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Posts posted by Elerond

  1. McDonalds also gets subsidies in most countries in world which it does bussiness, as most countries in world give both agriculture and low pay worker subsidies, etc. assistances, which both indirectly and directly benefit McDonalds. I have seen some calculations that McDonald's effectivelly gets more subsidies than its world wide revenue is.


    Wow, Cyanide Studios are still alive? I remember that part in VtmB, something to do with a rpg universe called 'The White Wolf'. Cyanide Studios are pretty good when it comes to writing.



    The "Call of Cthulhu" game shown at E3 is from Cyanide.

    Cyanide studios made Blood Blow and Styx games. But in my understanding they haven't anything to do with The White Wolf.

    Your spam doesn't change the simple fact that the Korean war did not end in 1953 so why did you bother writing some spam to counter what I wrote when it doesn't dispute what I wrote.

    Well if you'd like to be pedantic the commonly accepted "end" to the Great War was 11 November 1918, or the day the armistice went into effect. The actual peace treaty would be signed in June of 1919, and fully put into effect the following year.
    Also people commonly say that WW2 ended in 1945, even though the Paris Peace Treaties weren't signed until February 10 1947.


    Also one could argue because Finland and Germany never signed treaty to end war between them that WW2 is still ongoing :)




    nothing burger


    This will certainly be one of the high points of Trump's legacy that will be remembered ad nauseam come election cycles.



    It seem very solid strategy first escalate things between your country and hostile country where people start to fear that war is immediate and then have meeting where you promise said hostile country things that they have wanted for years without getting anything from them just to get relationship between your countries to same level what it was before you started to escalate things and then recive praise how good negotiator you are.

    • Like 2
  5. Assassin's Creed Odyssey has made me surprisingly interested of the game and it may become thrid Assassin's Creed game that I actually play through.


    Beyond Good & Evil 2 seems interesting, but it seems that it will take 2+ years before it is out, so there is still at least couple E3s to give same statement


    I hoped more information about Cyperpunk 2077, as it was 2012 when they announced that they are making it, so even though CD Projekt RED worked mainly on Witcher 3 until 2016, I hoped bit more than that it is Cyperpunk game. Hopeful they will showcase it more behind the scenes and we get more information about it soonish, but I would not be suprised if we need to wait to next year's E3 to learn more. EDIT: they have revealed BTS that game is FP, which isn't my favorite perspective in RPGs, but we will see how well it will work.


    Gears Tactics is mildly interesting looking game


    Tomb Raider's footage wasn't very impressive but I probably play it just to finish the trilogy.


    Otherwise this year's E3 didn't offer games evoked my interest. Bethesda succeeded to kill my interest towards their games.


    Not worst E3, but I have seen better years for my taste




    Larry Kudlow has had a heart attack, he is  recovering nicely


    I wonder if the " outrage " that was expressed about Justin Trudeau's G7 speech added to this ?




    It was Canadian spies trying to assassinate him, naturally.



    Nah, you conspiracy meter does not go deep enough, it was fake hearth attack in order to make him more sympathetic in eyes of people order to give more weight to what he said about backstabbing Canadians in order to get closer to their long game goal which is USA's attacking to Canada :devil:


    • Like 1
  7. My point being it should be OK to have more stringent requirements on larger professional business like retail grocery stores and restaurants at the same time as not making the poor guy selling cans sodas outside the ball park get the exact same kind of license. It's OK to not seize Tino's Pizza food truck and throw that poor guy in prison for a year because he can't pay the same fees as Pizza Hut has to. And I would hope people are smart enough to understand that if you buy a pizza from Pizza hut you are far less likely to get sick than if you et one from Tino BECAUSE of that. Caveat Emptor. I would HOPE people would understand that. Of course reading some of the posts on this thread gives me pause in that hope.


    Like I said it does not have to be all of one thing or another. You can have safe restaurants AND kids lemonade stands. Grocery stores AND community fresh markets. Well, actually no you can't any more. Because Big Brother wants his tribute and he never, ever gives something back once he's taken it away from us. The fact that people cheer him for doing it sickens me.


    I agree that small time and low risk (meaning that they sell only food items that will not go bad easilly if stored poorly) pop-up limonade stands/shops/restaurants should be allowed to operate without license. I find bit strange that in this issue Finland has less regulations than USA, as usually we are much stricter when it comes to regulating food and other nutritional things.

