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Posts posted by AGX-17

  1. Unless you're going to do something like allow the protagonist to start this new cycle retaining all knowledge and memories of the previous run, thus allowing them to dramatically alter the story through their knowledge of the events to come, no.



    Nah, this concept seems too console-game-like to me. I'd just rather just start over with a different character class/race and follow different paths through the game world.


    It is a concept that originated with JRPGs as far as I'm aware, earliest use I know of is in Chrono Trigger, to allow you to access new endings (i.e. fight the end boss at the start of the game, win previously unwinnable fights, etc.) It's only in a situation where it has narrative uses like CT that it has any real value.

  2. I'm not aware of there being lance or pike sheathes. Additionally, if you're carrying a lance or a pike it's not exactly concealable in any way. This isn't Darklands 2, so there's no need to go overboard with cosmetic realism.


    If you must, just get a squire to carry your gear for you. But given the propensity for lethal fights to break out in towns in RPGs, it doesn't sound like a great idea to take off all your combat gear, hand it to your squire to pack it on an ass or mule, then desperately scramble to reverse the process when one of the fabled enemy Adventurer teams comes to town looking for trouble. For trouble with you, specifically.

  3. There should be a cap, raise it with expansions maybe. But you should have to go out of your way to reach the cap (i.e. just doing the main storyline would leave you underlevelled for the endgame.) I've played video games with "no level cap" and it just gets ludicrous. Nothing really has any meaning when a mage-type character has HP in the millions.

  4. It's not unthinking that some men and women would favour vanity over practicality and would run around with their assets on display. It's also quite probably that men and women of many different body types would show up in this fictional world; perhaps adventurers would be fitter than most, but not always. It's also possible that, should some women choose to adventure in lingerie, that the inherent absurdity of it will be milked for all it's worth.


    Unthinkable, not unthinking. I mean, yes it's unthinking because an abstract concept cannot think.


    And yes, actually, it is rather unthinkable. If a woman in Renaissance Europe wore an early 1900s bathing suit in public (the woolen, extremely modest in comparison to today's swimwear kind,) she would be ill-regarded and her reputation would be ruined if she wasn't already known to be a prostitute. Even then it would be unacceptable, intolerable and result in severe reactions from the community. If you want unrealistic, immature titillation, play Dragon Age 2 with its fully integrated breast-bouncing physics.


    Which, as far as my history knowledge goes, was largely the result of the Catholic Church's influence and western religion and society standards. There is no reason to assume those things held true in Project Eternity. Especially as there are at least two major, conflicting deities with diverging standards and followers. Likewise, I imagine namy of the druid-like groups (if there are any) would be less ashamed of showing their flesh.


    I also recall playing with a female character in table top who travelled around with little to no armor (she was a high dexterity bard) who was an escaped concubine of a killed king. The logic of "where do you holster your weapon?" was answered with "Why holster it, if people are hardly ever going to notice it, anyway?" (Our DM conferred a distraction bonus to both enemies and friends when scantily clad). Out of combat she tended to wear some armored robes, easily removed and used as an improvised trip weapon.


    And yet PE is based on Renaissance Europe, as has been officially stated multiple times. The Catholic Church was not some militant buzzkill squad patrolling for brazen hussies desperate to run around dressed like fetish models (which, for the record, I am rather fond of, but I recognize that a medieval fantasy land is neither the time nor the place,) the standards of dress in Europe had been established before the Catholic Church had dominance. The Roman style of dress, in robe or togas, had been established in Roman provinces in modern France and Britain, and Northern Europe is, how do you put it... COLD. Humans have this little problem of being warm blooded animals that evolved in a dry, hot african savanna, leading to an amount of body hair incapable of conserving heat in such cold. So copious amounts of clothing are required to survive the winter. Yes, some pagan tribes went to battle in the nude, but that was to prevent the filth of their clothing from entering any wounds sustained in battle.


    "My sexual fantasy involves a woman exposing herself in public, please put it in your game, I'm going to make up stories to justify it because I am too embarrassed to admit my sexual motives. See? I made a character like that in a TT RPG so it's valid!" Is not a legitimate argument in favor of your proposition.


