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Posts posted by Elerond

  1. 8 hours ago, BruceVC said:

    I dont see how your post is similar to people burning a flag in the interests of a protest or around some utterly illogical objective  of civil disorder?

    How are they similar, what am I missing?

    The point is that people can't disrespect our flag when they burn it regardless of reason why they are burning it, as legally burning the flag is show of respect for the flag 😋

    • Hmmm 1
  2. 10 hours ago, Guard Dog said:

    Flag burning should not be a criminal act. Unless the flag you burned wasn't yours. Then it is criminal  petty theft. IMO if you are publicly burning a US flag you are a grade A a-----e and I have zero interest in whatever you are trying to say.  But if that is what makes you happy and it's your own flag you're burning then flame on.

    We have law that says that burning flag is most respectful way to dispose the flag and people should dispose their flags if they aren't in prime looking condition like for example there is hole in the flag (although there is mitigation if you can patch flag such way that patch can't be see when flag is in the pole you don't need to dispose you flag).

  3. 1 hour ago, injurai said:

    Given nazism's historical context, unless someone is aligned with similar ethno-nationalist goals, it's better to use the term fascists when it's those same tendencies being applied along different identitarian lines.

    Fascist underpinnings can be entertained on behalf of any identity to cultivate a "living space" for the select peoples.

    Hitler took ideology for his National Socialist German Workers' Party from Pan-European political fascist movement especially from Italian National Fascist Party.  

  4. 6 hours ago, Skarpen said:

    Of course experts are great thing to rely on in most cases. Like how to produce scotch or bourbon or if the bumblebee is physically able to fly. Which the latter was by experts deemed impossible regardless of the clear evidence that they do fly.

    If you count as expert a person who didn't even actually study of subject who based their statement to miss calculations of some other person who had even less knowledge of subject.

  5. 45 minutes ago, Mamoulian War said:

    Nomclue what is his name, but IMO nazi and a jew does not belong into a one sentence, just saying. I do not know any background about US personas, just I am puzzled by the possible misuse by Googles higher ups, which is hinted at the video from UEG, if this is indeed real case.

    Some of real nazis were jews and jews aren't immune of discriminating and persecuting people and being xenophobic especially orthodox jews aren't known for their open mindedness in case that you accept using term nazis when speaking people who don't tolerate people different of them living in same space/country

    But people call each other nazis often when they don't like each other's opinions and people charge of big corporation doesn't make you immune of using such hyperpoles.

    If Google (Alphabet) would actually like to censor Project Veritas or some other party you would have very hard time to hear about it or find any information about it and you would not get project veritas home page as result when you google project veritas.

  6. 10 hours ago, Gorth said:

    I guess Monty Python would say here, now for something completely different...


    Help! We're too rich, we need to be taxed more!

    American billionaires are arguing for more taxes for the super rich:


    " While the group did not back a particular candidate, it praised a proposal by Democratic presidential hopeful Senator Elizabeth Warren that would lift taxes on those with more than $50m, a measure that would affect the 75,000 wealthiest families. She estimated that it would raise $2.75tn over 10 years. "


    Numbers are of course all estimates by people with agendas, but even if missing the real figures by a mile, a few trillion dollars could always be used for something other than gathering dusts I guess

    Edit: "The letter pointed out that fellow billionaire Warren Buffett has said he is taxed at a lower rate than his secretary. "

    Those billionaires are probably quite aware of fact that most of the money they pay in taxes will eventually come back to super rich, as they provide most of the thing in which government uses tax money and services that government employees use their salaries 

  7. 11 hours ago, BruceVC said:

    Well Iraq use to have WMD and used them against both the Kurds and Iran in the past, also  the worlds credible intelligence agencies said Sadam Hussein still had them ....Im sure you can appreciate how these things can be misunderstood 

    Also we cant keep bringing up Iraq every time we want to dismiss other blatant breaches of law and order or attacks like this latest Iranian aggression. Elerond sometimes we just need to accept what we observe as true :thumbsup:


    And they even had pictures of Iraq's WMD's that they showed to UN, but at end we learned that those credible intelligence agencies had made mistake and Iraq didn't have any WMD as they were destroyed according to rulings by UN, but that haste to punish Iraq and Sadam for breaking said UN ruling still 16 years later has world wide effects and has caused death of hundreds of thousands people and it doesn't look like that its effects will disappear any time soon. 

