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Posts posted by Hornet85

  1. There are already more content added in previous milestone, and there will be more content in 2.2 million milestone. I am not sure why people keep demanding for more content only. You can't have all the milestone suit your personal desire. :getlost: There are many people who wants different challenging game modes as well. We'll be getting both more content and more game mode, what's wrong with that?

    • Like 1
  2. You can increase your pledge at any moment until the Kickstarter project is over. Or did you mean sth else?


    I mean long after Kickstarter ends. A month time probably won't make much difference (not for me anyway lol).


    Wasteland 2 currently have this feature at their custom site for backers, where until they are prepare to ship the items out, backers are free to pledge more money and upgrade their tiers at any time.

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  3. I think one challenge next is to come up with a goal that can shoot it up to 2.4mil and beyond. They can make the next goal 2.4 or 2.6 mil, but it have to be something new that makes people go "wow I want that". More companion or anything that have been included in previous goal is not going to be much good, IMO.



    CONGRATZ ON 2 MILLION :dancing:

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  4. The day after the announcement of the "additional languages" stretch goal has been the slowest pledge day since the start of the PE kickstarter. Additional language support is important for the success of the finished product, but it does diddely squat for the funding part of the project. To potential backers who only back the game and won't participate in the actually earnings of the finished product, additional languages are pretty much wasted resources.


    You have to remember that 2.2 million allows a whole new area to explore and additional factions, these contributes a lot to the game. The language translation is just a small part to fill in a void left by Linux porting, which again is something that not everyone could benefit from. So basically nothing has change.


    2.2 million is about new area and new faction. Its not about language, its about extra content for the game. Why can't people see this. :( Stop saying 2.2 million is for language support, its not. Put that aside for goodness' sake.

    • Like 3
  5. I'm one of the ones that wants co-op multiplayer. I'm not willing to sacrifice the singleplayer experience for the coop.


    From what the Dev's have said, you can have great singleplayer with no coop, great singleplayer with mediocre coop (the old IE games), or great coop with mediocre singleplayer. You can't have great singleplayer and great multiplayer in a text-heavy, dialog driven game.


    If we're not willing to sacrifice the singleplayer experience, that leaves the choice of no multiplayer or mediocre multiplayer, and at that point, it's kind of hard to argue for multiplayer.

    Unfortunately OP don't get it.


    So OP is actually one of those who thinks he knows better than the dev which is equally selfish because despite the fact that Obsidian has already said why they are focusing on SP, OP continues to demand for multiplayer just because he wants it, knowing pretty well what the dev has said about this issue.


    Go play an MMO if you want multiplayer.

    • Like 1
  6. Yes. Someday we may develop a technology to synthesize realistic voices but till then, voice acting is expensive and games like RPG where you are trying to create a living world with deep stories, its not practical to voice all written dialog. So for the time being, we have to settle for just the texts.


    Note that I'm not saying we should have majority text only for the sake of it. I'm just saying we have to make do with what technology allows us at the moment.


    Voice certainly increases immersion, and should be implemented where and when its practical.

  7. Great updates, I'm happy for those users who were looking towards the confirmed translated language. Almost 2 million now. Time to prepare the 2.4 million stretch goal :dancing:


    Say, any update on the Paypal option? Would also love to have an option to upgrade our tiers long after KS, for those of us who can't afford putting down a huge sum at once :p

  8. I'm from Malaysia, a small country down South of Asia and a former colony of the British. Therefore, English is an important language here which allows us to enjoy great video games. ;) Video game is no stranger here, I grew up playing DOS games like Xenon 2 and Pre Historic 2 although they used to be expensive due to the fact that they had to be imported from the opposite site of the globe. But thanks to Steam and other online digital distribution, video game access has never been easier, and Steam sales have contributed a lot in encouraging gamer here to avoid piracy and go legit.

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  9. I don't understand the inclusion of Linux for Project Eternity; it is a OS for academics and system administrators not meant for games - can't resources not rather be redirected to the game instead of porting over for a small meaningless user base of Linux gamers?


    If there at all are those; mostly they just want something to talk about and prove that they too can have fun with their system, which never was meant for having fun but studies, programming & system administration (work).


    If you are going to come out strong against something, you should at least ensure that you know the subject properly.


    Linux is an open source OS, no where is it written that its an OS focus on productivity. People do use Linux for other purposes such as on their personal computer and leisure. Did you know that Steam supports Linux too? Don't you think that tells you something? If its meaningless, why would Valve support Linux?


    Secondly, Unity supports Linux out of the box, which is why Obsidian was able to immediately confirm support for Linux when they decided to use Unity. They don't need to spend additional resources to make it work on Linux.

  10. Did you guys read Obsidian's statements on the game. :p


    Obsidian have said they are looking into translating the game since day 1, it was on the Kickstarter FAQ:

    The initial release will be in English, and we’re looking for ways of translating the game for our fans all over the rest of the world. As we have more information and our funding increases, we’ll make sure to keep everyone update on what languages will be coming with Project Eternity.


