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About Delfosse

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    (3) Conjurer
    (3) Conjurer

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  • Interests
    communism, history, cRPGs, star trek (original series)
  1. You'll find no support on this forum, people in here are fanatical apologists of everything copyright related. They'll probably ban you or something if you keep posting about this.
  2. Thanks, it's especially useful for people who'd like to translate it into other languages. Now I'm definitely doing the translation for my Russian comrades on another site. Spasibo.
  3. Nobody posted THIS yet?
  4. Yes. It's basically a single player game. And it sucks.
  5. When you live in a country that prints money, it's not an issue. Europe printed in March what Russia made from selling oil in the last ten years. I'm not even talking about the US. Knowing this, you really gotta ask?
  6. Moderators, tell this capitalist scum that CIS and China still stand proud and don't buy anything. We're like 90% of the planet when it comes to people with computers, therefore the numbers are accurate. Fight capitalism, **** yeah!
  7. Ok, explain what is there in IWD and what's its flavor exactly? It's like BG2, except without banter or story (yeah, there's a quest instead of the story). A naked engine with mobs.
  8. And NWN is great, yeah. NWN and Titanic, friends forever. something related
  9. If anyone makes NWN3 it'll be an action shooter made on Crysis 3 engine... WITH MAGIC! People will dig it. Especially Morgoth.
  10. National != World. And their films are sheit quite honestly. And titanic is too.
  11. Yeah right. Here's a little glimpse into a possible future if they ever decided to make BG3. "Hey guys, it's Trent. So we have finally decided on the rule system for BG3 and I know you all asked us to use D&D, which is of course an obvious choice, but.... (and don't bash us yet, read till the end!) after a lot of heated discussion, we decided to move to another system, because it's a) easier to understand for iphone players b) more balanced c) will allow us to create more content, because frankly D&D is very limiting! And believe me, it'll only make the game better. If I thought it would spoil the BG experience, I wouldn't even think about it, trust me, I'm a hardcore BG2 fan myself. So... without further ado, it's the...... DA2 system!" Now here's the glimpse into the actual future concerning BG3: Kickstarter in 20 years by aging Brian.
  12. NWN is bad. Let's see what you've got to say to this, buddy. I want at least 500 words. I'll be back to check on you tomorrow, you better not cheat, cause I'll count.
  13. He "decides to go around and make babies of every race"? Jebus! Some people always have to look for a meaning no matter what huh. I think he just liked ass.
  14. Dead baby jokes are funny. Sexy chicks acting like 8 year old girls - it has got nothing to do with funny, it's a mixture of sexy and childish, which resembles, you know, pedophilia? So... This Oner is broken, can I have another one?
  15. I'll believe it when the game is out. I doubt they will even dare to realistically handle gender roles in medieval society let alone touch religious believes. Agreed. If Czechs excel in anything, it's in the political correctness that goes beyond necessary in a fanatical, disturbing way, as well as in mediocrity in everything they do.
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