps paying everything from that until a project is finished, than it is not much. That is not, and should not be, how companies work though. One can squeeze a lot from million dollar sums by proper handling of that money. Also I have to mention Larian's Divinity Original Sin 2 here. 1 Million Budget, using their own engine (by the way the only reason I am bringing the engine Issue up here is not because I want the developers to come up with their engine, definitely not, unity is fine, and certainly saves a lot of resources (funds, work etc). Using unity would allow them to allocate those resources where it is needed). Let us not get into comparing Original Sin to PoE, though. Original Sin is not a great RPG in terms of story writing etc. and had way too many cheap jokes for my liking. 


    Divinity Original Sin's budget was over 4 million euros (which was at that time over 5 million dollars). Majority of their budget didn't come from KS as they only collected 1 million dollars to finish the game. Before they started their kickstarter Larian was already build their engine and engine tools in most parts and most of the game itself. Larian also did in their KS for D:OS mistake to promise too much and they had to take back some of those promises during developing the game.


    Divinity Original Sin 2 also had KS for it, that produced over 2 million dollars and Larian puts in their own money also in that game so it budget is about same as the budget of the first game.


    There are benefits and draw back in both making own engine and using general purpose engine like unity. And those benefits and draw back vary from project to project and there which is why companies make assessments of their needs and select tool according to them. One thing is certain that Obsidian didn't have their own engine ready when they started their KS and making one from the scratch would have meant additional developing time, as it takes time to build engine. 


    And there is also one thing that needs to be taking in consideration when you compare D:OS to PoE, which is difference in typical salaries in Belgium and California.

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