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Posts posted by Elerond


    Same idea, your next life quality depends on your current lifestyle. Reward and punishment.


    But reincarnation has a finite limit of whatever is the lifespan of your current incarnation, no? Also, if what you say is true, how does one improve from a lower life form? For example, lets say some terrible person dies and is reincarnated as a buttworm. This buttworm lives its normal life cycle, but being a buttworm, it isnt afforded any opportunity to worship or improve its station in the hierarchy. Seems like a soul can only go down from humanity to something lower.



    There are multiple reincarnation teachings. But in most popular versions (Hinduism and Budhist versions), souls of animals collect good merit by lessening suffering of other beings like for example by becoming meal of some other creature or by just showing companionship.

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    Pretty much as I said, there are contracts. That is also why it's very rare that you hear of a porn star getting sexually assaulted by a customer. Not only does it not make sense but when it hapoens there is more often a motive than not. I'm still waiting for Stormy to show that contract of submission, doubt it will ever surface because it's more likely that she got lazy and just took the money anyway.

    Porn stars don't have customers, as their job is act explixcit sexual acts for film (although there are quite lot rape scandals in porn industry where actresses say they were raped on the set). It is quite common that prostitutes get raped by people prententing to hire them (studies says that about 50% of prostitutes in US say that they have raped at least once during their life time and over 70% says that they have faced other forms of physical violence), which is why prostitutes have invented lots of ways to protect themselves. Porn stars sometimes also work as prostitutes/escorts. Stormy Daniel don't accuse Trump of sexual assault or claim that Trump paid her for sex, in her case scandal is that Trump paid her sush money before election in order to prevent Stormy to tell press about her affair with Trump. There is also accusations of Trump breaking agreement between them, which is why Stormy claims that she has now right to talk about mentioned affair.

    Porn Stars do have customers, same as prostitutes or strippers. I'm not sure where you get the idea that they don't, Is it because they call their customers "clients" instead? Moreover, all porn stars (professional ones) have contracts, whether with a company brand or people who hire them for discreet meetings. This is only an exception because it's the President.


    And no, it's not really possible for a prostitute or porn star to get raped "on the job" - excluding child sex trafficking of course, Do you have any evidence of this in a case (something not by word of mouth or a youtuber with a nonchalant opinion perhaps) that an adult industry porn star or prostitute gets raped on the job? Although I do agree that most prostitutes do get raped in their lifetime but that doesn't count for their actions or choices on the job, that's common sense but keep in mind that after being forced into submission, it becomes accepted and they get used to it, therefore it becomes the only thing they know, thus thereby it's normal for them. Do you think any prostitute wants to... ya know, prostitute? It's also common sense that most prostitutes suffer physical abuse, pimps or madames usually beat their prostitutes when they don't meet quota. Even so, those statistics have nothing to do with what they experience with on the job.


    And lastly, I wasn't the one who said Stormy Daniels accused Dinald Trump of sexual harassment or anything of the sort, I replied to someone who said she did but my comments make valid points all the same. A contract between Stormy and the President would have been more than enough to verify the accounts on both ends. In the event of the rare cases that something like this happens, a contract is usually brought before a judge for appeal



    Porn stars don't have either customers or "clients", because they get paid for acting sexual acts with other porn stars who are also paid for their acting. If they get paid for having sex with customers or "clients" as you put it then they aren't working as porn stars but as prostitutes.


    I have doubts that you understand what rape is if you don't think that prostitutes or porn stars can be raped on the job. Because even though they agreed to perform certain sexual act in certain conditions it does not mean that they aren't sometimes forced to perfom sexual acts which they didn't agreed on.


    Here some links about alleged rapes/sexual abuses on porn sets.










    • Like 1
  3. Pretty much as I said, there are contracts. That is also why it's very rare that you hear of a porn star getting sexually assaulted by a customer. Not only does it not make sense but when it hapoens there is more often a motive than not. I'm still waiting for Stormy to show that contract of submission, doubt it will ever surface because it's more likely that she got lazy and just took the money anyway.


