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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Here's the current HUD without retarded wasting of space: And yes, the area where the level up button would be is taken up by status effects, no reason why the level up button couldn't just be added to the status effect bar always in the top left position.
  2. I would actually prefer a portrait sidebar with the action bar in the middle of the screen, but I don't think Obsidian would be willing to move the portraits away from the action bar, so I've never bothered to do a design for it. And the size of the log and portrait windows increased, while the menu is made smaller, among other things.
  3. I think in the earlier versions those weren't available though?
  4. I don't think it contradicts basic logic for buttons like attack, stop etc because players who use the mouse for everything will click a portrait (or character in game) and then move their mouse to the attack button to issue a group attack when not in combat (etc), I can see the merit in keeping those buttons close to the portraits. However I can also see the merit in not doing that because half the time players don't actually select the portraits but rather the characters on screen. Like I said though, based on the UI discussions in 2013, I don't think they will accept any designs with those buttons not next to the portraits.
  5. No I meant about the mouse distance thing, because if you create a design that doesn't adhere to their restrictions then I don't think they'll consider it.
  6. Yeah from the old UI discussions. There's a reason why they are next to the portraits because it's the shortest mouse distance from them. The other menu buttons (Stronghold etc) don't need to be next to them but the other ones do. A more elegant design can probably be created than what they currently have, you jusy have to be aware of that haha.
  7. Obsidian aren't going to move the attack, stop, stealth etc buttons away from the portraits. No design that does that will be considered.
  8. Nah I'm not using that, I'm using default Unity and just pasting the asset files into my Unity Project folder. Unity can still read the files. In my OP I found out that there are multiple scripts stored in the file, and sometimes the effect of the talent is stored in one of the extra effects. I've been going through and checking those as well as of now so many of the talents with "broken?" in the OP probably store their effects in a separate script file.
  9. You know you can have six party members right?
  10. Update on The Pallid Hand - I read the description wrong, it adds a +10 Accuracy bonus with Maces and Greatswords (description says Accuracy bonus but not how much), not Weapon Specialization. Those bonuses are working too. The Corrosive Siphon Ability is there as well, as a Level 2 Priest Spell. Prey on the Weak (Priest of Skaen) - Adds +10 Accuracy with Stiletto and Club, grants Lesser Sneak Attack for x.1.5 damage (p. good rite?) - both working Incomprehensible Revelation (Priest of Wael) - Adds +10 Accuracy with Quarterstaff and Rod (confirmed working) and adds a Lesser Arkemyr's Dazzling Lights as a 1st Level Priest spell (working) Remember Rakhan Field (Bleak Walker Paladin) - Adds +50% Corrode proc damage to Flames of Devotion ability (working) Fires of Darcozzi Palace (Darcozzi Paladini Paladin) - Is supposed to grant a "weak version of Flame Shield" when the Paladin uses the Flames of Devotion ability. The VFX for the Flame Shield definitely plays temporarily but according to the game files it's supposed to make attacks against Reflex for 5-10 burn damage to .... "all" targets but not sure if it's supposed to be an AoE or ??? Either way, I have yet to see it make an attack against anyone yet while I've been testing it. The VFX plays and it turns off. Could possibly be related to the bug with Paladin Auras atm, not sure ... but either way, nothing happens. Strange Mercy (Kind Wayfarer Paladin) - When Paladin downs a foe, allies within 6m? (not sure on that) gain 20? Endurance. (haven't tested) The Sword and the Shepherd (Kind Wayfarer Paladin) - Acts the same as Strange Mercy, except it happens when the Paladin uses Flames of Devotion. (have not tested tho) Intense Flames: changes Paladin Flames of Devotion to +150% ? damage from +100% (needs testing) Deep Faith: adds +2 Deflection, +5 to Fort/Ref/Will to Paladin Faith and Conviction passive. (haven't tested)
