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Everything posted by GhoulishVisage

  1. Vox Day is a knob.
  2. Let's have another dose of Joshintosh to clear the air.
  3. Trump is basically America's hard reset button. You lose all your save-progress, but hey at least you get to start again from ground zero. Maybe this time you can invest a few more points into Wisdom.
  4. The New Intolerance of Student Activism Here's an article on this whole kerfuffle. Here's something new that I hadn't heard of: These students were offended by one person’s words, and were free to offer their own words in turn. That wasn’t enough for them, so they spat on different people who listened to those words and called one minority student a traitor to his race. In their muddled ideology, the Yale activists had to destroy the safe space to save it.
  5. I disagree that she should have been kicked out. Her behavior condemned, sure, and possibly the requirement of a written apology to the person she spoke to thus. However, unless a big-enough stink is raised about it online I have a feeling that the faculty members won't say anything about it and she may even be lauded by her fellow students for that display.
  6. Agree that those statements are pretty dramatic, but the fact that this sort of behavior can fly with no condemnation from anybody beyond the comments on Reddit and twitter is pretty telling about the way things currently are.
  7. They have 1.2mil followers on twitter, so they aren't exactly The Sunday Sport.
  8. Wasn't that where a professional fighter did that to an untrained reporter and broke his ribs? Incredibly irresponsible, even if the guy was being a complete knob. When you know how to severely injure a person and have the training and strength to do it you need to be circumspect with how you use that.
  9. From an article on the Fallout launch party: First Rami Ismail and now this. Why is this lie being perpetuated? There isn't a Fallout game where you can't play as a female.
  10. I don't think they've cottoned on yet.
  11. Damn this cutthroat war of memes.
  12. Not to mention those vintage dank memes they dug up and attempted necromancy on.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUPQSWEldjA Some of these are really creative and fun.
  14. I can't help but feel sour that there's finally the chance of an Obsidian developed World of Darkness game and it happens so soon after Avellone leaves the company. Goddammit.
  15. The brony community started on /co/. In fact I think I remember seeing the actual thread that started it all. A dire prophecy indeed.
  16. Welp. Edit: Dammit, beaten to the punch while I was capping.
  17. Boy, what a catch.
  18. Cure your loathing with some Lost Boys and Near Dark for vampires. Ginger Snaps and Dog Soldiers for werewolves.
  19. I'm looking forward to whatever Paradox does with it, but I can't help but feel that CDProjekt buying the license would have been a better fit. It's likely that Obsidian and Paradox will do a team-up for a WoD game given their working relationship.
  20. Of course it doesn't work. Chu is a loon. I mean look at this. Are we sure this isn't just some Arthur Chu tweet generator at this point? "Fight for survival" Goddammit. Yes Chu, people who have friends that all have beliefs exactly like their own are fighting in the proverbial trenches of today's world.
  21. A cat is a cat, no matter how big.
  22. You're right, it did. But I think that while Pandorum might have had a more consistent quality throughout I feel it never managed to hit he highs that Event Horizon did either. Event Horizon was full of fantastic imagery and memorable moments. Everybody remembers "Where we're going we don't need eyes to see", the creepy latin, the burning man walking through the water, the frozen body falling etc. Pandorum didn't really have any moments that made me go "woah". It was good, It did some neat stuff with lighting and colors, It had some great moments and some cool twists and writing. It just didn't really have that part that sticks out to you as amazing when you think back on it.
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