    Porn stars don't have customers, as their job is act explixcit sexual acts for film (although there are quite lot rape scandals in porn industry where actresses say they were raped on the set). It is quite common that prostitutes get raped by people prententing to hire them (studies says that about 50% of prostitutes in US say that they have raped at least once during their life time and over 70% says that they have faced other forms of physical violence), which is why prostitutes have invented lots of ways to protect themselves. Porn stars sometimes also work as prostitutes/escorts. Stormy Daniel don't accuse Trump of sexual assault or claim that Trump paid her for sex, in her case scandal is that Trump paid her sush money before election in order to prevent Stormy to tell press about her affair with Trump. There is also accusations of Trump breaking agreement between them, which is why Stormy claims that she has now right to talk about mentioned affair.

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    But it's the left that's triggered and hypocritical while the same evangelicals that were morally outraged by Clinton's affair now give The Donald a carte blanche because he's about to usher in the biblical apocalypse.


    I'd laugh my ass off if all that weren't actually happening right now. Played completely straight and taken seriously.







    Middle Eastern prophecy: Is Trump a reincarnated King Cyrus, destined to herald the end of days?


    PROPHECY is unfolding in the Middle East. Riots. Killings. War. At its centre is President Donald Trump. And his evangelical supporters are hoping he will bring on Armageddon.

    The move of the US embassy to Jerusalem was bold.

    Its outcome was predictable.

    The territorial dispute between the Palestinians and the recently recreated (after some 1875 years) Israel has been erupting sporadically ever since 1948.

    Any change to the delicate power balance was sure to topple into violence.

    It has shattered hopes of fresh peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine.

    It has also damaged the credibility of the US as a Middle East peace broker.

    How this has been allowed to happen doesn’t make much sense — unless you look at it through the evangelical eyes of some of Trump’s top advisers and closest confidantes.

    The move was about domestic politics.

    Not international diplomacy.

    The decision to move the embassy fulfilled a key Trump election campaign promise. It also represented a victory for hard-line pro-Israeli interest groups.

    But Trump’s most prominent electoral support group — conservative evangelicals — see it all as a biblical drama. At last, their great nation has an embassy in God’s own capital city — Jerusalem. And it means cataclysmic events proclaimed by prophecy are about to take place.

    Trump himself is at the heart of this prophecy.

    His fate is seen as intrinsically tied to that of an ancient Persian king.

    The President of the United States is God’s right-hand man, many evangelicals believe. Trump is an imperfect tool God is using to create perfect works. This means nothing less than the end of days. And a one-way ticket to heaven.

    • Like 1
  5. If you get banned from twitter because of right wing views, you probably did something quite idiotic as twitter's CEO is conservative with quite right wing views, who is part of Trump's advisory council and who more likelly defends conservatives who break twitter's TOS than bans them.



    EDIT: Please, remind me were people concerned about censorship when government forced Twitter huntdown and close twitter accounts which spread ISIS's propaganda



    Gavin McInnes seems to such nice person that one has to wonder how it is possible that he got his account suspended :p




    Sure sounds cool, but I need my 100mb/s internet and a toilet that I can flush.

    You can have both. The former through your mobility/wireless service. The latter with a little bit of ingenuity.



    Yeah I have off grid cabin where I have solar panels for electricity and 300mb/s internet (thanks to excellent 4G coverage), although I don't have flushing toilet (even though that would have been somewhat easy to do as I have waterfront property and I already have pump that gets non-drinking water from the lake) because I decided to go with drying one as it is safer during winters (no risk for pipes frozing) and it gives me fertilizer for my garden and still much more confortable than outhouse.


    So 456 Euro out the door. Still not too shabby. That leaves me 114 / week for food and booze. Totally doable in my cabin. Maybe even enough left over for a fishing pole and a bear pet.


     Nah. Finland's famous for their terribly expensive booze. ;)



    Ferry to Tallinn (Estonia) cost only 20€ and where you can still buy cheap booze even though they rised their alcohol taxes.


