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Everything posted by Aranek

  1. 2 as far as I remember. 1 in the "town" 1 on an outdoor area
  2. Thanks for a response on that.
  3. Hey it would be great if we got any sort of feedback on this, because i don't know whether i should go and play the game again or wait a week or two for an update to allow it to go to the DLC area from East Forest. Cheers.
  4. Hey i would like to know if there is any possibility to play the DLC with your level 30 character if the only save i have is in East Forest after leaving the Causeway Hub. If not, is there a chance to make it possible? I'm asking because there are many of people in a situation like mine and it is quite frustrating that we cannot continue playing with our old characters...
  5. In post 10 you said you have a save right before the endboss. Cant you just kill the endboss again and get a new "Endgame" save? Nope. After killing the endboss the game ends, and the only autosave you get is the one that gets you right before the fight.
  6. Endgame Autosave is when the game autosaves after exiting the Spire via causeway. The autosave occurs the second you arrive there. It's clearly labeled "Endgame Autosave" in the load game list. So if i deleted that save and saved after ariving at the chapterhouse im screwed and need to start a new game. Sucks.
  7. The auto-save is called after the characters, it's called 'Katarina Endsave' for example. Where is that Savegame stored? Edit:. Hmm i think you mean the autosave that is made before returning to the chapterhouse near east forest?.. I deleted that autosave long time ago and left only the one already inside the chapterhouse.. Cannot enter the causeways anymore..
  8. How did you manage to make the DLC run on your game if it's not out in Europe yet? Apparently it is. Maybe the hour some1 posted up is a different timezone or smth.. I normally bought the dlc at steam store. DLed it. then Updated the game.. Got it in my DLC list.. and When i load that save game i have a new quest called introduction to DLC. Hence my conclusion that the DLC is out and working, but with some kind of issue to start it with a save game at the end of the "normal" game.
  9. Hey guys. Im from EU and i managed to run the DLC on steam. i Have 1 issue though.. I have some problems running the DLC with my character that i have. The game is saved at the last save point in the game - just before the last boss.. The Quest that pops up (Introduction to the DLC) states that you have start it with an "Endgame autosave".. could you elaborate on that? I mean.. I killed the last boss.. Game closes to credits.. There is an autosave there.. But loaded it just gets to the boss fight... So.. how to start the DLC if i have passed the Spire?
  10. Just tried to be helpful seeing that similiar achievements bug in a similiar way... Sowwy, won't interefere anymore
  11. (The whole post is for PC, not Xbox as the original title says) I was lucky enough to have a save game just before the 100,000 dmg deed.. so i got the deed, noticed i dont have the achievement, then loaded again got the deed again (in order to check whether its an issue or not) but did not get the achievement again, so i continued and the achievement popped later on. Conclusion: This must be done in 1 playthrough but not in 1 session. you can save/load but play the same playthrough even through a week. Simply be the host or make an agreement with the host so he does not play the game without you.. And you'll get it.. During all of my full games (3 atm) i always got the deed ~deep well ~warbeast.. (with stonebridge done first). I agree that sometimes as Katarina i was intentionally eating dmg for the deed so the achievement should pop in the last locations of the game ~Spire.. and also watch up. There is a cool grinding spot in East tower for both items or damage (save spot 10 feet from a mini boss that resps all the time) As for steam not unlocking any achievements.. I can say that all work. some not so precisely (for example the 100 000 dmg or 100 000 sold items) but all are obtainable. How do i know they are obtainable? 44/44. So if you have any questions go ahead
  12. Got many replies and made "friends on steam" so I'm not interested anymore for a while You can still find me in DS3 steam groups tho HF
  13. I play on PC.. So we probably cannot play together.. Unfortunate.
  14. Hey. I'm tired of people who hop into the game and leave after 5 minutes and then another people joining unhappy with the skill/talent distribution left by the previous player.. So.. is there anyone here who wants to play a full playthrough in 2 players? Either I can host or You can. But we make a deal that we only play together with this particular save. Anyone up? Send me a PM so we can set up details. Cheers. bb
  15. Try it on rajani, gent, warbeast, jeyne or the final boss I myself got it on rajani. (PC again though)
  16. (PC) I got the deeds before the achievements aswell.. but after playing a while. seeling some more items and sustaining more dmg i got those achievements.. Weird.. as if not all dmg counts towards it and not all items sold do?... My tip: continue playing getting dmged and selling stuff..
