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Posts posted by Elerond

  1. It doesn't matter if they hate everything from eskimos to the color of your shoes. None of that does. It's attacking the voters of another candidate, it's about as low as you can get as politician and leader.


    Attacking another's candidates base support is basic strategy in politics. Which is something that also Trump does. It is strategy that aims to associate people that general public or certain demographic don't like with other candidate, so that they will have higher threshold to vote that other candidate, which makes it easier to lure them to vote yourself. It isn't nice strategy, but politics and politicians rarely are nice.

    • Like 2



    Please, it is well know that Google has blacklisted 8chan.


    Even if this were true (I don't subscribe to the 8chan megolamania delusion that google knows it exists, let alone cares enough about it to blacklist it) what does this have to do with root dns servers? Google is coorporation, not a government.



    It seem that 8chan isn't blacklisted from google searches. But they are but in very low priority, which means that non-direct searches will result only indirect links at best.


    And Google puts this message to direct searches.

    "Suspected child abuse content has been removed from this page. Report child abuse content."


    It is reported that in 2015 for brief period even direct searches didn't provide any results from the site, only message about child abuse. Same reports also say that Google didn't comment why it happened.


    In January 2015 8chan.co domain was blacklisted by its domain registrar because it was reported containing child pornography and 8chan was moved under new domain 8ch.net. Where it is still even though old domain is back in use. 


    I used to be that it wouldn't show at all on a direct search.


    The site content skirts the limits of legality and no one could make a case that it is moral but it certainly wasn't doing anything illegal. More so, it was a pretty hamhanded response on their part that they didn't just block the boards with questionable content but the entire domain. It would be akin to shutting down the entire Obsidian boards because of one questionable thread. 


    Having control of DNS allows the UN to put pressure on websites to self regulate any content they deem inappropriate, and to stifle any online activism by taking down websites.

    So that things like this one which aren't made big public issues, or the DNC hack or Wiki Leaks are disrupted 



    But they don't have control over DNS, only root servers. Domain registrars aren't under ICANN's control and they aren't moving under UN's control. I would point out that Wiki leaks is located outside of USA and therefore it isn't protected by US laws and USA is one the countries that has tried to take it down, like forcing Amazon stop hosting them and so on.


    Can't say why Google does what it does, but in my understanding 8chan don't moderate or remove questionable content. And there is no easy way to automatically sort out which 8chan boards have questionable content and which don't which is probably reason why Google has demoted whole domain. Google is quite heavy handed when it comes to such things, most likely because they don't want to spent money to sort them out.






    "Anti-immigration Alternative for Germany"


    im curious to hear about this alternative. What's their solution beyond "closing borders" and hoping millions of ppl will disappear or go somewhere else?

    They are Eurosceptic, they want to end free movement, dissolve the Euro, keep the common trade bloc, promote traditional family roles, are pro gun rights, etc. With multiculturalism a failure, immigration driving low skill wages down making the poor poorer, and the leftist feminist drive to destroy the traditional family I can see the appeal


    But some of these objectives seem inconsistent, you cant have the EU and the single market without the Euro as the currency and the central government in Brussels


    It surprises me people keep bringing this up as a reasonable objective ?



    More and more people are seeing this as a mistake and wish to decentralize, return to old currencies and work as partners instead. People are witnessing the erosion of the things that matter the most to them(their people, culture, heritage and identity) and the EU is actively collaborating in its acceleration and people are getting fed up with it. A soft democratic process of removing political power from Brussels, abolishment of the multicultural project (which is ironically enough destroying our cultural differences), forced integration, enforced borders and a sound policy of return of refugees will alleviate the worst of sociatal grievances and ensure a calmer future for all europeans nations. Then they can finally make the necessary structural changes to make sure that their central banks are not privately owned and controlled by their governments instead in order effectively destroy the cancer called 'globalism' (for more information on the last part, i would like to refer to the documentary 'The Princes of the Yen').


    If not, then we will be heading into a manufactured crisis with a resulting war and a final death in the vein of the poem 'The Hollow Men' by T.S. Eliot.