  11. I've found that there's extra scripts in the Talent files that I need to check, as the 'main' one doesn't necessarily have the values for them. So the amount of "broken?" may just mean that those talents scripts aren't showing in the main one in the Unity Editor, so I'll go back through all of the original ones in the OP at another date later this week or something. Inspiriting Radiance: +5 Accuracy to allies caught in Holy Radiance AoE for 15 seconds (base) Aggrandizing Radiance: NEED TO CHECK Hope Eternal: Accuracy bonus with Flail and Morningstar (confirmed working). Says something about "can cast a healing spell that shortens Frightened and Terrified Afflictions". It doesn't add a new healing spell to the action bar though ? Doesn't have any files inside the talent file for other healing spells either, so I'm not sure whether that actually works or not. There's an ability in there that is a ranged attack that targets friendly units that does something to ResistAffliction (going to have to check what that does in the source code) and has values of -10, ExtraValue of -10, -10 onTick, ExtraValue -5 but it doesn't add anything to the character when I've gone and selected it in the game. Very confusing ... not sure if it's actually implemented properly? edit 2: The Weapon Specialization bonus to damage doesn't look like it's working. Made a Priest with 10 Might and equipped a Morningstar. Damage was same as base in inventory. Inspired Flame (Priest of Magran): +10 Accuracy with Sword and Arquebus (confirmed working) Grants Ability "Lesser Summer Flame" which does 20-30 burn damage in AoE - working correctly Going to go back and check those other Priest talents now, they might have meant Weapon Focus / Accuracy bonus and not Weapon Specialization
  12. Looks like Obsidian has also removed a bunch of talents as well. There's no longer any Talents that give extra spells slots :/, and the Penetrating Blast talent has been removed for Wizards as well
  13. I am far from a Fallout expert. I was just pointing out that they are basically using the same system here except with a different variable that I think makes it even harder to balance. Your ACC will increase by 33 from class bonuses at maximum level, as currently you get +3 per level. Then there's also your Starting Accuracy, Perception score, any talents/weapon bonuses/buffs etc that alter that and then the Attack Resolution conversion formulas, like the Hearth Orlan's Hit to Crit if attacking same target as an ally. Even though there is buff suppression, it is still theoretically possible to get very high accuracy values. I personally don't think proper balancing will smooth out the edge case issues where party accuracy/defense is heaps lower or heaps higher than enemy acc/def, and that's why I proposed making crits rely on the die roll, as that would smooth out those edge cases, and make the game more fun IMO. Crits would also become more exciting/cool.
  14. Obsidian has added in a lot of new talents with the latest build [v333], but unfortunately they've neglected to put the actual values that they effect in many or most of the Talent Descriptions. I am able to extract the Talent asset files from their .unity3d packages and then import them into Unity to try and read what they do, so I'll be posting the values here in this thread. However I've noticed that while some Talents have a script applied to them, many of them do not. This could either mean that they work slightly differently to the other Talents, or they simply haven't been implemented correctly and are thus not working. I can't tell you whether any of the new talents are working or not, because I've mostly been sticking to the ones I know DO work when I play the game. I know that the Weapon Focus ones work So I created this thread so that people could help me test whether these talents are working or not in the game. Since they didn't tell us what we're supposed to get when we choose a talent in most instances, I will provide the values here, and then we can test them in the game to see if they do anything. Not sure whether they would have had time to test whether they are all working internally, but anyway. Okay here is the first batch of Talents that I have been through so far. These are all ones that DO NOT HAVE THE VALUES DISPLAYED IN THE TALENT SELECTION. I have ignored the ones that do (such as the ones that give skill bonuses, extra spells etc) Accurate Carnage +5 ACC on Carnage Attacks Snakes Reflexes +10 Reflex Bear's Fortitude +10 Fortitude Bull's Will +10 Will Savage Attack : -15 ACC / x1.5 damage Cautious Attack: +15 Deflection / x0.8 Attack Speed Envenomed Strike: 12 raw poison damage - lasts until combat ends? Fast Runner: +1 to Movement Rate (combat only) Marksman: +5 acc vs distant Close Shooter: x1.1 damage? broken? Shot on the Run: Reduces penalty by 10%, reduces recovery by 10% ? Barbaric Blow - AoE 1.25x damage, 30% bonus hit to crit percent to blow and carnage hits - 1 PER ENCOUNTER LOL Gunner - Reload Speed / 1.2 why pick Shot on Run? Dangerous Implement - 5 raw damage to self, 1.25x damage Two Weap Style - broken? 20% ? 2H style - +5 Deflection? broken? 1H style - 20% Graze to hit percent broken? Weapon & Shield - broken? +10 Deflection? 1 x shield bonus to reflex ? Graceful Retreat - +12 vs Disengagement attacks Interrupting Blows - +15 on Interrupt Rolls broken? Scion of Flame - +5 Burn DT, +20% ? Burn damage (or +20 burn damage) test? Heart of the Storm - +5 Shock DT, +20% or +20 Shock damage Secrets of the Rime - same as above two, except Freeze Spirit of Decay - same as above except Corrode Vulnerable Attack - -20% speed? 