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Posts posted by Elerond







    not sure what slammed means



    Slang word for: To criticize harshly; censure forcefully.



    Well it depends on who you ask no? I mean there were mentioned immigrants 'slamming' it:


    Leftist immigrant advocates are claiming the project is "racist," "xenophobic" and "islamophobic," while the right perceives it as yet more proof of a clash of civilizations.
    In local news there were citations as well...



    But it isn't mentioned in Swedish news about critic that the project has received. 



    well, so we debunk everything you got against my article, and now you just point out that if information is not in your article so its not true? Doesn't it sounds a little bit like picking only information you like? Also Sweden is kinda known for hiding facts related to immigrants, I think we can agree on it?



    Only thing that we debunk was my claim that it didn't get public money


    Also if Swedes hide information about immigrants, only source that your article uses is Swedish one and why SVT would hide criticism towards Swedes but not criticism aimed towards immigrant whose project it is? 





    not sure what slammed means



    Slang word for: To criticize harshly; censure forcefully.



    Well it depends on who you ask no? I mean there were mentioned immigrants 'slamming' it:


    Leftist immigrant advocates are claiming the project is "racist," "xenophobic" and "islamophobic," while the right perceives it as yet more proof of a clash of civilizations.
    In local news there were citations as well...



    But it isn't mentioned in Swedish news about critic that the project has received. Also project initiator seems to be immigrant, which would make me question what immigrant advocates would claim that he is racist especially in Sweden.








    It seems that fake news about Sweden are quite popular this days.



    Is it fake? it was in our local news, I was just looking for some english written source, I have skipped RT and Breitbard for obvious reasons...





    It is private project that has no public funding or even permit yet. It is build in Angered which is suburb in Gothenburg Municipality not in actual city of Gothenburg and so on.


    I mean there is real think behind the story, but it is full of alternative facts.



    woot, headline from this page:


    Tax-million goes to the giant camel project in Gothenburg



    It has granted money from Västra Götaland Regional Council (Västra Götalandsregionen), which I first though was only some development organization, but it is actually some regional governance in Sweden. So it has actually received public funding, my bad. But other details in article are still off.


    (Million SEK is about 100k EUR)


    Although SVT's article is about how entrepreneur behind park is marketed benefits of camel milk in way that is against Swedish law and how park still don't have building permit.



    So what actually in that article I posted is not true? Starting to be confused. 



    Location of park

    It isn't aimed for immigrants (at least not by information given by SVT's article)

    And it is slammed because it don't have building permit and illegal marketing, not because it is racist.

    • Like 1





    It seems that fake news about Sweden are quite popular this days.



    Is it fake? it was in our local news, I was just looking for some english written source, I have skipped RT and Breitbard for obvious reasons...





    It is private project that has no public funding or even permit yet. It is build in Angered which is suburb in Gothenburg Municipality not in actual city of Gothenburg and so on.


    I mean there is real think behind the story, but it is full of alternative facts.



    woot, headline from this page:


    Tax-million goes to the giant camel project in Gothenburg



    It has granted money from Västra Götaland Regional Council (Västra Götalandsregionen), which I first though was only some development organization, but it is actually some regional governance in Sweden. So it has actually received public funding, my bad. But other details in article are still off.


    (Million SEK is about 100k EUR)


    Although SVT's article is about how entrepreneur behind park is marketed benefits of camel milk in way that is against Swedish law and how park still don't have building permit.




    It seems that fake news about Sweden are quite popular this days.



    Is it fake? it was in our local news, I was just looking for some english written source, I have skipped RT and Breitbard for obvious reasons...





    It is private project that has not recived public funding or even building permit yet. It is build in Angered which is suburb in Gothenburg Municipality not in actual city of Gothenburg and so on.


    I mean there is real thing behind the story, but it is full of alternative facts.

    • Like 1

    I guess I just assume that after so many years of delays, that it may as well be vaporware until proven otherwise


    Years of delays? It's been available as early access for over a year now, so people that worry about that stuff can see it in action. To be honest, anyone that thought the game would release in 2014 was not paying attention. I believe Kickstarter actually only lets you set a date so far in the future, so that is why the majority of these games do not hit their targets. This was what, a 4 year development cycle? That doesn't sound that much longer than your typical big RPG.


    PoE started in 2012 and launched in 2015, so Torment basically took an extra year.



