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Everything posted by Longknife

  1. I promise guys, I know I was the one to derail that Thanksgiving thread BUT I SWEAR IT WASN'T ME DIS TIME. Inb4 a pro- and anti- Longknife's grandfather movement breaks out.
  2. Are muscle wizards still a thing
  3. You said yourself he'd agree with anything he was told, thus him being an ex Nazi isn't him having an intense hatred for the Jews and Commies, and wanting to further Aryan race at the expense of everyone else, it's him having heard some people say that and then thought "Yeah sure, that sounds reasonable." without really thinking about what any of it means, the end result is him along with others contributing to stuff I find detestable, but you don't make him seem intentionally malicious, regardless of whether he's a pathetic spineless coward or someone who doesn't think about stuff very much. Therefore, from what little information you've provided, him being a bad guy just isn't necessary, him having been involved in a lot of bad stuff is though, but that doesn't make him a bad guy. Maybe it's just me but I personally consider someone who is so unbelievably spineless that they'd go along with ANYTHING they're told to the point where they find themselves mowing down Russians with a machine gun, then that person is on the same level of scum as the very people who are genuinely bigoted towards other races as he lacks any moral compass, any cause or any self worth to stand up for and ultimately amounts to a meager existence as nothing more than a tool for more malicious people to utilize. There's a quote from New Vegas I found difficult to see the wisdom in at first, but every so often it seems to apply perfectly: "Ignorance is a choice." And if none of that has convinced you, we're talking about the same guy who...my father maliciously kept me out of contact with my grandparents out of spite for a poor upbringing he went through, I didn't meet them until I was 18 years old thanks to the combined efforts of myself and my uncle, and then despite being frustrated with my father for never providing us with a way to contact one another, he immediately bent to the will of my father when my father told him I was evil and should not be spoken with. No questions asked, he just slammed the door on me cause my father said to do so, and clearly my father has never been wrong or done anything wrong, right...? He would later go on to serve as a magnificent pawn when my father decided to sue his very own brother for money, lying about an exchange of cash that went on between them in order to make it appear my father was owed a debt. Despite having factually spoken with my uncle in ways that contradicted my father's claims, he accepted my father's claims above his own experiences and WISELY my father alerted my grandfather that my uncle was a lying malicious snake and SHOULDNT be spoken to, so as to prevent my uncle from simply switching my grandfather over to his side with one brief conversation. (And yes this almost happened) He would also use my grandfather to work the inheritance in such a way that my uncle would see none of it. I find it kinda nice and endearing that you guys wanna see the best in people, and it's a good mindset to have, but I simply cannot overstate how spineless and devoid of a self that my grandfather in. It quickly went from a travesty of never getting to know him in great detail due to intervention of my father to "why on earth would I want to know someone so pathetic anyways?" I essentially learned about his background from old friends of the family who all confirmed how spineless he's always been (I theorized that maybe he followed orders with the rationale of "if I'm simply following orders it's not my fault" in order to cope with his being a nazi, but I was told that no, he was always that pathetic well before the Nazis) and basically warned me that my entire German family is rather toxic, and I'd be better off going my own way rather than trying to get to know them. This is simply a case of "TRUST ME GUIS, I KNO WUT IM TALKIN BOUT."
  4. Why is everyone trying to insist my ****ty Nazi grandfather isn't such a bad guy...?
  5. Supporting equality is all about being a part of the in crowd!
  6. Did you consider that just maybe your grandfather actually believed that Hitler was right? That he had good reason to fight for him? I know that all the propaganda teaches us that nazis were less than human bullet sponges, basically evil incarnate, but look beyond that. Trust me, you dunno my grandfather. You would be AMAZED at how little will this guy has. If person A and person B have a fight, he will take the side of whichever was the last person to talk to him and argue their side. No joke, he's THAT pathetic. This has happened. It was kind of an eye opener into how the Nazi army could've come to exist. Not saying Germans are normally like this (hell no) but wasn't aware such outrageously passive people existed. Now looking back he says the Nazi army was horrible, but honestly you could probably sit him down again, convince him Hitler was good and he'd buy into it all over again. Pathetic.
  7. So here's what I'm curious about: Why do so many anti-GG proponents blatantly ignore stuff like this? Certainly a large chunk of their community are misguided individuals who simply want equality for everyone. Why do those same individuals blindly follow authority or the group without question? I know someone like that. My grandfather. He was a Nazi. C: (actually true too, every portion of it. Dude literally has no will of his own and will blindly follow any order. Pretty sad and pathetic)
  8. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/122967-Brenda-Romero-Resigns-IGDA-Post-Over-GDC-Party-UPDATED Related. Co-chair of IGDA Women resigned because IGDA hosted sexist parties, essentially. True patrons of diversity, those guys. EDIT: Did you see Ernest W. Adams' comment in the comment section to the article you linked? "You were a critic of our system before you joined, so all your criticism of how it was when you were there is invalid," the man is a two-faced snaked. Like I said I guess I really need to review my stance on projection as a psychological concept....