     Iran-USA dispute blatant breaches of law seem to be quite norm, considering that it was against international law to USA break its agreement with Iran and USA's current sanctions against Iran are against international law and as is USA's threats towards everyone who does business with Iran. But it also means that when USA who has aggressively broke international law and agreements in order to force its will over Iran, gives debatable proof that Iran has done something without verification from some other source, it would be quite wise to be somewhat sceptical towards that proof especially when you take in account that in past USA's proofs towards countries which they are in dispute with has been less than accurate, some would even say falsified.

  8. 13 hours ago, BruceVC said:


    Occam's razor, Iran is responsible because of the US  sanctions  having a hugely negative impact on there ability to sell oil so they want to interfere with the Saudis oil resources

    The link I posted is further evidence of Irans Revolutionary Guard being involved in the latest attacks, its irrefutable 



    As irrefutable as proof that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction

    • Confused 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Rubarbarian said:

    You miss my point.  UK is not even secular state, it's theocratic Protestant state and politicians who use their  non-protestant  faith as reason for being elected  cause conflict with whole state system. Why it's bad? It's can cause reaction by same way as EU pressure cause Brexit, it's can make life of Muslims in UK only harder. 

    UK consist of several states which have different levels of secularity. Like for example Northern Ireland and Wales don't have national church and Church of Scotland is independent of Church of England and its status as national church is not official.

  10. On 5/24/2019 at 2:19 PM, Guard Dog said:

    In a move that is surprising no one Theresa May is stepping down. This Brexit thing is a hot mess. Joining the EU is like buying a timeshare. You don't know how much it's going to cost, you don't know when it's going to end, you have no clear ability to get out of it, if you do try to leave is pisses off everyone else in the ownership pool.  Nuts to these kinds of entanglements. 

    Brits could leave union as soon as they want without any entanglements, but they want entanglements which is why their leaving process is mess as they can't agree what kind entanglements they want. 

  11. 2 hours ago, BruceVC said:

    But you cant have an illegitimate government governing with credibility, the previous election was a farce and the outcome is Venezuela's continued  political and economic demise. See the link below similar to the one I posted earlier 


    If millions of Venezuelans cant live in there own country how can you suggest " we need to let them govern as they want " , its not sustainable. This is why the country is in the mess its in. There is a series of steps that need to be followed to address this which  I will discuss  under pmp10 post

    Venezuela has had questionable government over 50 years, which is why Chavez was able to gain so much support 20 years ago when he promised change.

    Chaves economic actions were bad, but trade sanctions against Venezuela after his revolution have also played big part on destruction of Venezuela's economy. 

    Venezuela's elections may have been farce and their government may have questionable right to govern from standpoint of Venezuela's law, but revolutionary leaders have even less legitimate right to govern the country and other countries support revolution they by definition give support for illegitimate leader, which gives that original questionable leadership enemy to point out which they can say is trying to take power from Venezuelans and make them seem as the legitimate government in eyes of said Venezuelans.

    Which means that even if revolution is successful  there would most likely be millions of Venezuelans who can't live in their own country, because said revolutionary leadership needs to uproot those who see them as illegitimate government or face constant civil unrest, which most likely will be violent.

    In other hand if other countries accept their questionable government, drop trade sanctions from time of Chaves and if they want to sanction for them for farcical elections  go through UN process to give them sanction for such behaviour. But in times when we don't sanction countries like Saudi Arabia for murdering its own people and terrorizing its neighbours, I am not sure if there is any legitimacy to punish poor countries for behaviour which we accept from richer countries. But opening trade with Venezuela would make food and other necessities cheaper for ordinary Venezuelans which would lessen their need to seek better life from else where. Also by going route of trade and humanitarian help other countries would remove that outside enemy which Venezuela's questionable government uses to get people support them. Eventually government in Venezuela would change for more legitimate version, of course there is risk that more legitimate version will still not do what USA says they need to do, but sometimes you need to live with disappointment.   

  12. It would probably work better in end if western countries would end all trade restrictions towards Venezuela and let them govern their country as they want. As current approach has not really achieved anything else than made things worse in Venezuela and pushed it to become dependant of Russia and China.

    Trying to force countries to change their governments usually just leads rise of hardline support of said government. Which may often be actual goal of these operations instead of actually trying to do anything to help. Because enemies especially small and manageable are often seen as good way to distract from domestic policy issues.

  13. Democrats don't really need strong candidate, they probably would do best with less know candidate for whom people don't have preconceived opinions and who does not have history of actions that can be attacked. Because democrats will vote democratic candidate unless they really hate that candidate, republicans will vote republican candidate even if they hate the candidate, and in case of independents less hated candidate will win.    

