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(6) Magician
I think Fighters should be limited by an energy pool like mana. You only get to take X number of swings before you get exhausted(run out of energy). Then you either sit and rest or take a penalty to hit. It would make things make more sense and make fighters limited just like mages instead of the neverending fighting machine. "Neverending fighting machine" is a feat you have to take to give you more energy. Naturally energy would come back faster than it takes to memorize and you would have wuite a bit available attacks than mages have spells, but still.... I'm serious. but... That would piss everyone off. muhahahaaaa Edit: BTW, there is absolutely zero wrong with mana regenerating. Of course, if your fantasyt world says you have to sleep before you regain mana, so be it, go to town and sleep. Nothing saying the game cant be done like that. Besides, there are health pots laying around to be used everywhere in DnD. Why not mana? Also, they ought to re-name mana "energy" or something. That way, when it is used for fighters in melee specials, it makes sense--takes more "energy" to perform special attacks. Also from a mage perspective--it take mental "energy" or even physical "energy" to call down fire from the sky. I see no problem yet. Once again, I think people are just high strung and like to compain. Mana makes sense and is fun and wont ruin anyones day. DnD's magic system makes less sense to me but you dont hear me complaining about the sillyness of it. "Why did i forget that spell that I memorized last night??" I just cast it for god's sake!! Oh well, perhaps I ran out of mana... Dont think about it that much, just play and enjoy.
Someone please explain why mana based is a bad thing. I couldn't care less if it is mana based or not... Why would mana ruin your day? I think if mana inclusion ruins your day, you have problems. Maybe someone can set me straight and tell me why they give a rats ass whether magic is limited by mana not memory. ANd Orik, great point about the sorc. I was gonna post that myself... Sorcs ARE mana based with each spell costing one mana. Facts are that people are stupid and love drama. Dont like mana=you are stupid. Suck it up. You know you're gonna buy both DA and NWN2.
Do you find yourself aggressive online?
Pyronius replied to romeo_longsword's topic in Way Off-Topic
I agree to an extent that having no real threat to your person makes it easy to be a jerk... but I think there is a marked reason why people(including myself) end up more agressive online: trolls. and other various stupid people. Where else than the 'net and particularly forums can you find a mass of heavily opinionated yet uninformed persons? Nowhere. Except maybe political rallies... and we all know how civil politics is. Its the information overload of stupidity that brings out the worst in us. GRRRRRRrrrrr!!!! -
The bosoms are symmetric... they can shift when she walks or shifts her weight, you know. Notice the feet, she looks like she walking or just leaning to her right. BTW, that lady has HUGE 'features'! I am a fan of the thin ladies: "B or C is fine by me." Proportional and curvacious hips are great too. EDIT: BTW, My favorite of the pics has got to be the knife. Followed by the guy with horns--"horny guy"?
G35's can be the bomb 4 door. It the only version equipped with ATTESSA or whatver the AWD system is for Nissan. man, if they offered AWD on the 298 HP G35 coupe... itd be great a la r32-r34 Skylines. ATTESSA, unlike most other AWD systems, varies from 100%RWD to 50-50 F/R split. Most AWDs, are either vary from 100%FWD to 50-50 F/R, or they stay about 50-50 all the time and then just switch for max grip between the wheels. Theoretically, the allowance of 100% RWD and max 50% FWD should make the car less understeer and more oversteer tendencies, although that is kinda hard to tell, as wioth AWD you usually get nearly neutral steer. I am a Nissan fan, if you couldnt tell
well, seeing how they haven't really let him play yet... and that they are indeed packed at the forward position in general, I don't see him getting much more if any more playing time in Detroit. If the Pistons really like him, they should sit Devin Harn and up his backup role to like 15 min/game. If they really like him, but dont want to play him, they should trade him to a below par team for an average-quality center. Then sit him. Average is pretty low these days for centers.
That is a very nice car, JE> congrats! I am currently in a 200SX(american, not european). I certainly WISH i was driving an S15 that is called 200SX in some european areas I hear. Anyway, I have seen a few VW R32's in the states. I like them. Lots of new AWD's are quite nice... R32, the Euro Focus AWD, Evo, WRX/STI, now the Mazda6 MPS/Mazdaspeed. I WISH the old Nissan R32, R33, R34's were available stateside, but oh well. Any of the above would be awesome buys. I can't currently afford them, but I have driven an EvoVIII. Man, that car rocks.