     You raise some good points that are relevant to you and your personal experience which I'm sure is shared by many others in the EU


    In the past I have been a little condescending by these types of comments and said things like  " you think you want this but you dont really  " ....but I'll explain in more detail what I really mean



    When you say "  People are witnessing the erosion of the things that matter the most to them(their people, culture, heritage and identity) and the EU is actively collaborating in its acceleration " what if you gained these things by leaving the EU but the consequence was the crash or utter dysfunction of your economy? You see basically every person on this forum who lives in the EU has probably only known about life in the EU, its not anyones fault but you guys all live in first world countries where the EU and your governments are functional. You are use to this and unintentionally take this for granted


    You complain about lack of sovereignty and immigrant quotas being enforced and I understand these things matter but imagine a failed healthcare system, broken government institutions, high unemployment or a government simply not caring what its citizens think. This the reality many countries and there citizens face outside the EU


    I am not fearmongering but I cannot see how any current member state , outside the UK,  could in this current reality of such tight economic integration leave the EU and gets it old currency back and somehow be able to sustain its economy outside the EU....the economic impact would be so severe to the average citizen it would almost unimaginable 


    So imagine a failed economy outside the EU but you have your sovereignty back ...would it matter ?





    I think economic collapse isn't something that is necessarily a big concern.



    It is so nice that British economy don't necessary collapse just because they had a vote.   


    Please, it is well know that Google has blacklisted 8chan.


    Even if this were true (I don't subscribe to the 8chan megolamania delusion that google knows it exists, let alone cares enough about it to blacklist it) what does this have to do with root dns servers? Google is coorporation, not a government.



    It seem that 8chan isn't blacklisted from google searches. But they are but in very low priority, which means that non-direct searches will result only indirect links at best.


    And Google puts this message to direct searches.

    "Suspected child abuse content has been removed from this page. Report child abuse content."


    It is reported that in 2015 for brief period even direct searches didn't provide any results from the site, only message about child abuse. Same reports also say that Google didn't comment why it happened.


    In January 2015 8chan.co domain was blacklisted by its domain registrar because it was reported containing child pornography and 8chan was moved under new domain 8ch.net. Where it is still even though old domain is back in use. 








    Wait, what? The organization for handling DNS root name servers and domain names is given to the UN? Who in the blue **** thought that it was a good idea?


    I would say that it is better idea than let one country decide who has right to have root name servers and what kind domains there can be. But I have my doubts that things will changes to any direction, as there is already Governmental advisory committee where there are representatives from most of world countries and observers from lots of international organizations. 


    The root name servers are distributed around the world for redundancy. Queries very seldom ever reach them because of caching technology. The root name servers are a . record and have records of the top level domains but the records are replicated between the root name servers. So it doesnt matter who manages them as many countries take house them  


    Servers don't matter as much as content. They will try to dictate what content should be allowed, which will lead to what happens in despotic Communism: snitching about things that never happened to get someone in trouble and middle manager overregulating because they don't want to get in trouble with the higher ups. Plus if you think that they won 't come up with an excuse to go after competing servers then your are very naive. After all most people don't have enough tech know how to understand or care about this.


    I can understand that concern but end of the day the actual data is not the concern of the DNS system, DNS simply routes your query to the " www" or " "ftp " which is the actual server that contains the data. The root name servers dont know about the domains lower than the top level 


    So yes some governments do block some internet sites but the ownership of the root name servers is important but it cant be used to block access to lower sites as this would crash many queries and make overall browsing inconsistent 


    But they cant use competing servers as then you would need another similar system to DNS, like every company uses its own private DNS, and another competing DNS would be pointless as who would want to register with it ?


    For one they can dictate content, otherwise good bye being on the mainstream portion of the internet. Secondly, you're not seeing this situation as a whole; is like saying that controlling the roads has no bearing on you driving your car (Tolls will prove you wrong). The fact is that this will put globalist interests  and national interests at odds when they're not aligned, which gives whomever is lining the pockets of the EU control over the Internet.



    They can't dictate the content.  It is technically impossible.


    One, you assume that the people behind this have a good understanding of the Internet. Two they will use their authority to put pressure on sites, or outright ban them due to certain issues.(EG: why 8chan doesn't show on google searches) They don't need to completely erase content as long as people continue to trust institutions which they control, they only need to direct them to said institutions.