  9. The best will always be when Kennedy said he was a donut. This Thanksgiving, be thankful that you are blessed enough to live in a country where even a delicious pastry can aspire to be president. Oh and: A comment on the Schieß dem Fenster vid. Just so we're clear, he's b****ing hardcore that the movie dare have imperfect German, saying that German is a common enough language that getting it wrong in a movie is rude. Kindly ignore these f***tards if you ever aspire to learn the language (not that many do, BECAUSE of said f***tards. Also German sounds ugly as hell). As a German-American dual citizen, I reserve the right to criticize the hell out of both for what I see as faults, and this right here encompasses one of the faults with German culture pretty damned well. So much ego, so much anal retentive whining over trivial crap.... Better yet, just link one of these uptight a-holes to vids like this and ask why Germans are so rude as to not learn common english phrases as they're commonly spoken:
  10. I'm more curious as to why you want to know the phrase for shooting at a window. It would be something like "Schieß auf das Fenster" and this one is simple because it's akkusativ. Dativ is the one that screws everyone up, cause if it were Dativ then it would end up being "Schieß auf dem Fenster" or for a Die noun it'd be "Schieß auf der Birne." (again, WERE that verb dativ) Best way I know to explain dativ to english speakers is that typically if you can insert "to/for" into a sentence then it's dativ. For example "I'll give you my house" is "Ich werde dir mein Haus geben" because you could feasibly say "I will give to you my house" or "I will give my house to you." The "to" expresses that you are not infact the target of the verb, the target being the haus as that is what's actually being given. You are merely the "means of conveyence" so to speak so you use dir instead of dich. Another dumb example would be "Ich kämme meinem Hund die Haare" (I'm combing my dog's hair) where you're combing the hairs (akkusativ) and the dog is the "means of conveyance" and you could easily change it into "I'm combing my dog's hair (for my dog)." There's also dativ with verbs involving location and travel which is a bit more difficult to explain and really just kinda has to be learned via an understanding for the grammar. Great example: "Ich stehe auf den Tisch" and "Ich stehe auf dem Tisch" have dramatically different meanings. Yeah, **** that Longknife guy for inadvertedly derailing the thread.
  11. Yep I had the formal and informal confused. Anyways the point was one of the you's sounds like ye olde english's "ye". To be fair, most of us can understand written German and mostly understand German if people don't have a horrible dialect and don't speak too fast. We're just completely buggered when it comes to actually speaking or writing German on the account of it being invented by people with a horrible fascination for extremely complicated grammar. I mean, ye Gods! To be honest I find German grammar to be more or less logical once you get it. The real nonsensical part of German is the gender of nouns and der/die/das/die. French or Spanish by comparison have very simple rules regarding what gender a noun is based on it's spelling for the most part, but German? With German it feels like certain groups and topics each have different genders with many exceptions. For example most vehicles or forms of transportation are Der OR Das. Fruits and vegetables are Die with exceptions like Der Apfel and the very category words themselves - Fruits and vegetables being Das Obst and Das Gemüse. Some rules do exist but only in regards to certain word endings, such as words ending in -chen being das....though this of course leads to the not-so-user-friendly issue of das Mädchen (little girl) being neutral in gender, counter intuitive to what most foreigners would expect. If you simply don't have experience with certain vocabularies, you have no way of knowing which gender of noun to use, though luckily this shouldn't bite you in the ass too hard. Then again I don't know Dutch so perhaps the grammar of dutch is far simpler despite the clear similarities. From tutoring, I've always known the issues to be: English = Learn some god damn consistent spelling and pronounciation rules and learn to divide your ideas neatly, english! German = Learn to better categorize your gender of nouns and be more user-friendly to beginners in regards to grammar rules! And look on the bright side: you guys absolutely thrash the Germans when it comes to speaking english, and all of that simply thanks to what I would consider subtitled TV vs. dubbed TV. As a German-American, the sheer reason I have work tutoring english is because english is not a labor of love or leisure for Germans but simply an annoying school requirement. Comparatively I can cross the border into the Netherlands (just an hour away) and find many Dutch speaking with flawless british or american accents. Same applies to much of Scandinavia. But no, Germany's gotta have it's horrible dubs that even the Germans often hate. :D
  12. https://archive.today/LwTvG He's trolling/joking, right?
