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Everything posted by Guybrush

  1. I thought the Space combat in KOTOR was to simple, has anyone heard any news about space combat in KOTOR2? will there be any? i prefered the millenium falcon combat in rebel strikes two player level "Death Star escape" that was brillient, with the falcon flying and turning while you shot.
  2. And 100 feet thinner i might add. and im pretty sure there are islands along the mid atlantic ridge (the Azores?), but moving the topic along, does anyone in America worry about if the Yellowstone park hot spot errupts and causes a toxic cloud that would possibly wipe all life from the middle of the American continent? it would scare the hell out of me, for a country that would suffer most from nature id think America would worry more about banning plastic bags, capping their powerstations and signing the Kyoto agreement. Oh well im sure when things get worse then the richest country in the world will get the idea.
  3. what? whaen has there been a RPG made set after Rotj? and are you saying you didnt like Darkforces or Jedi Knight games? anyway, how many times can the same idea be rearanged? KOTOR 1 & 2 have similar stories and i cant see how KOTOR3 could be anything more then, you start as a padawan and progress to Jedi master, You start as a Jedi Master who has lost their memory and so progress quickly from padawan to Master. I dont mind Jedi, but id like to play a starwars RPG that doesnt focus on Jedi, maybe the ability to add one to your party, but the PC shouldnt have to be a Jedi.
  4. PS2 is ok, just cause it doesnt have a hard drive it still needs RAM, the hard drives mainly just to save stuff! I want the next KOTOR to be a KOTNR (new) set after epidode VI maybe 100 years later? or even a Starwars trilogys RPG. sure i know the story but it could be expanded so much. What ever KOTOR3 is i want more space battles, more space travel, more planets. (and maybe slightly less Jedi Knights )
  5. Any idea who owns the mid atlantic ridge? as the atlantic grows pushing the west coast of America into the Earths mantle, and new land is formed in the middle of the atlantic, who will get first dibs on the islands that form? Addition: I realise this is looking a wee bit into the future, (well a lot) but America wont be there forever (its a matter or geology), so have they (the USA) made steps to claim ownership of the entire techtonic plate or could another country claime all the land being created, and thus oneday own the whole of the North American plate?
  6. I guess what is needed is a less story based KOTOR? in the style of IWD, the problem with this though is that RPGs that loose story and strong dialogue become Hack n Slashers, and may as well play Dark forces style games. I like this board the suggestions could be used towards future games be the Starwars NWNs or other obsidian titles, though im sure only a few ideas would change the ideas of Devs. will KOTOR2 be better on the X-Box? my pcs 3D card isnt very good, and many 3D games on it, look pants.
  7. Unless it has online play (oh no not this again i remember it from KOTOR 1) then you can be unique, but for a single player game, why waste time making the sims? I do like the idea of allowing editing though, as fans could make Darth maul, luke skywalker etc mods.
  8. Ive been thinking about it, and i think that only the sith shoul;d be able to name or upgrade there lightsabre. My reason for this, is that Jedi dont have attachments, and Jedi only use their lightsabre for defence. Naming your lightsabre adds attachment, upgrading it not only adds attachment but also changes it from a symbol into a weapon. The lighsabre should just be a symbol, (like a paladin holy symbol in AD&D) a jedi should be able to make one, and not care if it is destroyed or lost as long as they always have a lighsabre then it doesnt matter. I think this is a good reason why only Sith have double bladed lightsabres and Count dooku custom sabres, as a Jedi doesnt want or need a fancy blade, for this things only lead to the dark side. While its not very practicle and AD&D style RPG fans wont like it, i think non upgraderbul non nameable lightsabres are more relalistic.
  9. In that case maybe, make the crystalls in the lightsabre id the name? So a red lightsabre with no crystalls would be LR Green Light sabre with Solaris crystal LGS etc heck the colour is obvious maybe just a tag for the optional crystals that effect the stats. Although if i remember rightly, the stats for each lightsabre are shown when selecting then X2, 20% chance of Stun etc on the left hand side of the screen, so i never had any problem finding the correct lightsabre, that and i had green for fighting meatbags, blue for droids, yellow did most damage, purple i reall6y cant remember i dont think i bothered with purple, and i deffinatly didnt need to go as far as using red, infact i made all the rubish not upgraded lightsabres red, that way the bad lightsabres didnt take up as much room, what with stacking. So if there are going to be lightsabres with names, do it like the Sith Lightsabre where the blade has a history, dont do it as an excuse that you cant organise your blades as easily cause thats just not true. if you have to many lighsabers go to the caves and destroy all the eggs and collect the red crystals, then recolour your blades.
