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Posts posted by Elerond


    European Commission rejects Italian government's spending plans.


    Maybe a "Northern Europe Union" would be better? Everyone else seems like they are suffering under the yoke.

    You can also use monetary policy as leverage for when the stronger countries' abjectly idiotic foreign policy and moronic Wilkommen Alles! refugee policy backfire and they need somewhere to dump hundreds of thousands of unwanted refugees.


    Refugees aren't dumped in Mediterranean countries, as they arrive there and northern countries refuse take their share, although Germany and Sweden took over their share in biggest years of immigration crisis, but then they quite soon changed their policies to low down amount of immigrants coming in, after that it has been just political infight in which Italy and Greece have suffered most as most of the immigrants arrive in them and then are stuck in their refugee centers and camps.

  2. I understand the "why", it just seems like everyone South of Germany can "suck it". And Im sure the more successful countries arent just giving away money, they are benefitting from the Southern countries. All the PIGS managed just fine before papa EU took over, they will be fine again. Actually, I think if you see GB land on its feet, even more countries will leave the EU. Thats why the EU is trying to strongarm GB into a corner.


    Yeah they did fine with their dictatures and persecuting anybody that speak against government and so on (one the reasons why they still have problems with their economies and why they were accepted as members of EU, even though their economies weren't on level that EU membership demands, as then one of EU's main purposes still was to ensure lasting peace in Europe).

  3. European Commission rejects Italian government's spending plans.


    Maybe a "Northern Europe Union" would be better? Everyone else seems like they are suffering under the yoke.


    Italy has agreed to not rise their debt over limits that they can pay like all the other EU states. Their current debt is over 130% of their GDP which is way high and they budget proposal was to increase that debt even more. Italy is free to leave EU if they don't like the rules, but I don't see that happening as they currently live with other states' money.



    There's nothing nuanced about it.  THE US uses SA to combat Iran. That is why they 'put up' witH SA's evil.


    Yeah it is old but still very working strategy of fighting evil by supporting bigger evil



    Elerond what do you think of the whole Saudi\USA relationship ?



    It is mutually benefitical relationship where both parties turn blindeye towards things that another does that goes against their ideological values, because they see that economical, geopolitical and militaristic benefits that relationship brings are more important than their ideological values that they just can shutup otherwise.


    Under the policy, information on voter applications must precisely match information on file with the Georgia Department of Driver Services or the Social Security Administration. Election officials can place non-matching applications on hold.

    Those rat bastards! :lol:



    It does sound bad, but when you look some of the details it seems bit strange, like if you haven't written you middle name open in one of the forms and you have written it open in another form has caused applications to be put on hold. 


    I have also read claims that things like writting dual surname without hyphen also has caused application been put on hold.


    Meaning that it doesn't look like that it is actually meant to secure that people are who they say they are but somesort revenge from database programmer who hates that people aren't pedantic when they write their name

  6. People left Ensemble before MS bought it, MS's money gave them several years more life than what they would have had without MS.


    Rare was dying after Nintendo ended their partnership with them, MS buying them has given them continued ability to exists.


    Microsoft's current acquisition strategy is also different form their past as they try to collect big first party portfolio of studios to makes different style games, as they don't anymore try to make Xbox their primary gaming platform, instead they seem to seek edge from offering variety instead of locked solution.

  7. Debt is relative, how is debt growing in other nations? How large is the debt relative to the nations GDP. When the debt is being paid down it's usually when doing so is a better investment than actually investing.


    US debt is relativelly high compared to size of their GDP (~107%  of GDP)


    Some example of national debt/gdp rations:  Finland's national debt is ~63% of our GDP (which we consider to be too high). And Germany's national debt is ~68% of their GDP. France which constantly gets notes of their high debt has national debt of ~97% of their GDP. Highly indebted Greece has national debt of ~180% of their GDP. Italy which also is considered to have too high national debt has national debt of ~140% of their GDP. UK has national debt of ~88.3% of their GDP. Sweden has national debt of ~43% of their GDP. Norway has national debt of ~34.55% of their GDP. China has national debt of ~46% of their GDP.


    Fast increase of national debt can also cause illusion of economical growth that doesn't actually happen, because there are increase of money in economy because of loaned money, but that money does not necessary actually increase economy in speed that paying the debt eventually decreases the money in the economy. So even though in short term in may look that economy is increasing with speed, the long term economy may actually have much lower speed of increase and in some case long term economy may even be in decreasing trend.

  8. Perhaps. But it's unlikely that, outside of the conspiracy crap, the arguments by themselves would have been sufficient cause to trigger an "ethics" inquiry, had he presented them more objectively.