    USA is currently leading country in war against internet content and they don't seem to be able to win pirates even though they drive through laws all around world that removes people rights when it comes to piracy.


    Their ability to dictate internet domains has not helped them much in this fight. And it will not help any other instance who dictates what domains there are. 


    8chan don't show in google searches because they block googles indexing robots.






    Wait, what? The organization for handling DNS root name servers and domain names is given to the UN? Who in the blue **** thought that it was a good idea?


    I would say that it is better idea than let one country decide who has right to have root name servers and what kind domains there can be. But I have my doubts that things will changes to any direction, as there is already Governmental advisory committee where there are representatives from most of world countries and observers from lots of international organizations. 


    The root name servers are distributed around the world for redundancy. Queries very seldom ever reach them because of caching technology. The root name servers are a . record and have records of the top level domains but the records are replicated between the root name servers. So it doesnt matter who manages them as many countries take house them  


    Servers don't matter as much as content. They will try to dictate what content should be allowed, which will lead to what happens in despotic Communism: snitching about things that never happened to get someone in trouble and middle manager overregulating because they don't want to get in trouble with the higher ups. Plus if you think that they won 't come up with an excuse to go after competing servers then your are very naive. After all most people don't have enough tech know how to understand or care about this.


    I can understand that concern but end of the day the actual data is not the concern of the DNS system, DNS simply routes your query to the " www" or " "ftp " which is the actual server that contains the data. The root name servers dont know about the domains lower than the top level 


    So yes some governments do block some internet sites but the ownership of the root name servers is important but it cant be used to block access to lower sites as this would crash many queries and make overall browsing inconsistent 


    But they cant use competing servers as then you would need another similar system to DNS, like every company uses its own private DNS, and another competing DNS would be pointless as who would want to register with it ?


    For one they can dictate content, otherwise good bye being on the mainstream portion of the internet. Secondly, you're not seeing this situation as a whole; is like saying that controlling the roads has no bearing on you driving your car (Tolls will prove you wrong). The fact is that this will put globalist interests  and national interests at odds when they're not aligned, which gives whomever is lining the pockets of the EU control over the Internet.



    They can't dictate the content.  It is technically impossible.

    • Like 1

    "Anti-immigration Alternative for Germany"


    im curious to hear about this alternative. What's their solution beyond "closing borders" and hoping millions of ppl will disappear or go somewhere else?

    They are Eurosceptic, they want to end free movement, dissolve the Euro, keep the common trade bloc, promote traditional family roles, are pro gun rights, etc. With multiculturalism a failure, immigration driving low skill wages down making the poor poorer, and the leftist feminist drive to destroy the traditional family I can see the appeal



    They are just similar party as our Eurosceptic and anti-immigration party here in Finland that is currently in government that is cutting income from poor (which they were against in election), giving tax breaks for rich (which they were against in election), giving stick for unemployed people (which they were against in election), cutting occupational immigration and focusing in taking more refugees (which is opposite what they said in election), cutting from education (which they were against in election), cutting from elderly care and health care (which they were against in election), and so on.


    Because it seems that populism don't work when you need to make decision in real world.

    • Like 1


    Wait, what? The organization for handling DNS root name servers and domain names is given to the UN? Who in the blue **** thought that it was a good idea?


    I would say that it is better idea than let one country decide who has right to have root name servers and what kind domains there can be. But I have my doubts that things will changes to any direction, as there is already Governmental advisory committee where there are representatives from most of world countries and observers from lots of international organizations. 



    Considering the decentralized american infrastructure, it's constitution and the system of checks and balances, i would say that ICANN is operating at its least lousy place and any move is for the worse.



    If you look history of ICANN you see that it has done lots of shady things. Also I would point out things under ICANN's control are commercial in nature as it controls what domains there are and how much they cost. Like how they created .sucks that works nearly only to shake money from brand owners as they buy .sucks domains to protect their brands but otherwise domain has not seen any real use. Also ICANN has allowed domain name hording which has forced companies pay big sums to get domains for themselves and forces them to buy and hold domains for possible use decades before they are even planing to launch products just to prevent people registering domains that they may use in future. Meaning that things haven't been that good in under US Department of Commerce oversight. Of course in under UN's oversight there is possible that most of the world will vote against western view of things, leading to different commercial options for domains, but some could argue that is democracy in action.

