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Posts posted by Elerond








    President Trump’s executive order closing the nation’s borders to refugees was put into immediate effect on Friday night. Refugees who were airborne on flights on the way to the United States when the order was signed were stopped and detained at airports.

    The detentions prompted legal challenges as lawyers representing two Iraqis held at Kennedy Airport filed a writ of habeas corpus early Saturday in the Eastern District of New York seeking to have their clients released. At the same time, they filed a motion for class certification, in an effort to represent all refugees and immigrants who they said were being unlawfully detained at ports of entry.


    The lawyers said that one of the Iraqis detained at Kennedy Airport, Hameed Khalid Darweesh, had worked on behalf of the United States government in Iraq for 10 years. The other, Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq Alshawi, was coming to the United States to join his wife, who had worked for an American contractor, and young son, the lawyers said. They said both men had been detained at the airport on Friday night after arriving on separate flights.

    The lawyers said they had not been allowed to meet with their clients, and there were tense moments as they tried to reach them.

    “Who is the person we need to talk to?” asked one of the lawyers, Mark Doss, a supervising attorney at the International Refugee Assistance Project.

    “Mr. President,” said a Customs and Border Protection agent, who declined to identify himself. “Call Mr. Trump.”

    Elerond I watched an interview with  someone from the Trump camp about this and what he said actually made sense


    Trump is prohibiting Muslims coming from countries that cannot guarantee or vet the people who get on planes, these countries include Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Sudan 


    All these countries are either war zones, enemies of the USA or hotbeds of Islamic extremism....do you blame Trump for blocking them? I would think this is appropriate considering the fact the USA is a target of terrorist attacks ?





    Yes I blame him. USA don't take non-vetted refugees, so everybody now denied are people that US officials though to be safe to take in, many such that have helped them in past.


    Also USA actions in past are big part why Iraq, Libya and Syria have become hotbeds of Islamic extremist and why people are fleeing from them now. Of course stopping and killing Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi and opposing Bashar al-Assad can be justified and even seen as necessary actions, but they were also actions the destabilized those countries and drive them in uncontrollable civil wars and give room for extremist to get foot hold in them. 


    Also where you think refugees mainly come if not from war zones? Also Iraq's current government is ally of USA.


    This is one of the few topics you and I dont agree on, since we have had this debate before all I ask is you consider what I am going to say below 


    Even though I dont agree lets say you right about Iraq and thats all the USA  fault


    The initial civil wars in both Libya and Syria were caused by the Arab Spring, everything else came after that and both Gaddafi and Assad had options to share resources and agree to what the protestors were asking for 


    Both of them refused to make any concessions and civil wars started. How is that the fault of the USA?



    In Libya USA gave weapons to those who opposed Gaddafi and during rebellion they gave air support for rebel forces. Meaning that USA take active part in dethroning Gaddafi and Clinton was quite gleeful when their efforts ended successfully.


    In Syria USA has given military schooling and weapons to rebels that oppose Assad and some of those weapons even ended in hands of ISIS terrorists. Meaning that USA had active part in Syria's civil war. 


    So just to be clear, you are going to ignore the reasons why these civil wars started which had nothing to do with the USA but still blame the USA for supplying arms and weapons?


    I don't ignore why they started, but when you supply weapons, and give military schooling and air support for one side of civil war, then you can't say that you didn't play part in the consequences of said civil war and new civil wars started by previous ones. 






    President Trump’s executive order closing the nation’s borders to refugees was put into immediate effect on Friday night. Refugees who were airborne on flights on the way to the United States when the order was signed were stopped and detained at airports.

    The detentions prompted legal challenges as lawyers representing two Iraqis held at Kennedy Airport filed a writ of habeas corpus early Saturday in the Eastern District of New York seeking to have their clients released. At the same time, they filed a motion for class certification, in an effort to represent all refugees and immigrants who they said were being unlawfully detained at ports of entry.


    The lawyers said that one of the Iraqis detained at Kennedy Airport, Hameed Khalid Darweesh, had worked on behalf of the United States government in Iraq for 10 years. The other, Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq Alshawi, was coming to the United States to join his wife, who had worked for an American contractor, and young son, the lawyers said. They said both men had been detained at the airport on Friday night after arriving on separate flights.

    The lawyers said they had not been allowed to meet with their clients, and there were tense moments as they tried to reach them.

    “Who is the person we need to talk to?” asked one of the lawyers, Mark Doss, a supervising attorney at the International Refugee Assistance Project.

    “Mr. President,” said a Customs and Border Protection agent, who declined to identify himself. “Call Mr. Trump.”

