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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. I can support this in my mockup actually. Let me revise it.
  2. Well Chanters chants is usually in the single digits, particularly due to the game's combat being so short. Monk Wounds cap out at 10, and are usually also single digits. Cipher Powers start at 20 at the start of combat, not sure how high they can go, 50? 100? Those class resources (and particularly the animal companion) definitely make the portrait area a bit messy.
  3. His point is that being able to play a Melee Wizard was advertised by the devs as a possible build. Clearly it's not, unless you're using that Spear ability that lets you attack from rank 2.
  4. My concern is mainly reltated to combat, you don't see enough lines at a time, and long lines often take up two lines with the current default size.
  5. Still not enough room for me. Combat log should be as wide as the portrait bar.
  6. I highly doubt Obsidian will do that though. At least if the UI was modular you could move stuff around yourself.
  7. Combat log is too small for me, that's the only reason I didn't make one with portraits in the middle.
  8. Agreed. Ever since Poison was nerfed in v301, I haven't cast a single buff other than Priest heals, just damage and debuffs. Anything that isn't doing either of those is a waste of time, currently.
  9. kinda OT: Engagement isn't required to make everyone attack the Fighter, all you need to do is make sure that he's the closest party member to enemies when combat starts, and maybe even have him make the first attack. Enemies in PE don't change targets ever, so it's not hard. Engagement is also really buggy/abusable.
  10. Wizards aren't that controll-y in PE though, at least with the spell selection that you get in the beta. Druids are FAR better at that role.
  11. It would help if they actually floated above the units being hit rather than way higher on the screen.
  12. That spider that can cast Crystal Shard can do it multiple times in a row. On my playthrough last night it cast the spell four times in a row because it was stuck at the back of a logjam of spiders (they're too big for the narrow spaces in the cave). I think I lost four characters because of it. My Rogue killed it with an Arbalest bolt, but she was the only character left alive. I think they're renaming D&D spells to avoid any potential lawsuits from Hasbro/WotC ? Funny because other games use names like "Magic Missile" with no penalty though - even not D&D games.
  13. Well I would prefer that the log actually be useful, rather than being an 'afterthought' of sorts. Aarklash Legacy went in the direction you described, even though it plays (unfortunately) a bit like a singleplayer WoW Raid with 4 heroes, cooldown spam and heaps of HP bloat. Kind of OT, but the RTS side of Aarklash really shines through and tactical movement is actually really enjoyable in that game, even if after a while it gets very repetitive. This is something I thought Obsidian were going to do by default because that's how the Infinity Engine games played, but truth is the game plays much more like Neverwinter Nights 2 than it does BG/IWD/BG2 or an RTS game. The only difference is the camera and the controls.
  14. That's what the Withdraw description says as well. And yeah it does play more like Neverwinter Nights 2, even if 'controlling' your characters feels more IE because it's locked axonometric / isometric view.
  15. Nope, if you pick attributes based on that then by all means - post about it.
  16. Because under no circumstances are you allowed to kite in this game The sad thing is - it's so easy to mod out Melee Engagement, but the attack animation system and the Enemy AI is not built to actually do anything but stand there and attack you if engaged. I'm not sure how much that will change between now and release, but I'm definitely going to go on a big campaign to get it removed in favor of smarter AI, cleaner attacks against moving targets and other non-retarded 'sticky' aspects of classes/monsters that better suit RTS style gameplay. The only problem is there's a lot of people that like the 'stand still and do nothing' gameplay of modern RPGs, where you don't have to move your units in combat. Perhaps many of the devs themselves also prefer that. So it might be a challenge.
  17. Yeah, there is (currently) no attribute gains at all via leveling. I would like to be able to get an extra point every 5th or 6th level optimally.
  18. It's a really big problem. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that games these days often don't utilize visible logs, they go for floating damage numbers, floating icons and visual feedback. It kind of seems like PE has a log because the IE games have a log, and that's about it. Doesn't seem to matter whether it's useful - just as long as it's there.
  19. Anything that gets the log out of the right side of the screen is a win in my books, it's the ****ing worst design decision ever and Wasteland 2 AND Div:OS both ****ing did it. It's an even worse crime for PE because the IE games revolved around the combat log.
  20. Options menu sounds play when mousing over the area of the game when alt tabbed
  21. The lighting in the Dyrford Village is incorrect, the area is in the wrong state for the time of day. They fixed it in the last patch, but when they edited the scene they probably stuffed it up again.
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