    If you want Obsidian to twist themselves into knots to justify skanky women in skanky outfits like every other Oblivion or Skyrim mod, that's your perogative, but it makes no sense and it doesn't fit Obsidian's ethos for the game as far as I can tell.

    • Like 4
  5. If not all races or classes have been revealed/set in stone what's the point of making such a declaration? I could just say I'll be a cyborg asteroid farmer at this point.


    My preference is for roguish classes, at any rate.


    A bard-barbarian is a Skald.


    A proper warrior-poet class would be awesome.


    Is either of those a race?

    • Like 1
  6. It's not unthinking that some men and women would favour vanity over practicality and would run around with their assets on display. It's also quite probably that men and women of many different body types would show up in this fictional world; perhaps adventurers would be fitter than most, but not always. It's also possible that, should some women choose to adventure in lingerie, that the inherent absurdity of it will be milked for all it's worth.


    Unthinkable, not unthinking. I mean, yes it's unthinking because an abstract concept cannot think.


    And yes, actually, it is rather unthinkable. If a woman in Renaissance Europe wore an early 1900s bathing suit in public (the woolen, extremely modest in comparison to today's swimwear kind,) she would be ill-regarded and her reputation would be ruined if she wasn't already known to be a prostitute. Even then it would be unacceptable, intolerable and result in severe reactions from the community. If you want unrealistic, immature titillation, play Dragon Age 2 with its fully integrated breast-bouncing physics.

    • Like 2
  7. Don't worry, they have roving Justice Teams of Australian youth patrolling the streets for pakis to beat.


    They cant be that effective. Or perhaps the patrolling is cut short by shrimps on the barbie and Vics bitter.... :D


    I was sarcastically referring to increased hate crimes against persons of Indian descent in Australia.


    I continue my posts about multiculturalism, while "liberal" North-Americans trying explain why Nations of World must reject own rights on self-determination and self-governance.


    Most symptomatic reaction on multiculturalism we can see from side Native Americans. They have long history of resistance against oppression and genocide. Because their rich experience, they easily recognize jesuitic trick of exploiters.


    Native Americans are tangential because the European immigrants to the Americas killed most of them, mostly with disease, and then imprisoned them on "reservations" before taking their children away so that they would be raised "white" in a deliberate attempt to destroy those native american cultures. There was never any attempt at multiculturalism in the US. Every ethnic/cultural group to emigrate here since the Europeans took over has eventually successfully integrated into US society, hence its being dubbed a "melting-pot." But the IMF and world bank are neither here nor there. Those are basically just big loan sharks meant to guarantee the interests of American big business in "opening new markets" in the undeveloped/developing world.


    And from what I understand, in Mexico and most South American countries, most of the people are mixed-race and pride themselves on European ancestry or self identify as something other than Native, while discriminating and committing crimes against true Natives.

  8. Addressing the OP subject, yes, piracy is a crime, it is codified in US copyright law. It doesn't matter what 4chan told you ("video games grow on trees, developers are rich bourgeoisie pigs living in mansions made of gilded diamond encrusted, gilded ivory-inlaid gold," etc.) You are not a morally superior rebel fighting "the man" when you pirate a game, you're just maximizing your economic opportunities by acquiring for no cost what you would otherwise have to spend money on.



    I've always held disdain for coupon whores no matter the product. Usually the "honest" consumer suffers in some way because of it.


    Yes, god forbid anyone maximize the efficiency of their spending power in capitalist society. If not for those coupons, that 20% would have gone to poor orphans in Djibouti, no doubt.


    SARCASM ASIDE, have you ever taken a basic economics class? Economy of volume. It's sales that drive most retail, retail is consumption, consumption is the capitalist economy. Do you have any evidentiary basis for the belief that "honest consumers," are being harmed, or are you just one of those people who has "opinions"? If you "honest consumers" are "honest" and coupon users are "cheaters," why do the manufacturers or retailers of any goods have sales or give out coupons?


    Penny-pinchers and coupon hoarders have not harmed you in any way, save for the loss of time standing in line.