    Elerond I watched an interview with  someone from the Trump camp about this and what he said actually made sense


    Trump is prohibiting Muslims coming from countries that cannot guarantee or vet the people who get on planes, these countries include Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Sudan 


    All these countries are either war zones, enemies of the USA or hotbeds of Islamic extremism....do you blame Trump for blocking them? I would think this is appropriate considering the fact the USA is a target of terrorist attacks ?





    Yes I blame him. USA don't take non-vetted refugees, so everybody now denied are people that US officials though to be safe to take in, many such that have helped them in past.


    Also USA actions in past are big part why Iraq, Libya and Syria have become hotbeds of Islamic extremist and why people are fleeing from them now. Of course stopping and killing Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi and opposing Bashar al-Assad can be justified and even seen as necessary actions, but they were also actions the destabilized those countries and drive them in uncontrollable civil wars and give room for extremist to get foot hold in them. 


    Also where you think refugees mainly come if not from war zones? Also Iraq's current government is ally of USA.


    This is one of the few topics you and I dont agree on, since we have had this debate before all I ask is you consider what I am going to say below 


    Even though I dont agree lets say you right about Iraq and thats all the USA  fault


    The initial civil wars in both Libya and Syria were caused by the Arab Spring, everything else came after that and both Gaddafi and Assad had options to share resources and agree to what the protestors were asking for 


    Both of them refused to make any concessions and civil wars started. How is that the fault of the USA?



    In Libya USA gave weapons to those who opposed Gaddafi and during rebellion they gave air support for rebel forces. Meaning that USA take active part in dethroning Gaddafi and Clinton was quite gleeful when their efforts ended successfully.


    In Syria USA has given military schooling and weapons to rebels that oppose Assad and some of those weapons even ended in hands of ISIS terrorists. Meaning that USA had active part in Syria's civil war. 




    President Trump’s executive order closing the nation’s borders to refugees was put into immediate effect on Friday night. Refugees who were airborne on flights on the way to the United States when the order was signed were stopped and detained at airports.

    The detentions prompted legal challenges as lawyers representing two Iraqis held at Kennedy Airport filed a writ of habeas corpus early Saturday in the Eastern District of New York seeking to have their clients released. At the same time, they filed a motion for class certification, in an effort to represent all refugees and immigrants who they said were being unlawfully detained at ports of entry.


    The lawyers said that one of the Iraqis detained at Kennedy Airport, Hameed Khalid Darweesh, had worked on behalf of the United States government in Iraq for 10 years. The other, Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq Alshawi, was coming to the United States to join his wife, who had worked for an American contractor, and young son, the lawyers said. They said both men had been detained at the airport on Friday night after arriving on separate flights.

    The lawyers said they had not been allowed to meet with their clients, and there were tense moments as they tried to reach them.

    “Who is the person we need to talk to?” asked one of the lawyers, Mark Doss, a supervising attorney at the International Refugee Assistance Project.

    “Mr. President,” said a Customs and Border Protection agent, who declined to identify himself. “Call Mr. Trump.”

    Elerond I watched an interview with  someone from the Trump camp about this and what he said actually made sense


    Trump is prohibiting Muslims coming from countries that cannot guarantee or vet the people who get on planes, these countries include Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Sudan 


    All these countries are either war zones, enemies of the USA or hotbeds of Islamic extremism....do you blame Trump for blocking them? I would think this is appropriate considering the fact the USA is a target of terrorist attacks ?





    Yes I blame him. USA don't take non-vetted refugees, so everybody now denied are people that US officials though to be safe to take in, many such that have helped them in past.


    Also USA actions in past are big part why Iraq, Libya and Syria have become hotbeds of Islamic extremist and why people are fleeing from them now. Of course stopping and killing Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi and opposing Bashar al-Assad can be justified and even seen as necessary actions, but they were also actions the destabilized those countries and drive them in uncontrollable civil wars and give room for extremist to get foot hold in them. 


    Also where you think refugees mainly come if not from war zones? Also Iraq's current government is ally of USA.

    • Like 1
  4. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/28/us/refugees-detained-at-us-airports-prompting-legal-challenges-to-trumps-immigration-order.html?smprod=nytcore-iphone&smid=nytcore-iphone-share&_r=0


    President Trump’s executive order closing the nation’s borders to refugees was put into immediate effect on Friday night. Refugees who were airborne on flights on the way to the United States when the order was signed were stopped and detained at airports.

    The detentions prompted legal challenges as lawyers representing two Iraqis held at Kennedy Airport filed a writ of habeas corpus early Saturday in the Eastern District of New York seeking to have their clients released. At the same time, they filed a motion for class certification, in an effort to represent all refugees and immigrants who they said were being unlawfully detained at ports of entry.