    When you take in consideration that its pre-production period was increased nearly by year because inXile making Wasteland 2 Director Cut / console port it isn't really taken that much of time from them to actually develop it.

  7. Some researchers say that in USA immigration don't increase crimes in USA, but it may do opposite at least with some crime types




    A team of researchers led by the University at Buffalo in New York examined census data and crime reports from 200 US cities in the years between 1970 and 2010


    They found “strong and stable evidence” that crime rates are not linked to immigration, said the study’s lead author Robert Adelman, adding: “The results are very clear.”

    Higher levels of immigration are in fact related to a drop in some types of crime, they discovered.


    “The results show that immigration does not increase assaults and, in fact, robberies, burglaries, larceny, and murder are lower in places where immigration levels are higher,” said Dr Adelman, an Associate Professor of Sociology at the university.


    Figures from the US Justice Department analysed by the Cato Institute think tank found immigrants were one-half to one-fifth as likely to be jailed when compared with American citizens.


    About seven per cent of the country’s population are non-citizens, while five per cent of prisoners in state and federal prisons fall into that category.


    “We are not claiming that immigrants are never involved in crime,” he said. “What we are explaining is that communities experiencing demographic change driven by immigration patterns do not experience significant increases in any of the kinds of crime we examined.


    “It’s important to base our public policies on facts and evidence rather than ideologies and baseless claims that demonise particular segments of the US population without any facts to back them up.”








    Fight against it like we fought against communism. Invite people in, promise them freedom and self control. It was communists that build wall to prevent people leaving their country not western people building wall to prevent people coming in from communistic regimes. Now days we fight more like authoritarians than people from the free world.


    Like people are saying that Muslims will take over our countries are same fear that communist had towards western people, it is wear that our way of living isn't appealing enough to people and outside philosophy will over run it if we don't protect our way philosophy even if it means to go against our own values and ideologies.


    They are not fleeing islam as a religion. They colonising and creating their own societies.



    You mean to say that most of them are fleeing war, persecution or poverty in their own countries and we don't let them to integrate to our society but instead we put them for years in centers where they have little to none daily interaction with main population. I would point out that tens of thousands of Muslim refugees are willing to convert to Christianity (although often motivated y hope that makes us to let them stay) 



    Strange how middle eastern and north african muslims fail to integrate into western societies while the rest does even if you take into account the detriment policy of dumping anyone into the ghetto.


    Previously we invited Salman Rushdies to the west to live in freedom from tyranny, but last year the door was open for any jester fooling the lady border patrol officer that he suddenly wants to be christian and if you don't open the border for him, he and his pals will storm it, throw rocks at you or any other means necessary.



    It is strange how there are several (5) restaurants run by middle eastern and north african muslims just one kilometer radius from my home



    So well integrated that they are exporting the best back:




    The world would be better of by sending them all back, build a wall around them, wait a few hundred years, and open the door and hopefully something civilized will emerge from the other side.


    Perpetually importing people from regions that do nothing but destabilizing a society is simply not going to cut it. Better do it now in a civilized matter before creating the balkanisation begins the inevitable war begins.



    So 30 people went in Syria to be terrorists and nearly 1000 of them decided to make pizza and kebabs in Tampere. 



    Those are just the most hardcore ones. But being the best ISIS-exporter should tell you something about what you're dealing with compared to other groups like those from south america or east asia. So nevermind the disproportional amount of violence committed by said groups in almost every other european country already with a continuous negative trend, as long as you get that those restaurants, anything is permitted.





    I am saying that majority of them integrates in our society quite fine. But there are problems that need to be looked at, so that we know what is the causes behind those problems and how we can solve those problems. But attacking/punishing all of them, especially those that not just follow our laws fully but actively contribute in our society by creating their own businesses isn't good strategy to go forward in any sense.


    Also grouping all people from Middle East and North Africa as same hides some of those problems and causes behind them. Like for example unemployed rate within somali population is over 55% and as largest North African Muslim population in Finland they make statistics look bad for people from other North African countries even when they do much better job in becoming productive part of our society. 


    We have had problems with Somali population now over 20 years and still somehow we don't seem to find any actual solutions or even know why so many of them are unemployed.


    Also we have more problems with refugees from Afghanistan than we have from Syria for example, when it comes to committing crimes and acting badly towards women. Also people from Morocco and Algeria (maybe the criminals from those countries go in France and law binding people come to Finland who knows) seem to integrate better than Russians for example when it comes to crimes. 