    • Like 1
  14. "2.5$ yearly  trillion cost of his "medicare for all " " 


    That is somewhat scaremongering 


    1. That estimates is based on current health insurance cost and government lead single payer insurance system will by its size, nature and dominance force prices down.


    2. Most of the health care cost come from paying doctors, nurses and so on for their work and those people pay big sunk of that money back in their taxes (first by giving part of their salary and then constantly giving little more with most things that they buy, rent etc.). Also from macro economic standpoint health care is mostly inbred, meaning that money never leaves the country, but just circles inside of country's economic flow.


    3. Government lead health care can invest in preventive care, which would lessen amount of emergency care, expensive medical procedures, unnecessary testing etc.  


    Introduction medicare for all, or some other single payer system is not really question is it affordable, but is government willing to cut profits of health and medical care industries by taking control over the wallet.

  15. The EU is almost 26yo. Some posters have never known a life otherwise.


    EU's foundation was over 66 years ago, when European Coal and Steel Community was formed in 1952. EU as we know it is result of decades of trade and other political dealings over that foundation. Like European Atomic Energy Community (1958), European Economic Community (1957), Terrorism, Radicalism, Extremism and Violence Internationally (TREVI) [1975], Franco-British alliance (1947) -> Western Union (WU) [1948] -> Western European Union (WEU) [1954], European Political Cooperation (1986), Schengen Treaty (1985) and European Communities (European Council and Commission 1965).


    In Maastricht Treaty in 1992 these things were combined behind singular entity which we know as EU.

    • Like 1


    Where do I place a bet on the UK crashing out of the EU?


    Do betting places even take bets for certain things?



    We dont want the UK to leave with no deal, it wont be good for anyone. Its funny but my family members  who live in London and are all bankers normally demonstrate such prudence and restraint around global events, they never panic and arent prone to hyperbole. They voted no to leave but now they are confused and incredibly frustrated...I feel sorry for them because I do believe there is way forward that the UK parliament needs to implement. They should have another referendum with 3 choice and honestly let the people decide due to the gridlock and paralysis of the UK government around  getting agreement and consensus. These 3 choices should be


    • Leave with no deal
    • Leave with Teresa Mays deal
    • Dont leave 


    After this vote then everyone needs to accept the outcome and finally deliver on it  :geek:



    Advisory referendums are just bad form of political point collecting especially when only half of the voting population votes and result is close victory for one side of simplified question of complex issue.


    I don't believe that another close call referendum especially with three choices will make anything better, even though it could look solution for UK's parliament's dead lock state, but as that dead lock means that UK will leave without deal from EU, it isn't necessary thing where you need panic referendum. 


    Currently question is if UK's parliament's non-hard-liners can come in agreement of do they want leave with existing trade deals, stay on EU or let hard-liners win with their deadlock strategy. In all the cases it is highly likely that people will not like their decision and/or its results.

    • Like 1


    Figures a Democrat is named Beta O'Rourke. 2020 elections gonna be fun.

    Yup. Add Euro 2020 to that and you'll have yourself one hell of a summer.



    Which Europe elections are in summer of 2020? Or are you talking about eurovision?



    There is only one Euro 2020 and it is the 2020 UEFA European Football Championship

    • Like 1
  18. Hmmm, is there any country out there right now where most of its people aren't confused as hell if they should trust their respective governments or not?! It sure does feel that way.


    I wish I could wake up sometime in 1998, realizing all of this has just been a bad dream:





    -Fallout 76



    You should never trust your government, people should always keep track that government is doing what it was elected to do and if they don't then people should vote them out.

  19. But, I thought politicians attacking news organizations is evil or wrong. Oh yeah, only if it fits in your bubble. FOX skews the other way so DNC has no problem attacking them (much like Obama did). And, Trump attacks news organziations that lean left. IMAGINE THAT. Politicians doing what politicians do - be hypocrites.


    They say that reason for their move is  just revealed information that Fox not only lean right but they actually buried news stories about Trump which they though could hinder his ability become president.


    But DNC lost last presidential election where they supported free press, as Americans voted anti-free press president in, so clearly they have just adjusted their agenda to fit what Americans want  :biggrin:

  20. If Gore had won his own home state he would have been President. Only two Presidents were ever elected having lost their home state: James Polk and Woodrow Wilson. In Gore's case, outside of college towns he was persona non grata at home over the whole Georgia Pacific thing in the early 90's. 


    Trump lost in New York

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