  9. Wait, what? The organization for handling DNS root name servers and domain names is given to the UN? Who in the blue **** thought that it was a good idea?


    I would say that it is better idea than let one country decide who has right to have root name servers and what kind domains there can be. But I have my doubts that things will changes to any direction, as there is already Governmental advisory committee where there are representatives from most of world countries and observers from lots of international organizations. 

  10. I am giving them a chance this time based on the people involved in the game. I didn't back Wasteland 2 with much money. Gave more to this because I know the whole put Torment in the title thing going on.


    From what I played in the beta, this game will at the very least be good.


    Game will be good if they can keep same number of options through the game. Because there is always risk for doing same that Lionheart did, which making compelling and complex first area and then become just series of snoozefest fights.

    • Like 1
  11. Discussion was about migration, demographic and economic expectations.

    You can't keep growing your economy and keep the same retirement age if you don't raise enough kids.

    Europe (and most of developed world) does not, hence the need for migrants/refugees.


    One alternative would be to give up on economy and let it shrink naturally.

    But as long as most people are interested in improving their lot that's a no-go.


    Most countries need economical growth to keep paying their debts, which prevents natural shrinking of economy, as they face threat crashing economy. 

  12. Funny how people suddenly started hating Jared Leto after Suicide Squad.


    He's a great actor, as shown in Requiem for a Dream, Mr. Nobody and Dallas Buyers Club.


    I didn't have clue who he was before Suicide Squad, even though I have seen three movies where he has been (Fight Club, "Girl, Interrupted", and American Psycho), and I would guess that I am not only one whom that is the case. So sudden hate towards could be because people actually noticed his acting.

  13. I thought this was interesting. Reason Magazine ranked all 50 States by their overall freedom ranking. The results are based on tax burden, regulatory and government intrusion into private property, personal business (like needing a business license for your kid to sell lemonade in the front yard) etc.


    I would like to send my deepest condolences to Gromnir, Hurlshot, Manifested, Di, and all my other brothers & sisters languishing under the heavy chains of totalitarian cruelty in California. You finished 49th again. But... take heart in this... New York is even worse. They were dead last again! And you have better weather.


    My own home state was 6th, proving again we are the freest state in the land of the green (wait I think that's the other way around.... anyway) New Hampshire moved from 2nd to 1st over all. Maybe that "Free State" project is starting to take root. I with they'd picked somewhere warmer.


    Anyway... here is the list: http://reason.com/blog/2016/08/15/how-free-is-your-state-all-50-states-ran


    In personal freedoms it seems that both California (#16) and New York (#29) are ranked higher than Texas (#49) and Tennessee (#42).  New Hampshire seem to also be good state for those that like personal freedoms as it is ranked #9 in those addition to be #1 in fiscal freedoms. Idaho seems to be the freest date for those who hate regulations, which seem to for fiscal sector (#8 ), but not for individuals (#45). 




    Philosophy is branch of science, first branch actually, other branches like physics, biology, psychology etc. have branched out from philosophy.


    It's hardly that clear-cut, it rather depends on how you define science. Philosophy certainly isn't an empirical enterprise and does not study, or generate knowledge of, the world around us. At the very least that puts it in a very different category than the (other) branches of science. Excepting perhaps the so-called 'formal sciences' like mathematics, but for the same reason I would not consider those branches of science either. They're just very different things, and there is no clear unifying reason to lump them in together.


    It's also a bit of a stretch to say the (empirical) sciences branched out from philosophy. There didn't used to be a very clear distinction between the two activities, they rather bled together and were generally engaged in by the same people. It seems more accurate to say that they branched off from each other, developing and evolving into the forms they have now. Philosophy has undergone quite an evolution of its own, as an activity it is vastly removed from the likes of Descartes and Kant, let alone the ancient Greeks. The Anglo-Saxon philosophical tradition at any rate, who knows what the Continentals are ever on about (and let us not deign to speak of Eastern "philosophy"). 