    I can't say what would to be best policy to go forward but I am pretty sure that grouping millions of people that share similar religion but still come from different culture and different circumstances in same isn't probably the best solution to pick. 

    • Like 1





    Fight against it like we fought against communism. Invite people in, promise them freedom and self control. It was communists that build wall to prevent people leaving their country not western people building wall to prevent people coming in from communistic regimes. Now days we fight more like authoritarians than people from the free world.


    Like people are saying that Muslims will take over our countries are same fear that communist had towards western people, it is wear that our way of living isn't appealing enough to people and outside philosophy will over run it if we don't protect our way philosophy even if it means to go against our own values and ideologies.


    They are not fleeing islam as a religion. They colonising and creating their own societies.



    You mean to say that most of them are fleeing war, persecution or poverty in their own countries and we don't let them to integrate to our society but instead we put them for years in centers where they have little to none daily interaction with main population. I would point out that tens of thousands of Muslim refugees are willing to convert to Christianity (although often motivated y hope that makes us to let them stay) 



    Strange how middle eastern and north african muslims fail to integrate into western societies while the rest does even if you take into account the detriment policy of dumping anyone into the ghetto.


    Previously we invited Salman Rushdies to the west to live in freedom from tyranny, but last year the door was open for any jester fooling the lady border patrol officer that he suddenly wants to be christian and if you don't open the border for him, he and his pals will storm it, throw rocks at you or any other means necessary.



    It is strange how there are several (5) restaurants run by middle eastern and north african muslims just one kilometer radius from my home



    So well integrated that they are exporting the best back:




    The world would be better of by sending them all back, build a wall around them, wait a few hundred years, and open the door and hopefully something civilized will emerge from the other side.


    Perpetually importing people from regions that do nothing but destabilizing a society is simply not going to cut it. Better do it now in a civilized matter before creating the balkanisation begins the inevitable war begins.



    So 30 people went in Syria to be terrorists and nearly 1000 of them decided to make pizza and kebabs in Tampere. 

    • Like 1



    Fight against it like we fought against communism. Invite people in, promise them freedom and self control. It was communists that build wall to prevent people leaving their country not western people building wall to prevent people coming in from communistic regimes. Now days we fight more like authoritarians than people from the free world.


    Like people are saying that Muslims will take over our countries are same fear that communist had towards western people, it is wear that our way of living isn't appealing enough to people and outside philosophy will over run it if we don't protect our way philosophy even if it means to go against our own values and ideologies.


    They are not fleeing islam as a religion. They colonising and creating their own societies.



    You mean to say that most of them are fleeing war, persecution or poverty in their own countries and we don't let them to integrate to our society but instead we put them for years in centers where they have little to none daily interaction with main population. I would point out that tens of thousands of Muslim refugees are willing to convert to Christianity (although often motivated y hope that makes us to let them stay) 



    Strange how middle eastern and north african muslims fail to integrate into western societies while the rest does even if you take into account the detriment policy of dumping anyone into the ghetto.


    Previously we invited Salman Rushdies to the west to live in freedom from tyranny, but last year the door was open for any jester fooling the lady border patrol officer that he suddenly wants to be christian and if you don't open the border for him, he and his pals will storm it, throw rocks at you or any other means necessary.



    It is strange how there are several (5) restaurants run by middle eastern and north african muslims just one kilometer radius from my home




    Fight against it like we fought against communism. Invite people in, promise them freedom and self control. It was communists that build wall to prevent people leaving their country not western people building wall to prevent people coming in from communistic regimes. Now days we fight more like authoritarians than people from the free world.


    Like people are saying that Muslims will take over our countries are same fear that communist had towards western people, it is wear that our way of living isn't appealing enough to people and outside philosophy will over run it if we don't protect our way philosophy even if it means to go against our own values and ideologies.

    Oh cmon, this is insulting.


    Our own countries shoot people trying to escape to Western world. I would say it was almost 0 people who get out of CCCP who wanted to create communism in the West. On contrary there are tons of Muslims in West who actually want to create sharia laws and caliphate inside of western world.



    Sharia laws are similar to ten commandments and laws in old testament, meaning that Muslims that don't live according to them are living in sin. There are lots of christian in western world that wants to make our countries laws more like laws in old testament, but that want alone don't make it become reality. And that is the fear that we somehow would suddenly accept Muslims code of morals instead of our own, and they would not and their children will not adopt our ethical codes and standards and assimilate them to their religious belief is the thing that currently drives lot of our policies and is one of the roots cause that drives resurgence extremist politics in main stream. 