    UBI would give unemployed people incentive to take even low paying part time jobs because their income then would increase compared to current situation where their unemployment/social benefit is cut down for amount they earn, meaning that taking part time jobs that don't pay more than what their benefit is don't really increase their income compared to them just sitting in home or where ever they prefer to spent their time.

    Interesting that Finnish people still get unemployment insurance payout even when working part time. Its not like that here. As soon as you get any job of any pay of any amount of hours, your unemployment insurance payout stops. I assume this a call back to your earlier statement about UBI already existing in other forms. So, what is the annual UBI amount that Finn's receive? Do you get a check from the government even if you work full time (40+h / week)?



    about 600 euros in month and 70% of rent/housing costs to certain point (which changes somewhat depending where person lives in Finland).



    You get check even regardless how much you work if your income is less than said 600 euros. For example quite lot of telemarketer get unemployment benefits even though they work full time, because their contracts say they get certain percentage of sales they do, which some times can mean that they earn less than 600 euros in month.




    Results of Finland's UBI experiment were that it was working and it was cheaper than our current social program but our government cancelled it in midway before they got any actual results and replaced it with even more expensive system which they like more because it is designed to punish poorest of the poor.

    Wait a second; the program supposedly worked AND saves the government money and they shut it down out of "spite"? C'mon.

    To be fair results come in after experiment was ended and replaced with current "activation" model which is program that forces people visit unemployment office several times in year for interview which caused that unemployment offices had to hire thousands new workers in order to do said interviews system has failed actually find work for people except those thousands bureaucrats that were needed in order to run it.



    The unemployment offices put people to work though... if your unemployed population on has skills for certain non-physical clerical work and there is no market for them elsewhere putting them to work to help the rest of the unemployed get matched up with work may very well make sense. If you want it to cost less you slowly put those people out of work with automation, and then backfill other low-priority services jobs as you need to re-employ people.


    "Saving money" can often times be double-speak for paying less people. True UBI supporters usually though want to return the costs savings to people with the argument that "the alternative to not wasting away people's time is to pay them to afford recreational free-time." But then what about he hyper productive people who want more leisure? Typically they earn their leisure and the less productive people get their business by working recreation and amusement. Just recently Disney World raised it's minimum pay for employees, if we got better vacation for people like what Europe has and increase the demand for recreational services and in general that seems like a net gain on levity for society, rather than just setting people free to their own devices for part of the 40 hour work week. Of course this all favors people who have gotten productive enough by sacrificing the early part of their lives to professional development. In the modern age I think people confuse when people take "all their leisure at once" for somehow being far ahead of everyone else. Which isn't true for even the average white-collar working class family. Certainly some recreation can be destructive and overly indulgent, like cruise ships, but I think improving the impact of recreation is a different argument. We could likewise be talking about funding sabbaticals or anything similar.



    Unemployment offices don't actually put people to work, they only check that people have sought jobs as they should and give advice for how seeking jobs better. Compolsory interviews for half million people five times in year from which half already work part time or participate in schooling and other programs meant to help people find jobs haven't effected anyway on people finding jobs (according to unemployment offices own statistics). UBI would give unemployed people incentive to take even low paying part time jobs because their income then would increase compared to current situation where their unemployment/social benefit is cut down for amount they earn, meaning that taking part time jobs that don't pay more than what their benefit is don't really increase their income compared to them just sitting in home or where ever they prefer to spent their time.

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    Results of Finland's UBI experiment were that it was working and it was cheaper than our current social program but our government cancelled it in midway before they got any actual results and replaced it with even more expensive system which they like more because it is designed to punish poorest of the poor.

    Wait a second; the program supposedly worked AND saves the government money and they shut it down out of "spite"? C'mon.

    To be fair results come in after experiment was ended and replaced with current "activation" model which is program that forces people visit unemployment office several times in year for interview which caused that unemployment offices had to hire thousands new workers in order to do said interviews system has failed actually find work for people except those thousands bureaucrats that were needed in order to run it.

  11. We ready have universal basic income but it is divide in multitude of different social programs. Finland's constitution guarantees basic income to everybody. Finland's UBI experiment was trial to unify existing programs as one and increase income of low income and part time workers.