  8. Some examples of settings where everybody (or virtually everybody) has magic


    RPG systems

    Glorantha (RPGs like RueQuest and HeroQuest use this setting), one of the oldest RPG settings

    GURPS Technomancer  (setting for GURPS in which everybody has magic)

    In Eberron, a D&D setting, low level magic so common place that virtually everybody has access to it

    Earthdawn (both setting and rpg system)



    Codex Alera series by Jim Butcher

    Darksword books by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman

    The Xanth series by Piers Anthony

    The King's Peace by Jo Walton

    A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab (there is three parrarel universes from which in two everybody has magic)

    The Crest of Zabutur series by N Lott

    • Like 4
  9. PoE was from start to aimed to be high magic system, which is why there are lots of magic. We can see that in many things like tangible gods that actively meddle in mortal bussiness and whose powers have immediate and easy to see results. World is full of substance called adra which stores energy from the souls, energy which is relatively easy to manipulate to do things. Everybody knows that souls exist, because souls are also tangible things that people can see and interact with. People know that souls go through recycling which leads people some born with memories of people that live before them. And there is scientific sect called animancy that devotes their time to study and master manipulating soul energy and souls.


    By game's lore people of Eora are able to manipulate souls and energy of those souls based on strength of their own souls. Way they manipulate said souls and energy depends on lots of things. Game's classes are based on those things and they all have different reason why they can manipulate souls.


    Wizards for example spent their lives to study soul energy and how to manipulate it in different ways, which is why wizards in PoE have most variety in things that they can do with their abilities and why they have grimoires which they can use to manipulate that energy even more.


    Priest draw strength from their belief towards their chosen god, even though power comes from their own soul and not from the gods it is still their belief and customs that gives them ability to do things.


    Paladin's devote their lives to do something and it is that devotion to cause which is their key to manipulate soul energy around them.


    Ciphers are people who have inherited higher sensitivity towards souls around them which gives them ability to manipulate those souls in ways that other people just can't do.


    Fighters harnest power from their own souls through discipline and training that lets them strength to do thing that person would not otherwise be able to do.


    Druids source of power is similar to priest, but they tune with nature and Eora itself instead of gods, but its is still their belief, traditions and customs that give them ability to manipulate soul energy around them.


    Rangers also tune with nature, but their focus is in hunt and their soul's unique ability to bond with animals that drives how they manipulate soul energy around them.


    Rogues are similar to fighters, but instead of focusing on making themselves better they focus on how to distract people, find their weaknesses or anything that gives them edge that lets them to achive their goals.


    Chanters use their knowledge of legends and other things to harnest strength to make souls around them do their bidding.


    Monks have found different ways to harnest power of their soul through pain and self harm.


    Barbarians have found way to harnest power of their soul through driving themself in state of rage


    All class abilities in PoE focus on combat because of nature of game.


    So at end the question isn't why everybody can do magic, but why wouldn't everybody could use magic in some way in such setting.

    • Like 2
  10. By the way, do we ever tell anyone why Eothas wants to destroy the Wheel (to stop the gods from feeding off mortals' souls, among other things)? I might be wrong, but the way I remember it, all we say after the Ashen Maw is "Eothas is going to Ukaizo, he is going to destroy the Wheel". And nobody cares to ask how or why.


    Also, gods or no gods, the new companions certainly know about Thaos. They bring him up in the party banter a couple of times. But, apparently, they have no idea what Thaos' whole business was about.


    Eothas wants to reveal truth of gods and wheel to kith in way that is undeniable and push kith towards peace and new innovations (althought you can persuade him to go against this goal). Eothas has firm belief that kith are capable to solve any problem caused by destruction of the wheel and he also seems to believe that it would unite waring kith nations behind common goal, belief that seem to be bit too optimistic at least based on fact that factions are much more interested to take over the power of Ukaizo, than caring Eothas destroying wheel, what it would mean or why he is doing so and ending slides also will confirm that factions will continue their war in Deadfire even after Eothas destroys the wheel, although in some cases one of the factions at least tries to do something to solve the issues caused by destruction of the wheel.

  11. Yeah, though a lot of people have already discovered that BG&E 2 is not the sequel they wanted or expected. From the looks of it, the game seems to be a MMO hybrid similar to Destiny or The Division. Still, I am curious to see what Michel Ancel is trying to pull off here, he always manages to make great games.


    They revealed last year that the "BG&E2" isn't actually sequel at all, but prequel and all information that has been released  so far of it points out that it will follow Ubisoft's open world model but even more increased focus on multiplayer/shared play aspects that have appeared in their other tittles like Watch Dogs, Assassin's Creed and Far Cry.



    Then tell me where we can nudge things in the right direction, excluding the final decision of who you give the macguffin.


    I am btw not talking about changing the course of giants (be it Eothas or any of the 4 major factions), but even decisions at a very small scale are much too sparse.