    Philosophy is mostly theoretical science, where people study things by theoretical research methods, although there is also empiric research methods (Aristotle, Greek philosopher was big advocate of empiric research and it is seen as his legacy that empiric research focused branches of science were born). But of course we also have theoretical physics and similar branches in empiric research focuses on sciences that focus mostly in theoretical research. 



    And I would argue that to the extent that his work was empirical, it wasn't philosophy. Just because he is chiefly known as a philosopher, doesn't mean that everything he did constitutes philosophy. And again, there is generally a vast difference between what scientists do and what philosophers (and in the same vein, mathematicians) do. These operate on rather distinct principles, those of science being fundamentally empirical and those of philosophy and mathematics decidedly not. The boundaries between them aren't necessarily always clear-cut, but that in itself is no reason to conflate the different disciplines (the distinctions between different branches of science, or different branches of philosophy, are far murkier, but meaningful nonetheless). Even the more theoretical parts of physics are still aimed at modeling, understanding, predicting the physical world; it may be more distant from the empirical data than other branches of physics, but it is still grounded in it nonetheless. Philosophy and mathematics on the other hand, are not. 



    He was philosopher, who was behind classical model of scientific method and one of the founders of natural philosophy (way of study which modern natural sciences are based). 


    But with increase of knowledge about nature, university, etc. there was need for more and more specialized fields of study, which lead to modern divination of sciences, where natural sciences study the material universe, social science study people and societies, formal sciences study non-empirical things and philosophy that ponders meanings behind things. Definitions of science sometimes include formal sciences and philosophy and sometimes they exclude them because they don't use empiric methods, which means that they don't use scientific method. But natural sciences and social sciences rely and use knowledge produced by formal sciences and philosophy, which make them integral part of science even if people exclude them from definition of science (whole debate what is science and what is not is part of philosophy of science for example). 




    Integration is going as expected in Corsica.





    “It happened because a tourist was taking photos,” said Ange-Pierre Vivoni, the local mayor, on TF1 television. “And the Maghrebins (North Africans) didn’t want to have their photos taken. It was quite a trivial matter to begin with.”


    Police are still trying to establish how the incident turned into a riot, but local media said that a group of older North African men soon arrived, some armed with hatchets and harpoons, and took on the young Corsicans.



    French people didn't like that tourists took pictures of them, and then other French people come in defense of tourist and said that tourists have right to took those pictures of those other French people and then these two groups of French people started to fight and then more French people showed up armed with harpoons and hatchets and then people got injured. Typical French behavior.





    Here i was the other day with a colleage of mine from France at a local cafeteria, sipping a latté and accidently took a selfie with him in frame. Before i knew it, his friends Pierre, Louis, Jules and the rest of the gang armed with harpoons and machetes jumped out and started to threathen me because i was conducting myself in a very anti-french manner when a took my photo. But that's the french for you, i can tell ya.



    I take that you haven't watched that French Netflix show "A Very Secret Service"





    In any event, I was just pointing out that Thaos isn't pro-religious.  Nor did I see the story as atheistic propaganda.  Ultimately one pantheon is all that is dealt with.  The big question "is there still a god or gods"  is left open.  And no, I don't take Thaos' word for it. 


    Thaos is willing to commit genocide and even worse things just to keep his religion only religion in world, by preventing people questioning 



    Which isn't pro....He wants to use use his Artificial Intelligences to control....



    He believes that those machines are gods, or at least close to god than anything can come and they are only things that keep world running as it is. For him they are center of religion, center of everything that he believes in. So I would argue that he is clearly pro religion.



    Close to gods isn't believing in gods. Believing they have immense power, isn't believing they're gods. He knows they're simply products of his science.



    You don't necessary need gods in religion. "Religion is a cultural system of behaviors and practices, world views, sacred texts, holy places, ethics, and societal organisation that relate humanity to what an anthropologist has called "an order of existence"". Religion usually involves belief in supernatural forces, especially gods that control or people and who people are accountable.


    Philosophy is branch of science, first branch actually, other branches like physics, biology, psychology etc. have branched out from philosophy.


    It's hardly that clear-cut, it rather depends on how you define science. Philosophy certainly isn't an empirical enterprise and does not study, or generate knowledge of, the world around us. At the very least that puts it in a very different category than the (other) branches of science. Excepting perhaps the so-called 'formal sciences' like mathematics, but for the same reason I would not consider those branches of science either. They're just very different things, and there is no clear unifying reason to lump them in together.