  12. Well, I posted it as an mildly interesting news article. I don't actually care enough about this issue to analyze if they are lying or not. It's Canada and their government is pretty generous with other peoples money. Maybe they are lying, who knows. The idea of UBI has some merit if it's done as a substitution for other benefits. Not in addition to them. Sooner or later you run out of other peoples money.

    Ontario just elected new governance that is very much against social programs.


    Results of Finland's UBI experiment were that it was working and it was cheaper than our current social program but our government cancelled it in midway before they got any actual results and replaced it with even more expensive system which they like more because it is designed to punish poorest of the poor.



    But is that a fact or just what people believe?

    Considering that Singapore, Switzerland, South Korea, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Israel, Finland, Japan, Luxembourg, Norway and Belgium all have universal health care and use about same amount per capita to medical research than USA I would say that it is just what people believe.



    Your talking about proportional spending per capita? As in compared to the dollar or the local currency? Then even if they are likes, there is the question of what is being bought with that money. Bureaucracy and defensive institutional spending is a huge waste of money, especially in a stagnated market. Create markets for new medical research, but the delivery and applied institutions would get by much better if redundancy was removed and the cost of running intermediaries was cut out.



    Yeah propotional spending in medical r&d per capita valued in US dollars.  Which is easiest comprasion to do because you can just compare amount money put in, but of course results are the thing that actually interest more, but that is much more difficult to compare, but in above mentioned countries medical r&d is done mostly by private companies with private money just like in USA, but of course every country has their own safety standards and bureaucracy how new medicines and such are approved, what kind research practices are allowed, when human trials are allowed, and so on.


    Sometimes intermediaries on acquisition side of things actually speed up appliance of new research because they force medical r&d companies develop relativelly affordable version of their inventions or risk lose their change on markets completely for their competitors. But of course sometime intermediaries do mistakes that end up to make things worse for everybody (like spending 200 million euros to medical database system that does not work).

  14. But is that a fact or just what people believe?

    Considering that Singapore, Switzerland, South Korea, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Israel, Finland, Japan, Luxembourg, Norway and Belgium all have universal health care and use about same amount per capita to medical research than USA I would say that it is just what people believe.

  15. At least there is now "Religious Liberty Task Force" to ensure that everybody is FREE to worship one and only GOD, his most holyness, divine PRINCE of light, saviour of america whose every breath makes things greater and utelly destroyes his enemies, the supreme god empreror of Greatest States of America, the BESTEST most liked who has biggest crowds, The TRUMP.



    :bow:  :bow:  :bow::nuke:  :nuke:  :nuke:  :sorcerer:

  16. Just keep sticking that one trillion on the credit card, what could possibly go wrong?


    It's not like a lot of that trillion dollar debt will be financed by bonds bought by a country the US is having a trade war with at the moment.


    Best part is that reason for the trade war is that people in USA have so much money to buy stuff from China because of that debt.


    China loans money to USA -> USA divides it to its population through various methods -> said population buys stuff made in China -> China loans money back to USA -> and so on

  17. So people who claim that political correctness destroys our world got person fired because of his years old politically incorrect tweets.




    James Gunn Fired From Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3


    James Gunn will no longer direct Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, according to a statement from a Disney spokesperson. The director’s dismissal comes after his old tweets joking about pedophilia and rape were recirculated by Trump supporters online. “The offensive attitudes and statements discovered on James’ Twitter feed are indefensible and inconsistent with our studio’s values, and we have severed our business relationship with him,” Walt Disney Studios chairman Alan Horn said in a statement. Gunn had been at work on the third Guardians of the Galaxy installment, set for release in fall 2020.

  18. Interestingly it was freedom of speech that gives everybody right to print their own guns not gun rights




    Court victory legalizes 3D-printable gun blueprints


    A multi-year legal battle over the ability to distribute computer models of gun parts and replicate them in 3D printers has ended in defeat for government authorities who sought to prevent the practice. Cody Wilson, the gunmaker and free speech advocate behind the lawsuit, now intends to expand his operations, providing printable gun blueprints to all who desire them.