    My favorite example is the plucked fruit quest (because I know it from backer beta and always had hoped it would be more fleshed out in the full game). The only thing you can decide is which of two guys gets killed - the well-meaning thief or the innocent ****. But why can't we change something fundamental in the small and isolated worldspace of this village? Why can't we either -convince the village elders that planting the koiki fruit would be smart, damn tradtions; or -return the stolen koiki but give more of the stuff to the thief so he can plant it secretly. Instead we just let one guy die and the food shortage continues.


    The only quest that kind of works like this is finding a source of food for the gullet.

    You do any of Maia’s side quests?

    Yes, but we don't get to actually influence any of that, do we? We either help her or we don't, and we only learn the significance of it in the ending slides.



    If you do Tikawara quest line, you end the food shortage, as storms that destroyed most of their crop ended.

    In case of doing Tikawara quest line you will have quite major influence in that settlement as you will either cause cause people from the settlement to move in other places in deathfire, become part of Royal Deadfire Company, become prosperious port that mostly trades with Vailian Trading Company, become prosperious animancy research center for port for Vailian Trading Company, or become cheap labor settlement for Vailian Trading Company.

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    Again you guys do know this is the non spoiler forum, so you can't even talk about eothas motivations.


    All I will say is that I find it really odd people claim they don't know what they were, he tells you why he is doing what he is doing?  It isn't a big mystery.  If you can't relate to his motivations, okay, that's one thing.  Saying you don't know his motivations though?  No way, unless you paid zero attention.


    Sorry for the spoilers boss. It's hard to discuss the story without 'em.



    Right up until the end, Eothas is extremely vague. The watcher keeps demanding, "Why are you doing this?!" and Eothas keeps evading the question with remarks like, "It's all for a good cause, my child."  Then you get to the end, and he explains what he's doing, and it seems like kind of a **** move from the God of Light and Redemption. Since, y'know, it might destroy all life on Eora.




    Eothas is also god of renewal, rebirth and spring, which are things drive him to do what he is doing. Where most other gods want to keep world stagnat (Berath wants everything work in orderly manor without any changes, Woedica wants to keep kith ignorant and in service to gods, Ondra wants people to forget past preventing them from learning, Wael want everything to be mystery. Suprisingly it is Eothas' foe god Magran and Magran's friend Galawain who start to see his point towards the end of the game) or in case of Rymgrad end it, Eothas wants to push it forward, especially enlighten kith to realise their potential.


    So at end Eothas' is just following to extreme ideals that Engwithans made him to uphold which ironically seems to go against Engwithans intentions.


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  14. In National Socialism economy is just tool to achive state's goals. Which is quite different from socialism and capitalism which both focus on people having the wealth, disagreeing mainly on how wealth is distributed and who owns means of production. In national socialism people didn't matter only state, which is why their views of economy is quite difficult to place on traditional left-right wing axis especially in today's political discussion. It is their strong views of nation, superority of native folk, social politics, etc. which is reason why they are placed in far-right on traditional left-right spectrum.


    The term "National Socialism" arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of "socialism", as an alternative to both international socialism and free market capitalism. Nazism rejected the Marxist concept of class conflict, opposed cosmopolitan internationalism and sought to convince all parts of the new German society to subordinate their personal interests to the "common good", accepting political interests as the main priority of economic organization -"European Business, Dictatorship, and Political Risk, 1920-1945"

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    Yet, I do believe we can agree that chivalry, in general, is indeed an expression of male dominance; that is, women are men‘s responsibility to be treated well. Women however are to smile and to be thankful for this. There’s a certain difference in the worth ascribed to each of the two here.


    Chivalry has never been about male dominance over woman, it's structuring a knight to be worthy to fill the privileged roll that they have been granted. Knighthood was much more about religious piety, and being a servant soldier. As time went on the institution survived more as a form of noble distinction, and the social elements remained. But this did not grant a knight dominance over woman, it was about providence amongst one's peers.


    Because woman had certain rolls at that time, it's somehow seen as chivalry being the institution that maintained such things. Which is laughable. Only in modern times when people are insistent on changing things meaning in order to be correct, would your definition hold any water.



    Yeah chivalric code of conduit is based on teaching of Christianity. Opening doors for people for example has it root in story about Jesus washing his disciples feet, when they arguing who should do it. It is to show that you don't pride yourself over the others.


    Although there is some merit in male dominance theory as women were seen as lower than men in society and therefore men who opened door for women showed greater humility than those who didn't and therefore opening doors lower class people (which in aristoratic settings means women and servants) become core part of chivalric behavior.


  16. The tomes curse is annoying feature, the fact that even after combat this remain for long time.

    Also there is something with killing totems, that ai does not detect totem as enemy.

    I generally use flamewall to burn the thing down.


