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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Yeah but that uses a per-day spell. How many times can you do that over the course of an adventuring day?
  2. They have not however, externalized scenes - or replied as to whether they're going to do it or not.
  3. Regardless of whether Will is +1 or +2, it's not going to make people do anything different than they do currently (which I believe is the idea). It's just silly.
  4. Weapon Focus is good for any class/build. Two Weapon Style is a must if you're dual wielding - Vulnerable Attack goes REALLY with Two Weapon Style Sword and Shield Style is a must if you're using a Shield (I still don't like Shields, and almost never use them) Wary Defender [Fighter] is great if you pick the Defender Mode ability Interdiction [Priest] - great per-encounter debuff Brilliant Radiance [Priest] - is great as you always cast Holy Radiance every encounter and it adds damage to it Inspiring Radiance [Priest] - isn't too bad, but I prefer Brilliant Radiance. Can always pick both I guess? Blast [Wizard] - you'd be insane not to - Penetrating Blast [Wizard] is pretty good too, if you pick Blast Bonus 1st Level Spell [Wizard] gives you more Slickens to cast. Can never have enough Slickens. Barbaric Blow [barbarian] is a good per-encounter ability Accurate Carnage [barbarian] isn't bad either. Arms Bearer and Quick Switch go well together if you're an Island Aumaua and you get multiple firearms/crossbows/arbalests - you can fire three of them off in about 2 seconds, and then switch to melee Biting Whip [Cipher] is fairly good. You're not at max focus very often, so you will usually qualify for the x1.2 damage. Might lose its potency down the line, as you'll be casting more spells more often and making less weapon attacks. Gunner is good if you're going to play a Musketeer or whatever, although I don't find continuously using a firearm in combat to be very useful at the moment. Bloody Slaughter is a good one to have if you run out of offensive talents to pick from, good for finishing off enemies faster.
  5. Nah the point is that when you have a total of X points in Attribute A + Attribute B that decide your base fort, ref, will - they are supposed to be the same. I think that unified design should be kept.
  6. I actually like Intellect as AoE and Duration. It makes the Attribute a good one! I just don't think +1 Will is justified as it imbalances the totals you can get from bumping attributes. The +1 Will on Intellect is basically a "we realize Resolve is bad" admittance.
  7. Yeah they should give even values.
  8. The only case where a unit will move to the right around anything is if they bump off another unit's selection circle who doesn't have enough pathable space to the left (eg, between them and the edge of the navmesh). Units have trouble detecting gaps between other units, so the automatic pathfinding will not find the gap between the NPC and the edge of the navmesh to try and move left. Here's a video that demonstrates that they just bump into them and path straight into the right wall LOL because the left path is blocked They still try and move to the left around everything though. This video also demonstrates that units can't detect whether a path is blocked by other units without actually bumping into them first ... they should probably change that.
  9. Interrupt is only useful in this build because the calculation is bugged.
  10. Wait what? why does INT only give +1 Will ? That doesn't make sense. I thought the whole ****ing point of having all attributes give the same amount of the secondary defenses was because of unification / easy to explain rules? Now all of a sudden we're having exceptions? Not to mention that you can now get 10 less Will than the other Attributes if you want to build a max-Will character. [jackie-chan-wtf.jpeg]
  11. Apparently only a few areas have a paint over. As stated earlier in this thread.
  12. It's just that her dialogue says that she sells potions and stuff even when you give her the broken egg. If that's not going to be the case then the line should probably be altered to be less misleading.
  13. I don't really think there needs to be one, but it would be nice if enemies changed weapons when they got into melee or something.
  14. Tested with the Broken Dragon Egg tonight and even after an area transition, it did not change her stock. Is it possibly time delayed? Will try the proper nest egg tomorrow (need bloody high Athletics though).
  15. 1/encounter Problem solved. Making it more like Vigorous Defense is probably not a bad idea.
  16. Interrupts do not stop movement and cause characters to slide Link is correct now.
  17. My understanding is that interrupts are supposed to stop movement. So when hit by an interrupt, that character should immediately stop, the interrupt animation should play, and once the interrupt animation has completed, he should start moving again (which is what happened in the IE games as well). Getting hit with an interrupt causes characters to slide across the ground, so there could also possibly need to be some animation blending that needs to happen there or something, if simply stopping the movement isn't enough and makes it look janky.
  18. As with the other funny image compression issues in this patch, the companion portraits have either been compressed to 'save space' (could also have been an accident) or fallen victim to Unity's strange UI scaling/mip issues. As you can see there is a HUGE quality difference between the uncompressed PC portrait, which is loaded from the PNG file external to the game, and the companion portrait stored in the game data files, which has obviously been run through image compression. This has happened on and off in different beta versions, and it only seems to be a problem for the small version used for the Main HUD / button UI. Expected Result: Companion portraits, actually any portraits, should NOT be compressed at all.
  19. Thinking of upgrading to 1150 .... but oh god the DPC latency of most motherboards
  20. Also the footsteps for the spider are VERY loud, and there is not a smooth volume fade the further the camera is from the unit, it's just loud ... then at a certain distance, soft.
  21. Female Dwarf Run Animation Glitch Crystal Eater spider walk animation - second front leg clips through floor TAB/Object highlight not highlighting loot piles through geometry Buggy Arbalest Reload Animation Companion portraits have been compressed
  22. Everyone's favourite reload animation is now buggy - see how the BB Wizard flicks the Arbalest around when reloading ... well, the animation for the character is the same, but the position of the item flings around like crazy, so not sure whether it's an item problem or a character art problem. Also, regarding reloading of guns/arbalests/crossbows - why do characters now have to wait in recovery to reload their firearm? Why can't the reload animation play for the entire duration of their recovery/reload ?
  23. Expected Result: TAB/Object Highlight should highlight the shader through geometry like mousing over it does.
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