  13. Fair enough. I just didn't quite see eye to eye with the Glenn Beck comparison because a totally intolerable ass can still make good logical points. Then there's Glenn Beck, who could potentially be clinically insane in some way.
  14. I looked it up and I think I meant jij. Hell, all of these seem familiar to english for me. jij = Ye, hij = he, wij = we...not sure how you don't recognize the english aspects. xD Not true, those are far less fun when you actually speak the language. :C
  15. Fourteen = Vierzehn = veertien (or however you spell it) Street = Straße = Straat You also have a word...your formal 'you' (Sie in German) sounds like "Ye" or some old english crap. I only remember my english is what helped me understand it.
  16. Thank you for explaining the joke. EDIT: Also wtf how is it some dutch can't understand German worth a damned? Your language is literally the result of German and english having sex! The similarities are precisely why. I failed German in high school but I'm straight A's for English and Latin and passed French without trying (though to be fair, I forgot pretty much every little bit of French that I knew because high school French class is "remember all these words and phrases" and not "learn how the french language works in any way") but when I try to speak German my brain gets confused with Dutch and a use the wrong words, the wrong grammar etc. Although I can find my way around Berlin well enough, so I guess it's passable. I know the confused brain part, but from the perspective of an English-German speaker, all that happens is your mind TRIPS THE **** OUT for a minute or two when it hears dutch, trying to decide between flipping the english translator or the german translator on, then it pins it as dutch and somehow I "speak" your language despite not actually speaking it. You could probably talk to me in dutch and I would fully understand you.
  17. Thank you for explaining the joke. EDIT: Also wtf how is it some dutch can't understand German worth a damned? Your language is literally the result of German and english having sex!
  18. In Germany, today is known as "Donnerstag."
  19. Am I the only one that loves the hell out of this song?
  20. When anti-GG accused us of harassing women; it was just a case of projection. I REALLY hate projection as an argument. It always came off as a childish and simplistic "WHATEVER U SAY BOUNCES OFF OF ME AND STICKS TO U" sort of response. Don't get me wrong, there's some merit in that a liar is more likely to accuse others of lying and a cheater is more likely to accuse others of cheating simply in that these sorts of people are more familiar with the techniques and, because they utilize them often themselves, consider them to be more normal and common, so to a small degree I think it has merit. Small example, once a girl had deduced I liked submissive girls and asked me if she was right, I confirmed it, and simply from that question I deduced she herself was a submissive girl because only a submissive (or dominant) girl would be able to deduce that as she's familiar with the attitude and only a submissive girl would have an interest in knowing my answer. To that degree, I think it has merit. But holy crap this whole GamerGate-SJW issue is challenging my stance on the projection argument. It's staggering the amount of data to suggest they are. So many privileged (financially) white men, so many instances of harassment that continue to occur whereas GGs are...well, when was the last time a GGer was accused of harassment? It's just mind-boggling, and yeah I may follow up this whole event when it's all said and done by finding a psychologist and asking them what merit projection actually has. Off-topic a tad but.... I've heard of Milo's reputation but know little about the guy beyond his interest in GamerGate. What exactly are his radical stances that would make you compare him to Glenn Beck? If I'm to be blunt, Glenn is literally a bat**** crazy conspiracy theorist.
  21. Number of video game titles by women GG has rallied to support: 2 Number of video game titles by women GG has rallied against: 0 Number of video game titles by women anti-GG has rallied to support: 0 Number of video game titles by women anti-GG has rallied against: 2 Sound about right? Did I forget anyone?
  22. I was honestly expecting this game to look ****ty, because to be quite blunt, both the devs for and against GG have only evoked reactions equating to "who?" from me up until now, and I've imagined all of them to be rather miserable wannabe developers with limited experience. Then I watch the trailer and it hits me right in the very same gland that loves Harvest Moon and Animal Crossing.
  23. Why invent other words for things that already have a name, it's called normal people. At the risk of sounding like a bigot, I'm sorta inclined to agree with the bigoted comment above. I wouldn't word it as "normal people" since that kinda implies others have something wrong with them, but the standard? Yeah. And the reason I bring it up is because I highly doubt "cis" has any sort of scientific or factual relevance that neccesitates it's existence. Rather, I get the sense some SJW thought it was awful that a person without a minority position on their gender gets a very normal term and others have to put up with having labels, so they simply invented a label for the sheer purpose of equality. And to me, if my suspicions are correct then it's yet another example of putting dem feels before dem thoughts, as the word literally serves no purpose that wasn't already served by alternatives.
  24. BTW who invented the term cis and why the hell was it neccesary??
  25. In the second vid the cat is doing his best impersonation of a Buddhist Monk whereas the Parrot is imitating a Jehovah's Witness.
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