    It's also a bit of a stretch to say the (empirical) sciences branched out from philosophy. There didn't used to be a very clear distinction between the two activities, they rather bled together and were generally engaged in by the same people. It seems more accurate to say that they branched off from each other, developing and evolving into the forms they have now. Philosophy has undergone quite an evolution of its own, as an activity it is vastly removed from the likes of Descartes and Kant, let alone the ancient Greeks. The Anglo-Saxon philosophical tradition at any rate, who knows what the Continentals are ever on about (and let us not deign to speak of Eastern "philosophy"). 



    Philosophy is mostly theoretical science, where people study things by theoretical research methods, although there is also empiric research methods (Aristotle, Greek philosopher was big advocate of empiric research and it is seen as his legacy that empiric research focused branches of science were born). But of course we also have theoretical physics and similar branches in empiric research focuses on sciences that focus mostly in theoretical research. 


    Integration is going as expected in Corsica.





    “It happened because a tourist was taking photos,” said Ange-Pierre Vivoni, the local mayor, on TF1 television. “And the Maghrebins (North Africans) didn’t want to have their photos taken. It was quite a trivial matter to begin with.”


    Police are still trying to establish how the incident turned into a riot, but local media said that a group of older North African men soon arrived, some armed with hatchets and harpoons, and took on the young Corsicans.



    French people didn't like that tourists took pictures of them, and then other French people come in defense of tourist and said that tourists have right to took those pictures of those other French people and then these two groups of French people started to fight and then more French people showed up armed with harpoons and hatchets and then people got injured. Typical French behavior.



    Looking through my physics and bio texts, not seeing a list of good things and evil things.  Science and the cold dumb universe doesn't care about race based slavery, pedophilia, etc.  In fact, along with its many wonders it has also delivered us chemical, biological, and atomic weapons.  Science don't care, so to speak.


    So, for instance, if we were to say the american slave trade was an evil, we're stepping outside of science.  Saying this practice was wrong is superstitious.  You have to have faith in its wrongness (its wrongness) as you can't measure its wrongness with scientific instruments.


    You could say, well, I subjectively opine that the american slave trade was wrong/evil.  But that's like telling us your favorite color.  I like red, you like blue, neither of us can be right or wrong in reality since this is subjective.  You like the american slave trade, I don't, neither of us can actually be right or wrong since it's all subjective.


    You should check your psychology, social psychology, behavioral science and philosophy books for example, before you make such claims. 



    While the whole "it's all subjective" line is taking it rather too far in the other direction, he is correct in saying that science does not do morality. Philosophy does, but that's not really a branch of science as such. Even if it was, as (almost) any philosopher would be happy to point out, there is a big divide between the descriptive (which science principally concerns itself with) and the normative (the domain of ethics, aesthetics, etc.) that cannot really be bridged; you can't prove an 'ought' from an 'is'.


    Which isn't to say that the normative is all just subjective and mere opinion (in the pejorative sense), nor even that it cannot be objective in a more fundamental sense; the latter is not a view I would subscribe to, but it's been argued by plenty of influential philosophers (though not so many now, I'd say). But conversely the objectivity of the descriptive, of 'the truth' is rather problematic as well, so in practice it seems more sensible to put the whole subjective vs objective dichotomy aside anyway, and focus on reasoned argument instead. 



    Philosophy is branch of science, first branch actually, other branches like physics, biology, psychology etc. have branched out from philosophy.



    In any event, I was just pointing out that Thaos isn't pro-religious.  Nor did I see the story as atheistic propaganda.  Ultimately one pantheon is all that is dealt with.  The big question "is there still a god or gods"  is left open.  And no, I don't take Thaos' word for it. 


    Thaos is willing to commit genocide and even worse things just to keep his religion only religion in world, by preventing people questioning 



    Which isn't pro....He wants to use use his Artificial Intelligences to control....



    He believes that those machines are gods, or at least close to god than anything can come and they are only things that keep world running as it is. For him they are center of religion, center of everything that he believes in. So I would argue that he is clearly pro religion.

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