    Resting have some potencial as Witcher's elixirs, when you pick buffs which will help you with next fight. Like domination immunity, or poison immunity. That is way to go.


    Totems aren't enemies they are enviromental objects like barrels and that seems to be by design and not by bug, one of the main reason behind of that decision was probably just to ensure that AI doesn't make your party members to engage with totems instead of more threatening enemies or run towards totems, especially death totems (which curse aura gives characters injuries) when there isn't real enemies in present and preventing totems locking your party in combat when they are only things left standing.




    Also, I watch for characters having some sort of annoying curse on them.  I'll usually rest to get rid of those.



    I think this is a bug. Those curses come from the totems that you find in dungeons near certain enemies. They pulse the effect, but I THINK it's supposed to be cleared upon leaving combat. Doesn't seem to be the case all the time, though, especially if you re-engage in combat to destroy them.


    Those totems themselves are kind of weird... If you force attack them, your characters will get one attack off, then combat will break until you force attack it again.



    I don't know if the enduring curse is a bug or not.  But resting does make them go away.


    OTOH, there are a number of beneficial effects that simply do NOT go away, whether you rest or not.  For example, I had Pallegina in my party for a while, and of course, she was using one of here Zealous abilities.  And it stuck on my 3 characters who've never left the party, my PC, Eder, and Xoti.  Even when I have Pallegina leave the party, her Zealous effects don't go away from those other party members.  Something's clearly wrong.



    Some aura effects get stuck to other members when you remove one with aura from your party in the ship. Pallegina's auras are one and also Xoti's lanter bonuses seem to do that also and some other item auras.

  18. As long as they are bots (as bots are things that have programming that they follow to letter and they don't have any capacity of making decision out side those programmed in them, so they either follow commands of their controller or in case of autonomous bots commands of people who programmed) then they are just tools, but if they become self aware in any point of time then we had to talk who is responsible of crimes they commit and what rights they have if crimes are commited against them.

  19. From pre-end game save


    MC War Caller (Unbroken/Skald) 46575.5 (Time in party 1 year 2 months 11 hours)

    Edér Swashbuckler 49871.9  (Time in party 14 Months 12 days 25 hours)

    Maia Scout 51741.0 (Time in party 10 Months 5 days 22 hours)

    Aloth Wizard 29792.7 (Time in party 7 Months 13 days 14 hours)

    Xoti Contemplative 11701.8 (Time in party 9 Months 5 days 17 hours)

    Serafen Witch 9327.0 (Time in party 8 Months 17 days 26 hours)

    Pallegina Paladin 10284.6 (Time in party 7 Months 3 days 22 hours)

    Konstanten Chanter 685.8 (Time in party 1 Months 2 days 10 hours)

    Ydwin Mindstalker 812.8 (Time in party 1 Months 12 days 26 hours)

    Rekke Fighter 83.0 (Time in party 6 days 16 hours)

    Fassina Wizard 0.0 (Time in party 3 hours)


    I think faced at least seven random encounters in Nekataka


    1. Well full of oozes

    2. Laethärn wanting to talk about Eothas

    3. Pirates selling stuff and then giving it to me free

    4. Somebody burning building

    5. Tunnel on my path was collapsed

    6. Skuldr attacking a girl

    7. Arrogant noble who lost his purse to my pocket

    How long have you been playing?


    I got none of that. Well except Laethärn, but that's tied to a main quest. In 31 hours...and most of these hours were in Neketaka.

    My first play through in which those happened was 80 hours


    Game is now build and balanced around resting, wounds, and food, so saying that they don't give value in their current state is quite fallacious statement, because they give so much value in current state of affairs that game would break quite totally if you take them away.

    But the cost of resting is so negligible that it amounts to a ‘click to remove injuries and replenish Empowers’ button, which renders it meaningless, because why would you ever not want to remove injuries and replenish Empowers? In its current state it’s effectively the same as having no injury system and unlimited empowers.

    Trade off of resting is food/resting/to next rest bonuses some which are much better than empowers or minor minuses that you get from single injury. But resting isn't designed to be punishing in this game it is just way to buff which abuse is limited little by fact that it consumes somewhat limited resources.

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  22. Game is now build and balanced around resting, wounds, and food, so saying that they don't give value in their current state is quite fallacious statement, because they give so much value in current state of affairs that game would break quite totally if you take them away. It is another question if value they give for the game is such that player enjoys or interesting, but as mechanics they are hard to replace in the game as it is.


    Harder difficulty levels or optional difficulty option could be forced rest for the party in end of the every day at same time when you pay your ship crews salaries, and when they consume their foods. So that player needs to either use much more money on their party's food or accept weaker food bonuses.


    There could be also another difficulty option where maybe can rest only once per day and rest would heal only one injury.

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