    In Finland we have over 100k people with Russian heritage and 70k of them speak Russia as their first language, big sunk of them are from Soviet times. In comparison there are 40k-65k Muslims in Finland. It is Muslims that are taking over our country according to our politicians.


    Not sure what are you saying by this. Also 10 commandments probably are not against most of secular laws in West, where Sharia sure is. Also I didn't heard that Christians are creating their own courts outside of regular secular courts.



    Like You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant (original translation slave), his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.


    Or Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates. For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.



    Thus you will say to Israel’s sons: “Yahweh your fathers’ deity, Abraham’s deity, Isaac’s deity, and Jacob’s deity – He has sent me to you;” This is My name to eternity, and this is My designation age (by) age.


    Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth: 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God [am] a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation] of them that hate me; 6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.


    "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."


    And laws in old testament go even more against many of our laws.


    There are Christian religions that have their own courts. Like for example in Finland we have Laestadianism which is a conservative Lutheran revival movement started in Lapland in the middle of the 19th century. Which has their elder council that judge over its members and their members often don't even go in our regular secular courts when it comes to disputes between two members. And they aren't only Christian sect that has their own court system.

    • Like 1

    Fight against it like we fought against communism. Invite people in, promise them freedom and self control. It was communists that build wall to prevent people leaving their country not western people building wall to prevent people coming in from communistic regimes. Now days we fight more like authoritarians than people from the free world.


    Like people are saying that Muslims will take over our countries are same fear that communist had towards western people, it is wear that our way of living isn't appealing enough to people and outside philosophy will over run it if we don't protect our way philosophy even if it means to go against our own values and ideologies.


    They are not fleeing islam as a religion. They colonising and creating their own societies.



    You mean to say that most of them are fleeing war, persecution or poverty in their own countries and we don't let them to integrate to our society but instead we put them for years in centers where they have little to none daily interaction with main population. I would point out that tens of thousands of Muslim refugees are willing to convert to Christianity (although often motivated y hope that makes us to let them stay) 

    • Like 1

    Fight against it like we fought against communism. Invite people in, promise them freedom and self control. It was communists that build wall to prevent people leaving their country not western people building wall to prevent people coming in from communistic regimes. Now days we fight more like authoritarians than people from the free world.


    Like people are saying that Muslims will take over our countries are same fear that communist had towards western people, it is wear that our way of living isn't appealing enough to people and outside philosophy will over run it if we don't protect our way philosophy even if it means to go against our own values and ideologies.

    Oh cmon, this is insulting.


    Our own countries shoot people trying to escape to Western world. I would say it was almost 0 people who get out of CCCP who wanted to create communism in the West. On contrary there are tons of Muslims in West who actually want to create sharia laws and caliphate inside of western world.



    Sharia laws are similar to ten commandments and laws in old testament, meaning that Muslims that don't live according to them are living in sin. There are lots of christian in western world that wants to make our countries laws more like laws in old testament, but that want alone don't make it become reality. And that is the fear that we somehow would suddenly accept Muslims code of morals instead of our own, and they would not and their children will not adopt our ethical codes and standards and assimilate them to their religious belief is the thing that currently drives lot of our policies and is one of the roots cause that drives resurgence extremist politics in main stream. 


    In Finland we have over 100k people with Russian heritage and 70k of them speak Russia as their first language, big sunk of them are from Soviet times. In comparison there are 40k-65k Muslims in Finland. It is Muslims that are taking over our country according to our politicians.

    • Like 1
  14. Fight against it like we fought against communism. Invite people in, promise them freedom and self control. It was communists that build wall to prevent people leaving their country not western people building wall to prevent people coming in from communistic regimes. Now days we fight more like authoritarians than people from the free world.


    Like people are saying that Muslims will take over our countries are same fear that communist had towards western people, it is wear that our way of living isn't appealing enough to people and outside philosophy will over run it if we don't protect our way philosophy even if it means to go against our own values and ideologies.





    None of those problems would've occured if there weren't any immigration to begin with from north africa and the middle east. Funny that, a policy of doing nothing wouldn't cause a problem. It's almost like it is of a systematic nature.


    Some could say that there would be much less people immigrating if France had not conquered quite lot other countries in North Africa, Middle East and Asia.