  10. How about instead of naming lightsabers, sticking with the starwars trilogy. I know it doesnt fit the story of KOTOR2 but its just to show what i mean. You start as a Padawan with a simple lightsabre either made by yourself but probably given to you by your master, if you were luke in epidode IV it would be called Anakins Lightsabre. Then when you progress into Jedi Knight, you can make your own lightsabre with a selection of handles, the light sabre would be PCs name lightsabre, or if you create the lightsabre with a different Jedi it would have their name. When you become a Jedi master, you get a larger selection of handles, so you can create more complex ones like count dookus. What i am getting at, is that Jedi do not have possessions (not even hampsters) a Lightsabre +5 "StarKiller" would lead to the Dark side. You would love the lightsabre, then be scared of loosing the lightsabre, then if you loose it you would get angery, and then seek revenge for loosing it. (this also applys to space hampsters ) I would love to see a KOTOR game that successfully blends KOTOR and Dark Forces : Jedi Academy etc. where you can choose your weapons, and force pull weapons, and throw barrels and objects at the enemy units. But i do not belive KOTOR2 has achived this yet. What i would also like to see is more Starwars style, such as the ability to loose your Lightsabre in battle, and have to force pull it back into your hand, this ability could also work on enemys weapons, but only if your charecter is unarmed. for example on keshek when unarmed and the mandalorians attack, jedi should be able to steal there weapon and attack like luke does in Jabbas palace in Ep VI.
  11. Would you be able to increse the number of letters your PCs name has in KOTOR2? as it allways irritated me in KOTOR that you could only write Guybrush Threepwoo as a name! sure this is a miner fault with KOTOR and im sure that not alot of people wanted their jedi to be Guybrush Threepwood, but i would like to .
  12. I will be holding onto my original starwars a new hope a lot tighter now, i just wish i had the original rotj i bet it will be worth a fortune in a few years.
  13. If the Starwars license was to broadan, what new Movies would you like to see? Ewoks etc were not brilliant, but a starwars tv series at the moment may bring new life to the sci fi genre on the TV, compared to Star trek enterprise and the few other new programms (DR WHO may be good though but billy piper erk especially now shes all upset from splitting with cris evans). After the films are finished and the animated series has run its course where next for Starwars? a set of films set before or after Starwars (I-VI), or a TV series? Starwars merchandise is to important for the fountain to dry up, lego, action figures, airfix, t shirts, hats, plastic masks, blasters, light sabres water guns, the list is endless, and without constantly releasing new formats the merchndising may end. So it is important to the world economy that more Starwars is made. Well maybe not, but i personally wouldnt mind seeing a set of 1hr tv films, about the young Han Solo in the style of Young Indiana Jones, which was while not wonderful a good way of readvirtising the original films and merchandise.
  14. It depends what you want to do? if you want to do a masters or doctorate, then i would start with a physics degree then speciallise when you are more sure where it is going, then to speciallise now and then find you want to do something else. Just an idea.
  15. I know its a bit sad, but hey im a starwars fanatic we all are but i found this on the starwars site "During the Clone Wars, Organa befriended General Obi-Wan Kenobi, and the revered Jedi Knight served him well in that terrible conflict. When Kenobi's apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, succumbed to the dark side, Kenobi sent Skywalker's lover, Padm
  16. WOW Lucas is going to release EWOKS on DVD http://www.starwars.com/eu/news/2004/09/news20040924.html Maybe not the best news in the world ever, Well i quite liked the films when i was 10 hehe.
  17. I agree that anakin didnt need changing in the first place, im just glad he didnt replace alec guiness with ewan, but just to argue. What does it matter what your ghost looks like? its just a representation anyway! i think that because it is look looking at the "ghosts" they should appear how he remembers them. Hopefully if liam neelson is in episode 3 as a "ghost" then they may inlighten us to what the point is? As for Jar jar in rotj where is he? i think they should have relesed the original trilogy alongside this one just to see what would sell better, i only own the original a new hope video, so can hardly remember the original tesb and rotj especially as the bbc now only shows the new versions.
  18. ?? I only see a blue lightsabre, the problem with the lightsabre in A NEW HOPE was that it was real not added with graphics, i have the original A NEW HOPE video and the imrovements in the DVD are amazing, nut i didnt notice a green lightsabre and ive rewatched it (i know im a saddo) to make sure.
  19. As a "Ligtsabre" does not exist i find this a bit mute, having watched the starwars DVD extras about the lightsabre, i know now that it is not light, but instead increadably heavy, and also that many different styles of swordplay are incorporated in the fighting style, but for weaker users of the force a two handed style seems appropriate then single handed, double bladed and dual weilding should be implemented later as the jedi grows in strength. This isnt reality, their is the FORCE and these are lightsbres (an imaginary weapon) so who are we to jugde if its realistic or not?
  20. STARWARS TRILOGY DVD SPOILER I have just watched the Starwars trilogy on DVD to the end, and was amazed that they have edited return of the jedi yet again, instead of the old man that used to be the ghost of anakin they have edited it and make the ghost of anakin look alot like anakin in episode III, (please tell me if im mental and own the only copy of return of the jedi on video with an older anakin ghost at the end) Which leads me to the question, should lucas remake the starwars trilogy? (IV-VI), resently there have been remakes of classics such as dawn of the dead and the exorcist.