5 DT reduction broken? Penetrating Shot - -20% speed 5 DT reduction broken? Potent Potions - Cooldown (10) - Heal (25) - broken? Accurate Traps - HAVENT CHECKED Powerful Traps - value 40 - broken? Bloody Slaughter - +50% hit to crit range, damage 20? broken? Quick Switch - has values -1 and -2 (might be -1 sec?) broken ? Wound Binding - 80 Health, 9 duration? Field Triage - 40 Health, 9 duration ? edit 1: Hardened Veil: Arcane Veil becomes +25 Deflection Viscious Companion: Animal Companion deals x1.2 base damage each hit Swift and Steady: Reload Speed / 1.2 when using Swift Aim Resilient Companion: +3 flat DT to everything for Ranger Animal Companion Faithful Companion: +15 Defense vs Charmed, Confused and Domination Effects ? for Ranger Animal Companion Strengthened Bond: +15 to something to do with the Defensive Bond Ranger Ability (might be a defense boost?) broken ? Merciless Companion: Gives Ranger Animal Companion Sneak Attack for 1.2x damage (p. cool rite) Brilliant Radiance: 20? Burn damage to enemies caught in Priest Holy Radiance AoE heal The Pallid Hand: Grants Concelhault's Corrosive Siphon Ability - 5 corrode damage per tick, 10 duration? AND it says it grants Weapon Specialization for Great Sword and Mace - can't confirm that, don't even know if Weapon Specialization Fighter version is working properly yet anyway Here are all the ones I've checked so far with my notes. Question marks indicate I'm not 100% sure if that's correct based on the actual scripts in the asset file, not by what the game says. broken? means it looks like it's not implemented correctly in the script, but it possibly could be if someone was able to test it in the game. I will keep going through the scripts, if anyone has time to test the values, then post in the thread whether you found it to work or not Cheers
  15. Possibly, although at least you know you're still getting the same flat damage increase Most other games use integers for damage and either integers or percentiles for armor. Not many use flat percentiles for every damage increase for _everything_
  16. Your suggestion wouldn't work really. It would partially address issues with party members struggling to hit higher than level creatures/enemies, but it wouldn't address the fact that enemies would be critting you often - as they currently can do in the beta. Wind Blight can book half of my characters with 150 damage criticals from some AoE ability that procs often, because the creature's accuracy vastly exceeds many of my character's defenses. Also what if those enemies are humanoid enemies with classes? That would mean that 'they would have to break the rules' where rather than following the rules of the system they would be randomly tougher/weaker and not follow the rules. This is something that players do not enjoy (see complaints about Amelyssan the Black in ToB not being affected by Time Stop etc) and not something Josh would go for because he is an advocate of unified mechanics. I think moving crits to natural roll of the dice would fix the issue. My case would be stronger with some math to go with it, but I've got to wait Matt516 to have some free time where he feels like helping If armor was DT only, it would fix the issues with faster, less damaging weapons and spells being bad against armor, because they would not suffer from the effective DT increase by being a 'fast' attack. Against flat DR, all weapons and spells would suffer the same loss of damage, assuming they are opposing the standard DR value. Let's say Plate Armor has 50% DR. Let's say Daggers do 6-8 damage and can attack three times before a Greatsword can attack once, but a Great Sword does 18-24 damage. Both Dagger and Greatsword can deal 18-24 damage in that time span, and they would both suffer 50% damage reduction against plate armor. That is EASY to balance. Currently the formulas are much harder because of DT. Weapon damage ranges are balanced against 0 DT, which makes 1H Fast and 1H Normal weapons bad against any DT at all, unless you are using a Stiletto or a Mace. 2H weapons are currently king. Arbalests and Guns are far better than bows and implements. All because of DT. Absolutely, although currently on-hit effects are pretty OP. You only need to score a Graze with Deep Wounds for it to apply, so you're better off just equipping dual stilettos and going to town with it (same with other DoTs). That needs to be fixed, but it's unrelated to this issue. Interrupts would be more useful if characters attack faster, and that is a benefit of attack speed. However faster weapons have lower interrupt rates than medium ones do etc. My last effort before I go to sleep today will be to get a thread up about Talents. I'm going through every Talent, finding out what it does and then I'm going to test for broken ones. That's one of the reasons why I haven't included any suggestions about the speed, because I think there are other issues that need to be fixed first before speed is looked at. Movement speed though - needs to be looked at right away.