    In the early 1960's France, like the UK,   gave back all their colonies, there was no more occupation or Colonialism 






    So where do we draw the line where countries take responsibility for their own citizens, ensure good governance, stimulate their economies   so there is less immigration? 100 years.....1000 years ?



    The line is where said action don't anymore have impact on people's lives. 


    But France gave for lots of people in its colonies France citizenship, which is main reason why there is so many Muslims in France today. 


    They had their assimilation policy where they teach people become French and then become French if it they didn't want to be French.



    Also France had law, passed in 1961 [article 21-19(5º)], that enabled people from former French territories to apply for immediate naturalisation, bypassing the normal five-year residency requirement for would-be French citizens. That was in effect until it was repealed (by article 82 of law 2006-911) on July 25, 2006 under the direction of Nicolas Sarkozy, who was then Minister of the Interior.


    So are we now criticizing France for trying to speed up the integration process from there former colonies  or are you saying the integration was correct but the implementation was wrong?


    And what should they done differently in the 1960's-1980's that would have led to a  different outcome nowadays  where some of the French citizens from former colonies feel marginalized and turn to Islamic extremism and attack France itself ?



    There is no right or wrong, they are just things that effect in current situation in France regardless of do people like it or not. Because there is no changing past and ignoring and denying past don't help either. Current policies need to be made by taking account effects of past actions and look ways to make countries work in their current situations and not hoping some fairytale where past didn't happen.



    None of those problems would've occured if there weren't any immigration to begin with from north africa and the middle east. Funny that, a policy of doing nothing wouldn't cause a problem. It's almost like it is of a systematic nature.


    Some could say that there would be much less people immigrating if France had not conquered quite lot other countries in North Africa, Middle East and Asia.


    In the early 1960's France, like the UK,   gave back all their colonies, there was no more occupation or Colonialism 






    So where do we draw the line where countries take responsibility for their own citizens, ensure good governance, stimulate their economies   so there is less immigration? 100 years.....1000 years ?



    The line is where said action don't anymore have impact on people's lives. 


    But France gave for lots of people in its colonies France citizenship, which is main reason why there is so many Muslims in France today. 


    They had their assimilation policy where they teach people become French and then become French if it they didn't want to be French.



    Also France had law, passed in 1961 [article 21-19(5º)], that enabled people from former French territories to apply for immediate naturalisation, bypassing the normal five-year residency requirement for would-be French citizens. That was in effect until it was repealed (by article 82 of law 2006-911) on July 25, 2006 under the direction of Nicolas Sarkozy, who was then Minister of the Interior.

  17. So what happened? I backed and haven't paid attention.


    They cut some of the content promised in stretch goals, like Italian localisation and mysterious companion The Toy. And to make matters worse they forgot/were too busy to communicate such cuts for backers until quite last moment. 

  18. None of those problems would've occured if there weren't any immigration to begin with from north africa and the middle east. Funny that, a policy of doing nothing wouldn't cause a problem. It's almost like it is of a systematic nature.


    Some could say that there would be much less people immigrating if France had not conquered quite lot other countries in North Africa, Middle East and Asia.


    Burka ban, ban for religious items in schools but not extending to crosses

    IIRC any conspicuous symbols are banned, crosses included -- if there were any. There are no crosses in French schools AFAIK.



    I mean that people could wear crosses in full view of everybody and school official didn't see that conspicuous, where things like hijabs of course were always ordered to be removed (but it is long time that I have last time read news about it).


    France is excellent example what happens when you have millions of people in certain minority and then your politicians decide to get some populist points by picking said minority by creating laws and regulations that are designed to harass said minority. And now decade later said minority is full of people that resent majority of French people in such extent that they seem to be easy to incite to commit terrorist attacks against said majority.

    Any examples of such laws?

    I would say France is an example of what happens when you cater to the minorities to the extreme. If you fulfill all the demands the demands will just grow and grow to the point you are not able to fulfill them. Then the violence starts and if you don't respond to violence but instead encourage and exuse it then it will escalate.



    Burka ban, ban for religious items in schools but not extending to crosses, and quite lot or regional/city ordinances to prevent building mosques, when mosques can be open etc.. Most of this were cancelled by courts, but they have caused protest, riots etc. in past 16 years. 


    I would not say that Nicolas Sarkozy's policies for example are examples of catering minorities to extreme. But maybe I am wrong and he was very minority loving president.

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