    The longer story of the lawsuit is well told by Andy Greenberg over at Wired, but the decision is eloquent on its own. The fundamental question is whether making 3D models of gun components available online is covered by the free speech rights granted by the First Amendment.


    Only problem is that Obsidian is based in the US, does the law even apply to entities outside the US? The first excerpt says 'member states', which implies EU only. Sure, servers within the EU and international corporations that are in the EU could logically be held responsible, but how will they enforce it outside the EU?


    This is part of the problem, the EU may think it only affects them, but it raises questions for literally everybody in the world. Also, if someone outside the EU posts an image of a WH40K guardsman in a EU based forum or a forum on that server, can the person be charged, will it actually work because sovereignity comes into play and you're going to clash with the US constitution as well.


    Seriously, the whole thing sounds like it was made by politicians who don't understand how the internet works.

    I admit that I'm not a lawyer or expert on lawyerism, but I'd bet that if Obsidian wants to do buisiness in the EU they will have tocomply.


    To answer your question there, it's not the person that will get charged, it's the person/corp hosting the server that it is posted on that is going to be charged. That person/corp has to either stop people from uploading images and such or they have to get themselves content recognition software that will sift through all © material that can match it so he can block it.


    It's ****ing retarded. They are ****ing retarded aswell.


    /Edit; Also, bit drunk. Spelling and such might be off.


    I'm at the point that I hope the entire world ip-blocks the entirety of the EU for stupidity...



    You can look effects on GDPR on US based sites (lots of sites either have disclaimer prompt for EU users that tells how they use user data which they have collected and how user can remove it or they block EU users) to see how EU laws effect on US sites.

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    EU has approved regulation to end memes!


    Bad article tbh. The real vote is taking place on July 5th. Doubtful it'll actually pass, but if there's anything you can count on with M(E)Ps is their uncanny ability to **** things up against all odds. Hopefully this is just another step in the path to Itexit, Spexit, etc. and eventual EU crash and burn.


    So, anyone have a good "dark web (cue ominous music) for dummies" primer?

    I find it funny that both members of ENF, in the comitee, supported it and both members of ECR, in the comitee, voted null. As it was aproved with 14-9 vote, if anti-EU pro nationalist people would have actually voted according to what they preach it would have been rejected with 13-12 vote.



    I don't think there are any memes that are copyrighted, though I guess some people could try to copyright them. Only problem is that some memes are so old that nobody remembers who first created it and even now, once a meme appears, it mutates and spreads faster than lightning. Sounds like something that would be impossible to actually manage properly.


    Photos that memes use are usually copyrighted, so with this very nice directive creators of memes should ask permision to use those photos before they do and web services need to ensure that people who upload meme pictures have done so. And I repeat it is responsibility of web services to ensure that copyrights are followed before they let users to publish their things.

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  21. EU has approved regulation to end memes!


    Bad article tbh. The real vote is taking place on July 5th. Doubtful it'll actually pass, but if there's anything you can count on with M(E)Ps is their uncanny ability to **** things up against all odds. Hopefully this is just another step in the path to Itexit, Spexit, etc. and eventual EU crash and burn.


    So, anyone have a good "dark web (cue ominous music) for dummies" primer?

    I find it funny that both members of ENF, in the comitee, supported it and both members of ECR, in the comitee, voted null. As it was aproved with 14-9 vote, if anti-EU pro nationalist people would have actually voted according to what they preach it would have been rejected with 13-12 vote.

  22. Are you referring to reserve currency? Assuming the link is correct, that's worth around 100B.


    Most of the world currencies today are so called "floating currencies" which value changes according to markets demands.


    Like for example if people, corporations, countries want to buy stuff from USA or that are otherwise valued in USD, like having dollars as their reserve currency, they need to buy dollars, which will increase value of USD on markets. And more expensive USD becomes on market more expensive it becomes to buy stuff valued in USD when using other currencies and things valued in other currencies become cheaper to buy when using dollars.


    About Floating excahnge rates



    About China's currency policy's effect on dollar.


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