    I would say that if you try to show that you weren't hired even though you are better scientists than those who were hired it would probably be smart idea to make your presentation follow scientific principles instead of looking like it was writen by somebody in high school who copy pasted some graphs from google.


    And he also goes very one note with his argument how quantity research papers and cituations is only thing that matters when it comes to judging merit of people as physicists.


    I mean that he argues that it is equal when it comes to valuing merit of your paper if it is citated by university student doing their thesis about subject covered by many in past or researcher in CERN writing about just discovered particle.

  9. He confessed that he was criminal in high school, drinking under age, although he claimed that his crimes weren't crimes, he said that age limit for drinking alcohol in Maryland was 18 when he was high school senior even though limit was raised to 21 when he was 17, which is something that such fan of beer probably would remember quite well.


    Altough his crimes were only misdemeanors, current government has already shown that commiting misdemeanor is enough to remove constitutional protections from people and he clearly supports current government's actions so one would think that such criminal should lose his ability to vote and especially his judgeship and all possibility to get Scotus but such treatment is saved only certain kind of people.


    Second, regarding the story, unless it's in an employment contract, I doubt the company would have given her severance pay.


    Can you elaborate? What other kind of contract would it be? I'm not familiar with severance practices in the US—here if you are fired through no fault of your own, you'd always receive a severance payment at least in an amount that is a function of seniority. It's tabulated by law.


    (and you could get in trouble for firing an employee when they get a cancer diagnosis, if they could frame the case as workplace discrimination against a disabled person, but that's another matter...)



    Severance pay is often granted to employees upon termination of employment. It is usually based on length of employment for which an employee is eligible upon termination. There is no requirement in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) for severance pay. Severance pay is a matter of agreement between an employer and an employee (or the employee's representative). The Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) may be able to assist an employee who did not receive severance benefits under their employer-sponsored plan. Please contact EBSA if you have any questions.




    I was under the impression that following pushback on their forums when this was initially announced they made saving easier at least on lower difficulty levels. Is this not correct?


    I have no idea how saving was before so  I can't really answer that. There are one-off save game stones in between, but they only let you save once before going inactive - or use them up to get experience. It could be that they added these in later and that the only reusable stones were actually in Skara Brae Below before the complaints.


    So just like the old games where saving was only possible in the guild. Meh.



    One-off stones become available to use again if you bind them when you bind another stone. But if you consume them I think they are gone forever.

  12. Nationalism is rising all over EU and Europe, there are multitude of reasons for it, which varies from country to country. But there are some major issues that can be pointed out, like for example European economic crisis 2007 and how it was handled and lack of solidary felt by some states and resentment that some states felt towards those states with debt probles, were massive stimulats for nationalist parties all over Europe. And when said economic crisis was followed by immigration crisis, which just continues to give fuel for nationalist parties, in some states through resentment towards states that didn't give them solidary during economic crisis now demanding them to handle most of the imigration crisis by themselves and in other states nationalist parties have been able to harness fear of uncertanity which people have felt past decade, because of lack of clear vision where we actually want to steer EU towards.


    Nationalism and transnational institutes don't really work well together which creates tension between members of said transnational institutes which creates its own crisis.


    Most of Poland's problems are homemade and their roots are in time before they joined EU, but reflect on their politics and actions in EU.


    Lots of EU's problems from fact that currently there are multitude of different vision about its future among its member states, which don't really work well in common goal organizations like EU, as too much compromise always starts to bother those who feel that they sacrifices are bigger than others. Also times of complex problems which are difficult to grasp even by those who have delved into subject in hand always increase popularity of those who offer simple source for these problems and simple solutions and it does not matter how wrong they are in their conclusions, because simplicity attracts people and people are willing to ignore lots of things in order to maintain their simplified view of world.

  13. European Parliament approved new copyright directive, which has some very questionable articles in it (like demands for automatic filters that remove copyrighted content before they are published and compensation for media companies for linking their articles), which makes future look bit darker for me even though it has not got its final approval.

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    Oh yeah, emotions are still raw Im sure. But when it comes to taking a farm, the British took it from the Boers, who took it from whatever people who had it who took it from different people, and on back it goes. There is never a moral justification for taking whats not yours. You're just the next bully with guns stealing from people you hate.


    I think Boer is 'white guy'?



    Boers were/are Dutch-speaking settlers and their descendants

  15. To be fair, don't you guys have literally the best public school system in the world with the highest paid teachers? Or did random internet infographics lie to me again?