  17. I think that it is intentional.. Playing as Anjali some empowered abilities cost 1 power orb, some cost 2 power orbs.. It's a matter of skill i believe. (Same goes with the focus cost of skills, some simply cost more)
  18. So tell me about the demon hunter resource system, what does he use in order to use his abilities? When it replenishes? Is it static or does the max increase over time? With char level? with items? with attributes? Even if they published some information or even if you played the game during a conference it was pre-beta, a demonstration. Things can change you know? And if you have not played the game how do you know how it feels huh? Btw i enjoy the dungeon siege III combat system, but i believe it is silly to judge that d3's is worse if you havn't seen it...
  19. It's funny that you compare the ds3 combat system with the diablo 3 combat system, while the game is still under development huh...
  20. Here's a list i think is complete. Some deeds are mutually exclusive, and some you can only get in multiplayer game.. QUEST RELATED Avatar of Ultimate Virtue - Refuse reward by the villagers of Raven's Rill (+5 Will) Trial and Error - Your determination won over the magical door in Gunderic Manor (+2 Stamina) Solver of Ciphers - Discovered the password to the door in Gunderic Manor (+2 Agility) Legion Caretaker - Legion control of Gunderic Manor (+3 Stamina) Lescanzi Ally - You ceded control of Gunderic Manor to Leona (+3 Will) Ironhand - Kill Rajani (+2 Attack) Gracious in Victory - Spare Rajani (+2 Will) Lord Protector of Stonebridge - You handed over the Dapper Old Gent (+3 Stamina) Legion Redeemer - You spared the Dapper Old Gent (+3 Will) Proletarian Hero - Give rights to cyclops (+3 Attack) Strike Breaker - You broke the strike at the Great Foundry (+3 Will) Royalist Ally - You have shown unwavering support to the crown (+5 Stamina) Liberator - You freed all the prisoners in the Spire dungeon (+5 Agility) COMPANION RELATED We are Legion - You have gathered all the descendents of the Legion (+4 Stamina) Celestial Ally - You have earned the trust of the archon, Anjali (+2 Attack) Fiery Loyalty - Anjali's faith in you has become unshakable (+3 Attack) Anjali Influence - Anjali Influence +++ (+5 Attack) Bewitching Ally - You have gained the trust of the capricious Katarina (+2 Agility) Sharpshooting Sidekick - Katarina enjoys your company (+3 Agility) Katarina Influence - Katarina Influence +++ (+5 Agility) Montbarron Ally - You have earned the trust of Lucas Montbarron (+2 Stamina) Loyal Guardian - Lucas is impressed by the choices you have made (+3 Stamina) Comrade in Arms - Lucas regards you as a true example of Legion principles (+5 Stamina) Academic Ally - Earn trust of Reinhart (+2 Will) Tenured Loyalty - Earn respect of Reinhart (+3 Will) Doctorate of Friendship - Become the closest friend of Reinhart (+5 Will) MISC DEEDS Fulltime Hero - You have completed 10 side quests (+2 Stamina) Savior of Ehb - You have completed 20 side quests (+3 Stamina) Lorekeeper - You have compiled 30 entries in your collection of Ehb Lore (+3 Will) Loremaster - You have compiled 60 entries in your collection of Ehb Lore (+4 Will) Enduring Champion - You have sustained 100,000 points of damage (+2 Stamina) Veteran Trader - You have spent 250.000 coins in your career (+1 Will) Merchant of Ehb - You sold at least 100.000 coins worth of items (+2 Agility) Rivalry - Disagree 20 times (+1 Attack) Of One Mind - Agree 20 times (+1 Will)
  21. Achievements are working for me. But i did not earn those, that i met the requirements previously.. So simply need to "do them" again.
  22. I'm not getting any achievements aswell (PC version)
  23. Same issue. I was able to play multiplayer earlier but now it crashes. Tried reinstalling, then installing from steam download (previously was dvd). win7 nvidia geforce gtx470 intel core i7
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