  17. The issue I described has NOTHING to do with Damage Types. Damage Types assumes that you can actually hit the enemies. If their accuracy and defenses are a lot higher than yours, then you're going to be missing often and they're going to be scoring consistent critical hits on you - or vice versa, if they had worse accuracy/defenses than the party. This is because the current Attack Resolution is extreme at both ends. So your idea here would not make a lick of a difference. Once again, missing the point. DT and DR was used in the Fallouts, and it was fine because damage bonuses were dealt in integers rather than percentages, so bonuses to damage scaled well against DT. The system is more akin to the turn-based Fallout games (1/2/Tactics) however and those games did not have to deal with percentile increases to real time attack speed. This system does, and DT is what makes raw attack speed not very good, because for each extra attack you make, you are opposing DT again and thus increasing the effective DT of the target (this is something that Matt and I examined in our attribute paper). I have stated that the current system could work with integer damage bonuses, or it could work with DR only. I don't think the devs will be able to get it to feel good with the current system, it will be a balancing nightmare IMO. The recommendation was based upon the fact that if they make one of those two changes, it would be MUCH EASIER for them to get it right IMO. Absolutely. Been calling for this for a long time. They need to show the values in seconds and milliseconds. Don't know who you're talking at there (me or Obsidian) with the second sentence, but yes the armor system is easier to understand once you learn how it works. I have seen beyond the basic shields because I've summoned every item in the game into my inventory to check for art bugs / see what they do. The problem is that basic shields are terrible. I also said only DT on shields, not DR. That suggestion was also in conjunction with the suggested armor change. There's one new talent. I actually don't think it's working properly either. I just checked how the file is set up in Unity and it looks to be missing something. I will be able to test it in the game to see if it's working shortly. I am going through all of the Talents and figuring out what they actually do, because the descriptions more often than not do not show the actual values. That's not the point though. If good/experienced players are pausing very often in combat, then new players are going to hate it. Many of the people on the RPGCodex that are not as familiar as I am have literally given up because they think the combat is that terrible. If any of my RL friends tried to play this - they would hate it, and these are people that played the Infinity Engine games. While they are not necessarily good at them, they enjoyed them. It might be okay for the people that use the slow feature or auto-pause - but for people playing on the default speed (you know the speed that it's supposed to be balanced for) it's pretty horrible at the moment. My suggestions don't touch speed because I think there's more important issues than speed that need to be fixed before action speed is looked into. Movement speed should be looked at right away, but action speed should be left until later IMO.
  18. Next patch won't change a thing. It'll be mostly bug fixes.
  19. I am a DotA 2 player, but I don't think that Josh/Obsidian would be interested in using a PRNG chance for armor to actually work. I was thinking about that when I proposed moving DT to shields because that's how Stout Shield/PMS/Vanguard works in DotA/DotA 2 You will however recall that DotA 2 has percentile armor, and it uses the formulas I mentioned on page 1 to determine armor - the DotA 2 armor system is quite interesting actually, even though it is percentile. I just quoted these as an example of a more interesting percentile armor formula the devs could look at as a reference. But flat DR may be easier to balance / understand. I also stated that if damage bonuses were integers rather than percentages, the current system would be fine - as that's how it worked in the Fallouts, so we know that it can work in that instance. I don't think there will be a range of ACC-DEF where there will be proper numbers. Since content in PE does not scale, the player will be able to attempt said content at basically any level they please, if it is not crit path content. This creates situations where player ACC/DEF will be either way higher or way lower than enemy ACC/DEF and in those situations, the player will either mow through the content getting consistent critical hits and lollerskating away at the difficulty, but when they try and go up against higher level content, they'll be one-shotted by enemies scoring critical hits very often. Making crits normalized to the dice roll would help alleviate these extremities. Changing attributes from the 10 to 8 range is not an arbitrary change. It gives players more headroom for positive bonuses, while still keeping the plus and minus system.
  20. Which one sorry? I didn't propose a change to interrupts, just that they were removed from attributes in favor of range - which I think is bad.
  21. I never played the Infinity Engine games like that, not even on my earliest playthroughs :/
  22. Well if you want to test your party with gear that you will have acquired up to this point it's not difficult to do. There's a mod floating around that unlocks the additem command again, you can equip your PC with fine items and throw some magic items into the mix (obv low level ones) and voila - probably around about right.
  23. The log is good on the left or in the middle. It's bad on the right.
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