    The lawyers said that one of the Iraqis detained at Kennedy Airport, Hameed Khalid Darweesh, had worked on behalf of the United States government in Iraq for 10 years. The other, Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq Alshawi, was coming to the United States to join his wife, who had worked for an American contractor, and young son, the lawyers said. They said both men had been detained at the airport on Friday night after arriving on separate flights.

    The lawyers said they had not been allowed to meet with their clients, and there were tense moments as they tried to reach them.

    “Who is the person we need to talk to?” asked one of the lawyers, Mark Doss, a supervising attorney at the International Refugee Assistance Project.

    “Mr. President,” said a Customs and Border Protection agent, who declined to identify himself. “Call Mr. Trump.”

  5. PoE1 did better though, 705k and 16,6k backers in the first day.




    This is probably due to FIg as there are less people willng to back the game here and more would probably back it if it would be on Kickstarter.

    Still scratching my head thinking how Fig Funds actually works (which makes half of the PoE2 target number right now) and I wonder if they will be boosting the number even further. Well, it's kind of cheating a bit when you think about it as most people will perceive it as huge success while the actual numbers are lower but on the other hand it brings other people to pledge here faster and the word gets around which means more money to the game and that's always good.


    2012 was also crazy year for crowdfunding, now days projects all over including KS attract less backers overall.

    • Like 2
  6. When your car industry buy cheap parts from Mexico and then uses them to build cars in US and sells them to Europe with bigger profit that they could do if they had bought those parts from US, they most likely decrease US's over all trade deficit compared to situation where they had made those part domestically because with cheaper part they can better compete in prices with European car manufactures. 


    But in case of food products things become much difficult to tell. Even though cheaper food means that people have more money to put in services and products made in US, but it is very difficult to tell if that money helps US companies to make products and services that they can sell to foreign markets to help decrease trade deficit.


    One thing that would help US to drop its trade deficit somewhat would be to decrease US dependency to oil, so that it would not need to buy it so much.  Like for example in 2015 US imported 4.71 million barrels per day (total 9.45 million barrels per day) more than it exports with average price of 52 dollars of barrel, meaning that US imported oil worth of 89.4 billion dollars more than it exported in 2015. So dropping amount of imported oil to that to half would decrease US from trade deficit more than getting to zero balance with Mexico.


    Pretty sure it will be enabled once it's past 100%, like I think it was the case with POE's kickstarter campaign.

    Yes im sure it will. But the point is, (just an example) that what if there was a  limited offer/goodie or something like that, then all people without cc arent gonna get it.

    Its like people without cc are second class.


    And i dont understand how someone makes a campain to fund money, but then offers only cc while its known that in many parts of the world it doesnt work and/or its just not common. Why dont just also offer one of the most popular online payment solutions like paypal.


    I mean in EVERY single campain there are people asking about an alternative payment method like paypal, WHY dont you put it there since the beginning. And WHY if you dont offer it, you dont make a proper description about your future plans about it, from the start on. Why do we always have to ask.


    Imagine the amount of time it takes to overview and answer all the questions about payment methods, it could be avoided if you just give a proper info about it from the start of the campain.



    It is because this clause "Your pledge will only be collected if this campaign reaches its goal on Feb 25, 2017 3am", meaning that if they offer alternative methods before they reach their goal they risk not getting funded (in theoretical sense)

  8. BruceVC you need to realize that Mexico is evil because it sell stuff like food for USA markets that people in USA wants and what worse it sells it cheaper than companies making similar products in USA do. It is absolutely travesty. And cherry top on that, most companies in Mexico that import stuff in USA are owned by USA companies, meaning that big sunk of that money that Mexico gets on paper for selling stuff to USA actually comes back to USA and makes jobs in USA. So you should be glad that Trump will put stop for such perversity by increasing import tax for product coming from Mexico in order to build his wall, so that people in USA will need to pay more for those products they import from Mexico, like big sunk of their fruits and vegetables. So that it is actually people in USA that will pay their holy wall of eternal ego, first in more expensive products, then in getting less profit from their companies in Mexico and then in losing jobs provided by those profits from Mexico. But it all will be great and America will be great again even if plans to make it so are just stupid. 

    • Like 3





    ah, didn't notice it was US only, and yes the monthly fee is terrible. i thought it was just something you could automatically link to your paypal account. surprising that european banks don't issue debit cards.



    Of course I've got a debit card.


    A Dutch debit card.


    Which is of no use when Fig (and Kickstarter for that matter) asks specifically for a credit card.


    In the US debit cards also function like regular credit cards. There are MasterCard and VISA debit cards that have 16 digit numbers accepted wherever VISA and MasterCard are accepted.



    Oh, I see.