  21. No it wasnt her husband, I always assumed after watching return of the Jedi that princess leia and luke skywalkers mum, (now know as Padme) went to live on alderaan with bail organa, and so leia would be named after her step farther. I can understand how this wouldnt work, what with the galactic empire, and darth knowing about padme, i just think the whole conversation in Ep VI is a bit pointless now. I thought the conversation was about luke asking about his mother, but now his asking about leias adopted mother, which doesnt make as much sence to me anyway
  22. I tried not to stick my nose in but Bleh, Contamination of science by something, arguing people who like nothing better then moaning in chatrooms, hell i know thats one of the reasons i bother wasting time on the internet. But really man cannot do what nature has not already done or will one day do. GM crops, sure maybe they are bad for us, maybe not? buting fresh Salmon is meant to be bad because of the way they are farmed, you should only eat Salmon in tins caught in Alaska, try telling that to a person who thinks fresh tastes nicer to tinned. At the end of the day the public dont care about science or whats healthy, if they did the UKs obesity wouldnt be constantly on the rise. Politics uses anything to get people wound up, look at fox hunting (sorry im in the UK and dont know any world news) how manny people really care? polltax, war, terrorism, nah its fox hunting and dads not being able to see there children, so thats all we public care about. It doesnt matter whats true, its what is spoon fed to people by the media that matters, just like scientists of the past, what you spend your life proving will not be taken seriously until its popular. I personally dont have a problem with geneticly modified anything, iths what farmings all about, but instead of 10s of years we can now do it in one. What i do worry about is unnatural selection, doing things that would take nature a great deal more time, such as cross engineering say a pig and a great elm. or a squid and a poney? but even then we all have a common 'Universal Ancestor' of premordial / alien bacterial life. So maybe its not even worth worrying about that as long as our bodies are getting what they need from the food. Testing on animals is wrong, resurch shows that most living things experiance pain, but are they self aware? its a cruel thing to say but is a rat doesnt know its alive or what day of the week it is does it matter if it suffers for the good of mankind? religion would say so, but like fox hunting what does the average joe care, unless its plastered all over the papers, and mps are calling for a ban on it. Heck even the games industry is in the news this week tony blaire has actually said, that manhunt should be banned and violent games should be less readily available for young people. Now if this story baloons then im sure forums will be full of people saying how wrong this is and how terrible it is that games should be blamed for all violence, but again it is whats on the news, it is what will win tony blair votes with concerned parents. At the end of the day, Politics has nothing against Science, infact i know for a fact that the goverment has a great interest in science, but pollitics is a dirty game, and pollititions like jounilists will use every resource they have to get votes/readers, even if it means fiderling the facts a little. Posts like this only go to show how easy it is to turn folk into a bunch of rabble, and then get them voting for god knows what. If your a scientist good, but keep out of politics, dont belive anything on face value, and dont spend your days moaning about stuff, if you belive something or dont belive it, proove it to yourself as best you can or have faith in somebody else then when you are happy with the ansear keep it to yourself, leave the preaching to the reliogious fanatics and fallout fans.
  23. Im sure modt people who read these forums are Starwars fans, and like me are eagerly awaiting Episode III, but having looked on Lucas and starwars forums there are things i dont understand inconsistancies. One of which ill write now. Luke asks leia about his\her mother, and she says she was always sad, and she says why do you ask, and luke says he never knew his/there mother. reffered to in Episode one when anakin asks padme why do you look so sad, or so i thought. But reading the plot of Episode III it turns out that padme dies at the hands of anakin just after the birth of luke and leia and does not run of to alderaan with bail organa like i had thought would happen. Then my question is who the heck is princess leias adopted mother, and why does her adopted mother happen to always look said in exactly the same way that padme does in episode I???? oh well if you want to post about this topic or and any disscussions you would like to bring up, please feel free to...
  24. This is silly, I thought that Jedi were found, in Episode one, it is said that young people with a talent are encoraged to be Jedi, Anakin being a slave on Tatooine was overlooked. I see the whole Jedi thing being like that of a priest, a child is found from two non jedi parents, (like bastillas parents) and encoraged to be a Jedi, they give up all relationships and spend their life fighting for the greater good. They are not spirtual monks, hidden away learning to be at one with naturre, they are more like priests vicors and samaritans. They have to be there for people who need them and go and help those in need. they have to love everything and everybody, but not in an intermate way. I think of the Jedi as being the UN or Red Cross, intergalactic peace keepers who put 100% of themselves into their jobs. What parent wouldnt want to pack their child up and send them of to Jedi camp. I always thought this was the idea of Darth Vador, The force is Good but also cold and unimotionable, and in the end Anakin prooves that Love and feeling are the greater good, when he puts the life of his son over all the power of the dark side, it wasnt reasoning in the end that difeated the dark jedi but emotion something the old jedi ways frowned apon. but who knows, apart from Lucas himself.
  25. Will their be any easter eggs, and cheats in KOTOR2? Like the two Indiana jones games, where you can become guybrush threepwood, would Obsidian consider putting Lucas arts jokes in, like a cloud in the shape of sam or maxs head? Anyone else reading this, would you like to see easter eggs in KOTOR2?
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