    So don't worry, they will be looking into translating the game, presumably the more money they have, the more languages they can afford which is logical. So lets not argue about the translation. Obsidian will do their best to get the game translated, and that's that.

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  11. There was one interview posted somewhere where Obsidian have said that they hope this Kickstarter and the sale will help them make a sequel. If not, then they will start another Kickstarter.


    So it appears to me that rather than wasting their money on DLC or whatever, they aim to move on to the next project, or the next installment once this is done, and they may use Kickstarter if the money they earn from sales of PE is not enough.


    Here you go:

    If this goes well, could you see Obsidian shifting more definitively to a Kickstarter-based development paradigm?


    It depends. Our hope? That Kickstarter and the sales of the final product allow us to self-finance a game on our own without needing to ask for donations ever again. I’ll be honest, I have no idea how likely it’ll be that we’d raise that amount of money, but if we couldn’t, we would definitely return to Kickstarter and see where the fans would like to see the next installment go.



    To me, I think that's the best approach. This is a crowd funded title, just make whatever they can, put it together, and move on to the next project.

  12. Bandwagon, ho. Unity is just a cheap alternative that is made affordable and easy by way of not offering the full functionality of other engines. Sounds like a kick in the **** to me. I'm not buying a bloody iPhone game, especially not for $20+. I'm considering dropping my pledge because my understanding of the conditions of us offering them several million dollars up front to make their game is that we would be receiving a game with AAA fidelity, both in terms of story and dialog (which I am not worried about), as well as graphics and audio, which we are simply not going to get on the Unity engine.

    Do you have any idea how much cost it takes to develop games like Crisis?


    Actually, if you think Unity is only an iPhone game engine, I don't think you have any idea about the stuff you are talking about.

  13. Unity will not dictate the art direction of the game. Our artists, graphics programmers, and directors will. And let me say, they are some of the best in the business.


    This is similar in which Onyx did not prohibit from making a South Park like visual game even though a 3D fantasy dungeon crawler was made with it. ;)


    No surprise to me, but you guys need to get this out there in the next update. Many people might not be following this thread and still hold the misconception.

  14. I see a bunch of top tier donators dropped their pledges or reduced them. I do not see how the graphics from Wasteland look "cartoony", but maybe that is because I have been playing too much Warcraft and Torchlight... those games really look cartoony and are great fun. Wasteland 2 is offereing a lot of options for players to set their own "grey-brown, washed out, CoD style" coloring fix. Perhaps Obsidian will do the same.


    Anyway, I am encouraged by the choice and wonder if people realise how much it would cost to get linux support for the Onyx engine's middleware? Perhaps the next big title comes out they can convert Onyx to Linux, but until then Unity will be great for collaboration with Fargo and company to utilize every ounce of it.


    Keep up the good work, Obsidian! Only you can change the nature of the dudebros and basement dwellers!


    Man that would be disappointing if they drop their pledge just because of a decision on a game engine that, frankly, most of us here hardly know much about all the technical side of a game engine and what it means. :(


    Hopefully Obsidian would release an update next week and explain in laymen terms how its choice doesn't mean the game will look like other Unity games.

  15. That may not be cartoony, but it still looks very smooth on certain surfaces (particularly walls). It's just not anywhere near as detailed as 2D.


    By 2D, did you meant pre-rendered background?


    Pre-rendered background will always look better than real time rendered graphics simply because its pre-rendered. You can take the liberty of rendering a scene for 2 hours or 2 days, it doesn't matter, because you will then take a snap shot of it and put the picture as a background.


    Real time rendering is where the graphics are rendered in our own computer, and you need to render them 60 times a second!


    Therefore in pre-rendered scene, you can utilize all sort of advance graphics technique. In 3D movies, they use techniques like ray tracing and each scene takes hours or days to render.



    the down side of pre rendering is that your background is static. If you zoom in, its like zooming into a picture and it will look bad so you can't allow players to zoom in. It is simply a picture after all.


    And there's also a question of compressing all these pictures, just like the normal picture files where different compression gives different quality.

  16. Yeah, as I understand it PE can look dramatically different, to a point it won't resemble that W2 video at all.

    I just hope others won't get the wrong impression and be put off by what's basically an art style of other games.


    in fact, in Wasteland 2, they did post screenshots of with and without post processing. With some post processing effect, they were able to adjust the saturation level of the picture and make them look more dull and grayish.


    This just goes to show how flexible it is and the designers are free to utilize different features to set the tone they want. ;)

  17. Woohoo, thank you for Linux support :thumbsup:


    I wished I could proudly say I donated more than $100 too, lol. But that may only be possible next year when I finish my studies and start having a full time job :shrugz:


    Perhaps a way for us to up our pledge later on throughout the time before the game is completed?

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