    It is one of the best school system and in the world. Teachers salary is high with quite lot of paid holidays, but that is true also on private schools.
  16. "I'll never understand why people think private ownership of education, healthcare, prisons, etc - is a good idea."


    1. Private schools are vastly superior to public school.   That's the harsh true and largely because the best teachers/professors likely  are treated and paid better than public ones.



    Private schools here (Finland) have worst results than our public schools, which is why our billionares mostly sent their kids to our public schools.




    Why didn't previous presidents whine about fake news every day?


    How many articles were comparing previouse presidents to Hitler?



    Well Obama typically got compared to socialists, Bush got the village idiot labels, and Clinton got the Jerry Springer cheater treatment.



    I am pretty sure even you can see that being called cheater (and in the end rightfully so) is not same as being called Nazi holocaust supporter



    Obama got quite lot Nazi comprasions from his political opposition and it was not limited only to opinion columns




    Barack Obama compared to Hitler and Lenin in Tea Party billboard




    Same idea, your next life quality depends on your current lifestyle. Reward and punishment.


    But reincarnation has a finite limit of whatever is the lifespan of your current incarnation, no? Also, if what you say is true, how does one improve from a lower life form? For example, lets say some terrible person dies and is reincarnated as a buttworm. This buttworm lives its normal life cycle, but being a buttworm, it isnt afforded any opportunity to worship or improve its station in the hierarchy. Seems like a soul can only go down from humanity to something lower.



    There are multiple reincarnation teachings. But in most popular versions (Hinduism and Budhist versions), souls of animals collect good merit by lessening suffering of other beings like for example by becoming meal of some other creature or by just showing companionship.

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    Pretty much as I said, there are contracts. That is also why it's very rare that you hear of a porn star getting sexually assaulted by a customer. Not only does it not make sense but when it hapoens there is more often a motive than not. I'm still waiting for Stormy to show that contract of submission, doubt it will ever surface because it's more likely that she got lazy and just took the money anyway.

    Porn stars don't have customers, as their job is act explixcit sexual acts for film (although there are quite lot rape scandals in porn industry where actresses say they were raped on the set). It is quite common that prostitutes get raped by people prententing to hire them (studies says that about 50% of prostitutes in US say that they have raped at least once during their life time and over 70% says that they have faced other forms of physical violence), which is why prostitutes have invented lots of ways to protect themselves. Porn stars sometimes also work as prostitutes/escorts. Stormy Daniel don't accuse Trump of sexual assault or claim that Trump paid her for sex, in her case scandal is that Trump paid her sush money before election in order to prevent Stormy to tell press about her affair with Trump. There is also accusations of Trump breaking agreement between them, which is why Stormy claims that she has now right to talk about mentioned affair.

    Porn Stars do have customers, same as prostitutes or strippers. I'm not sure where you get the idea that they don't, Is it because they call their customers "clients" instead? Moreover, all porn stars (professional ones) have contracts, whether with a company brand or people who hire them for discreet meetings. This is only an exception because it's the President.


    And no, it's not really possible for a prostitute or porn star to get raped "on the job" - excluding child sex trafficking of course, Do you have any evidence of this in a case (something not by word of mouth or a youtuber with a nonchalant opinion perhaps) that an adult industry porn star or prostitute gets raped on the job? Although I do agree that most prostitutes do get raped in their lifetime but that doesn't count for their actions or choices on the job, that's common sense but keep in mind that after being forced into submission, it becomes accepted and they get used to it, therefore it becomes the only thing they know, thus thereby it's normal for them. Do you think any prostitute wants to... ya know, prostitute? It's also common sense that most prostitutes suffer physical abuse, pimps or madames usually beat their prostitutes when they don't meet quota. Even so, those statistics have nothing to do with what they experience with on the job.


    And lastly, I wasn't the one who said Stormy Daniels accused Dinald Trump of sexual harassment or anything of the sort, I replied to someone who said she did but my comments make valid points all the same. A contract between Stormy and the President would have been more than enough to verify the accounts on both ends. In the event of the rare cases that something like this happens, a contract is usually brought before a judge for appeal



    Porn stars don't have either customers or "clients", because they get paid for acting sexual acts with other porn stars who are also paid for their acting. If they get paid for having sex with customers or "clients" as you put it then they aren't working as porn stars but as prostitutes.


    I have doubts that you understand what rape is if you don't think that prostitutes or porn stars can be raped on the job. Because even though they agreed to perform certain sexual act in certain conditions it does not mean that they aren't sometimes forced to perfom sexual acts which they didn't agreed on.


    Here some links about alleged rapes/sexual abuses on porn sets.










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