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Posts posted by Tamerlane



    Yeah don't go with another class, Druids are one of the best classes in the game.

    Bear in mind... advice such as this may not hold true for the final game.


    I would say that if you're playing the current beta build, definitely don't go with class X for reason Y. But, avoiding a class at the game's release wouldn't be very prudent, since the class could very well be "fixed" at that point in time.


    Enitrely disagree.  Best way to operate is based on available evidence, and not fantastical hope that an entire class was rebuilt in crunch time. (especially after lasting this long).


    That's why I plan on playing a paladin from four months ago!

    • Like 1
  2. Druids are still really, really good right now! It's just one particular class feature of their is bad. And that's a shame, 'cause I'd ****ing love to play a spiritshift-focused druid who ****s dudes up with his antlers a bunch.


    But since the version of the game that everyone is using for reference isn't the final version of the game, it's awkward to base decisions on the present strength of things. I recommend you hold your decisions until we can see the classes in their final form (or at least until the next BB update, which will hopefully give druids and rangers another pass).

    • Like 1
  3. Obsidian hates wild animals confirmed.


    EDIT: As depressing as "spiritshifts are bad, animal companions are bad" is, remember that this is all as of... when was the last BB build released? Like, a month ago? And the game is another month out, so there's time for balancing and revision yet. I wouldn't hold out a ton of hope for spiritshift (druid shapeshifting is infamously finnicky in any game that features it, as was pointed out in that thread) but I still have hope for the ranger.

    • Like 2
  4. Paladins also have their orders. Don't know how often it comes up in conversation - I hope there's at least some "**** you, I'm a Bleak Walker" - but we do know that how you roleplay them will affect them in combat. That is, if your Goldpact Knight is living up the ideals of her order, her abilities will be stronger, if your Bleak Walker is going around being charitable and merciful, his class features will be weaker, etc.


    I think they've said that they haven't put in huge amounts of class-specific interactions, but you have to remember that you also choose specific cultures and backgrounds at character creation. So whereas BG2 would have, say, a distinct set of content for clerics specifically, Pillars will have a small set of stuff for clerics, and maybe an extra little bit for you because you're a cleric from Old Vailia, and an extra little bit because your cleric from Old Vailia has the Dissident background.


    Now, who much will that impact a playthrough? Dunno. I'd be shocked if it actually gave you class/background/culture-specific quests, but I'd be equally shocked if they didn't give you unique ways to get through a number of quests, at the very least.


    Geeze, that wasn't even the link I was gonna give.

    There's dozens of Chris Avellone quotes there. And not a single one of them mentions an Annah Romance, a Fall-From-Grace Romance, or a "love triangle with the Nameless One." Good Job!


    Ctrl+f "romantic triangle", guy.


    Now, I know, I know. The rebuttal here is, "No, he was talking about the romantic triangle of Betty and Veronica! He only said that he based the characters on famous examples of romantic triangles, not that that was the case with Annah and Grace themselves." And... well, hey, if that's the line you want to pursue, more power to you. I don't have a particular dog in this fight, I just thought this exchange everyone here is having was weird enough I might as well throw that in.


    The only thing that I can really take from this bizarre conversation is that some folks must have no idea when someone's interested in them.

    • Like 1
  6. @ All replying to my last post:


    My point was not at all that reviews should contain exactly 0% subjective words and thoughts. I was referring to the approach to the review. I thought that was pretty clear. "GREAT GAME!" doesn't tell you anything, other than that some person believed the game was great, for mysterious reasons.


    The goal of a review is to present some measure of the game. Obviously, you cannot just say "the game is 7 goodness!". I realize we give them stars/numbers-out-of-10, but the scale typically has context.


    Anywho, my point was that a review without objectivity is a pointless review. If you think a cell phone that lets you type numbers and place calls sometimes is a 10/10, then fantastic. But that doesn't help someone else who's trying to get the best voice quality and functionality for their dollar.


    And, using that reference, there's nothing wrong with rating something X/10. But, the scale has to MEAN something. If you play a game with anime-style art, and you just happen to love anime-style art, and you give the game a 10/10, you're not really rating the game. You're rating your preference. You could, instead, objectively tell about the game and what it has in it, and people could still know that, if they love anime-style artwork, they're going to like this game much more than people who don't love that art style, or hate that art style.


    I don't know how to say that any more plainly. All this "yeah but humans have subjective thoughts and feelings" stuff isn't really countering what I said. The problem with subjectivity is that there is no baseline for comparison. One person's completely-subjective statement means absolutely nothing to another person. You can think Andre the Giant was short. But, if I were to have a scale of short-tall that factors in all recorded humans' heights, he was tall. That tells you actual, factual information about his height.


    Subjectivity and information-gathering don't really go together. The main purpose of subjectivity is for social interactions and gauging people's preferences, etc. Even then, we want subjective information. "This food is EXCELLENT!" Awesome. Why? "Because I like spicy food, and this food is spicy!" Oh, cool! Objective info. You like spicy food. I can now use that info to better decide what foods to choose for you, should I ever need to pick out a food for you.

    Did you know that Alpha Protocol objectively deserves a 9/10?


    "Between missions, the player can answer emails, purchase weapons, and grow a beard."

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    Alien Isolation is the best damn thing that happened to Alien since Alien itself. Yeah I don't like AlienS, sue me :p !


    I haven't played Isolation yet but the criticisms I have read about is that you spend too  much time sneaking around and avoiding Aliens than you do killing them, is this is valid ?


    It, uh... it was a stealth survival horror game. I don't know how "too much sneaking, not enough killing" is even a conceivable problem for such a game.

    • Like 5
  8. It shouldn't be that surprising. Good reviews and press equals more purchases from people who Aren't Us equals more funding for the expansion/sequel. Natural for fans to pay attention to these sorts of things.


    Or if you're more cynical, good reviews and press equals more purchases from people who Aren't Us equals a split fanbase and the watering down of the gahaha okay I can't keep that up.

    • Like 2
  9. Is an angry joe like a totalbiscuit? I don't follow youtube personalities. I presume from the conversation this is a significantly good thing? Is the demographic for these people that significant?

    They are both big Youtube people, yeah, though I don't know enough to compare the audiences between the two. Joe is mostly known for reviews, and I wanna say Total "144 IQ" Biscuit started off with... World of Warcraft stuff? I think? before branching out. The video the OP linked has 100,000 views, which is a significant enough number.

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