Taks, considering your views, it seems like you'd also be against the gov't, that is supposed to be separate from satate BTW, calling religions invalid and backing another religion. That crap has no place in politics. I am a christian, but I think people that use that as a political crutch and even people that need religion to validate their moral vaues are pathetic. And BTW, your comments about RHomal are all utterly wrong and you are ridiculously out of line putting words in his mouth. What you said to him on the 1st page is like me saying that you are a devout christian. SOuthern baptist. You go to church down the road from here. And I know your mother. You defended Bush, YOU MUST BE A CHRISTIAN!!!! You keep on bashing Rhomal, a witch... YOU MUST BE A CHRISTIAN!!! How ridiculous can you get? But whatever. People can think what they want... people choose bush as their leader thats their perogative. Their views have to be respected. Bush is more like a didtator every day, not that he acts any different, but people treat him like royalty and he is not to be questioned. Now its bad when the judicial system tells everyone that his holding "terrorists" without judicial review is unconstitutional? It IS unconstitutional, its a lack of due process. The judicial system is losing its check on the executive branch. Its there for a reason. But people just want his will be done no questions asked. That ruffles a lot of feathers, but then, the opposite ppl would be mad if bush was more socialistic, for example.
I am a graduated Electrical Engineer working as a substitute teacher. Its cute. I will be going back for a masters, soon, is part of the reasoning behind my job choice.
What is wrong with you? let me tell you why that is a ridiculous statement to tell me: Your point: Jon Stewart is a bush hating moron. My response: IOW he isn't a bush hating moron, as he doesn't constantly dog bush. Your point: I wish that news networks would hire some hosts who don't waste time pretending to be civil and who will slap morons like Jon Stewart back into their place. My response: 'Its called FOX news' -- the hosts' names are Hannity and Orielly. I addressed your point. Completely, and reasonably. If you call it whining, fine, label it as you please, I was indeed expressing my dissatisfaction with some FOX hosts. If you call that "whining" then fine. Playing the word label game is stupid and a pre-school trick, but I dont really mind if you resort to it. FOX news is fine as a whole BTW, I just don't like bull headed, uscrupulous hosts. unscrupulous-Devoid of scruples; oblivious to or contemptuous of what is right or honorable.
DnD should never have been made into a comedy movie. I have never seen the movie and never will. Its existance pisses me off. If they'd be serious about it and make a LoTR quality movie that is based on some DnD heros I would be all for it.
I'd rather Blizzard make a Warcraft or Diablo movie, actually. Have you seen the latest cinematics for WoW? Awesome bear and Dwarf.
By the way, there IS a news network that doesn't waste time being civil. Its called FOX News. Half their hosts actually dont bother wasting time on being civl. A few guilty parties on FOX: Hannity O'rielly These guys obviously have a Republican or right bias. But they dont admit it half the time. Anyway, I just hate their bullheaded way about their shows. They always talk over their guests and not with anything more than yelling and filler to shut up people when they try to get a point across. Compare that to left or Ind/Dem hosts like Jon Stewart and Bill Maher(politically incorrect). Maher keeps it WAY more civil and lets his guests speak. He lets them talk then he gives his view of the things they said. This guy obviously is Democrat/Ind. But then , he's pretty open about that. Way more civil than the FOX group... they are usually nasty, talk-over-you, disrespectful and frankly that equals unrespectable in my book. SO the point: Civility is a good thing. If you dont think so, there is something wrong. Or maybe you're a republican. :-P OK ok, that was unfair, there are plenty of jerk Democrats too, and rest assured i feel the same way about them as I do Hannity and Orielly.
My bad. I was just making a funny. ha-ha. It wasnt very nice though. Sorry bro Kilborn was good. I dont know if Jon Stewart is funyy as much as what he reports is funny. Anyway i enjoy the show. Then again, I am a bush-hating moron or something
I consider "Bush-hating moron" an oxymoron. But we'll ignore that for the sake of argument. LOL. J/K: people that HATE bush are indeed probably morons, people that civilly decide not to back him... are fully entitled to their opinion. Anyway, to be fair, Jon Stewart's Daily Show made fun of both Bush/Kerry equally during their campaigns. It bashes Democratic and Republican themes and ideas pretty much equally on the show. If anything it seems to have an independant bias. Thats the difference in guys like him and Bush-loving morons, for instance. Bush hating morons make fun of bush and make fun of themselves and their own party(I'll assume he's Democratic). Bush loving morons hate everyone that makes fun of Bush, even when he obviously deserves it. They may make fun of the opposition, but making fun of Bush is usually off limits somehow for these people. Seems kinda like they value him as a power icon WAY too much. Just my opinion. BTW if you dont find the Daily Show funny, you need to go return that sense of humour. Yours is broken. I bet you frown a lot. Unless you are hugging a picture of Bush, perhaps? (had to throw that in, sorry )