    Doesn't work that way over here. Debit and credit cards are very definitely two entirely different things.



    Is The Netherlands still stuck in the early 2000's? Most Finnish banks changed their debit cards about 10-15 years ago so they could be used for online purchases as well so they kinda work like credit cards. 



    All the EU countries have not yet fully adopted common debit/credit card system (where all debit cards are visa/master card certificated). Finland of course was first like it so often is when it comes to put EU regulations and agreements in effect.

  10. Are you disputing the Israeli and Saudi claims of effectiveness?


    Yes, especially Israel's. I would also point out that either of said walls circumstances aren't even close in comparison to what the alternative wall of USA is meant to be.

    • Like 1

    Trump says 10 billion, experts say 25-100 billion

    Yes, it's going to cost more than the entire highway budget. Trump always brings his projects in ahead of time and under budget.



    He will hire cheap Mexican labor and uses even cheaper materials from China like he has done in past ;)


    This wall stuff is crazy. Everyone is ok with us dropping a couple billion dollars on a massive construction project that will have a questionable impact on illegal immigration?


    It's also weird that people ignore the fact that Obama extended the wall and deported more people than Bush.  Both sides seem to ignore that.


    Wasting money is our governments specialty. Nobody blinks either when we drop 7B over 10 years supporting other countries breeding programs of questionable impact.


    How much is Trump Wall supposed to cost anyway?



    Trump says 10 billion, experts say 25-100 billion

    • Like 1
  13. It seems that there is only politically correct science for Americans now on


    Trump mandates EPA studies, data undergo review by political staff before release


    The Trump administration is scrutinizing studies and data published by scientists at the Environmental Protection Agency, while new work is under a "temporary hold" before it can be released.

    The communications director for President Donald Trump's transition team at EPA, Doug Ericksen, said Wednesday the review extends to all existing content on the federal agency's website, including details of scientific evidence showing that the Earth's climate is warming and man-made carbon emissions are to blame.


    • Like 1
  14. Yeah, and for any Steam players out there, let's just pray you kept final saves on the Steam Cloud. Well, I'll most likely do a re-run for PoE2, specifically, picking fitting companions and rolling savvy characters - perhaps three of each. :)


    So, how does that Fig-thing work KS-wise? You just register there and put your stakes in, as it were?


    It is bit different, you will sign your soul and bank accounts for Obsidian to use as they please and you promise be grateful to them for all eternity.


    But seriously, it is quite similar to KS when it comes to regular backers, but it also accepts venture capital investors.

    • Like 1
  15. "Like you don't know that here is massive difference in elected president claiming things in official setting compared to private citizens whining about something."


    Obama was an elected individual. All those Democratic and Republican  senators are all elected. They all said the US election was hacked and that the results weren't legit. And, because of that, it eggs on the protests from people who now truly believe that US elections aren't legimimate and the person who is there is there wrongly and they believe that because the elected officials and your preciosu media told them so.



    "Also there was provable case of hacking and leaking information during elections, as we all were able to see those leaked emails, even if people that did hack and leak can't be identified for sure, where any proof that even singular people are voting illegally is nearly non-existent and there isn't anything that even remotely suggest thousands let alone millions of people are voting illegally in US. But world where everything that you claim is just alternative fact there seems to be no need for any proof and if such behavior is accepted for president and his advisory then it is accepted to everybody else."


    The election was never hacked. The DNC was hacked.


    Alkso, there is no question a lot of illegals voted. California  alone does everything in tis powers to get illegals to vote. The now ex President ENCOURAGED illegals to vote. Nobody knows the exact numbers largely because the states where this kind of thing likely happens are all demo bases.


    I know as a Kanadian that if a bunch of yahoos snuck into my countrry illegally and then voted illegally in my election I'd be not so happy. And, rightly so. Last thing I want is a bunch of surfer dudes and Hollywood types  determining my elections. :p


    Obama actually spoke against hacking claims. Elections results itself weren't hacked, at least there is no proof that such thing happened, but hacking DNC and illegally obtain and leaking information from their server did provably effect elections, as media, people, people even here referenced that information in order to manipulate people's minds who they should vote.


    In other hand president, at least not Obama, didn't encourage illegals to vote, because he encouraged people to register to vote and one can't do that if they aren't citizen of US.     

  16. https://twitter.com/AltNatParkSer


    The Unofficial "Resistance" team of U.S. National Park Service. Not taxpayer subsidised! Come for rugged scenery, fossil beds, 89 million acres of landscape


    AltUSNatParkService ‏@AltNatParkSer  16h16 hours ago
    Can't wait for President Trump to call us FAKE NEWS.

    You can take our official twitter, but you'll never take our free time!

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