  9. Yeah I'm expecting some kind of teleporter in place of levitation, or some kind of "levitation circle", stairs would a bit of a bummer for those of us who miss Morrowind's crazily unbalanced mechanics :(



    It was fun the first month. Tried playing once every month since. Still boring even with a few dozen mods. At least Fallout 3 had interesting areas (might be a matter of personal taste.) DISCLAIMER: Every time I mention Fallout 3, I will note that it was terribly written.


    I had huge amounts of fun in Skyrim, it was very close to what I expected but I agree that Fallout 3 had far more variety, Bethesda's world design high point I think, shame about the sometimes awful writing.


    The first few dungeons are great, then you start to notice how samey it all is. As for roleplaying, there is practically none. The Thieves' Guild fiasco is the worst element by far. It was obviously designed by a high-level designer since it was clearly immune to criticism of any kind. At least with the Dark Brotherhood questline you have the option of wiping them out if you're playing a hero of justice (or have been attacked by their assassins in the past.) You get no such option with the thieves' guild and riften. And then some NPC sells your immortal soul, possibly that of Lorkhan/Talos himself, to some second-rate Daedric Prince and your only dialogue option is to enthusiastically agree? I don't think Beth should even call their games RPGs anymore.

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  10. If you finish the main game story, the game ends and you have to reload an earlier savegame. So you have to finish LR before. It won't have any influence on the ending. The only thing - afaik - that matters for LR is your reputation with the main factions in the game.


    Yeah, I don't know what MCA was thinking with Lonesome Road. It was a great gameplay experience, but a mediocre narrative outing, especially from him. It basically railroads the Courier's history and locks out any possible imagined past from the player beyond "native citizen of the NCR" and decides that he/she is a dimwit or some sort of mental deficient to have traveled through some place, built a mighty new model of civilization there, destroyed it and never remember any of it. And it's been clearly stated by JSawyer on Formspring that the Courier has no form of amnesia whatsoever from the gunshot.


    And on the game design front, if you can nuke the world all over again but not have it accounted for in the rest of the game? Come on. Avellone must have been drinking too much when writing it.

  11. It's a magical fantasy world, you can't expect realism. A single shot from a musket or blunderbuss would be incapacitating (with delayed fatality by infection,) or fatal if it was realistic. Cadegund could just blast every enemy in the chest and that would be the entire game. Protect the gunner while she oneshots every enemy smaller than an elephant. Firearms are the reason plate armor and chainmail was replaced by brightly colored overcoats as military attire.

  12. This poll is kind of irrelevant because of the Adventurer's Guild concept, which would allow players to hire generic companions without complex writing, dialogue or story involvement (potentially filling out their party, in a game which is likely to be completeable with the PC alone.)


    Acquisition of real in-depth companions should vary between story concerns and free exploration and should be spread gradually out. I don't think any companion should be locked out until the endgame, for instance.

  13. I think what they really need to do is involve more factions in these choices.


    For example, in a scenario where a country is occupied by an oppressive invader, the "good" choice would be to help the occupied people fight back while the "evil" choice is to help the invaders crush the rebellion.


    However, if you include additional interests in the scenario, you can add a lot of variety to both "good" and "evil" choices. There could be factions that want to support the oppressed people for very selfish and nefarious reasons.


    For example, a group of weapon traders might want the rebellion to last longer so they can sell weapons to both sides and they'll pay you to help the oppressed people fight the invaders. Another nation might want to weaken both the occupied and the invading nation so that they can expand their influence. The occupied nation might have a caste system and the aristocrats are willing to sacrifice a lot of commoners and other lower class people in order to expel the invaders.


    A variation I thought of was that helping the invaded citizenry fight back as a kneejerk reaction would not necessarily be the best choice for those people's well-being. Perhaps the invaders would bring down severe, brutal punishment when you leave.


    Or perhaps the invaders would bring safety, health and prosperity to this occupied territory, and the descendants of the occupied people would think their ancestors were mad to not want to be part of this great empire.

    • Like 1
  14. There's simply no way that Obsidian would make game topping out at 20 hours of play time, side quests and reading dialogue included. It's not even a concept worth considering.


    There isn't an inverse relationship between game length and game quality. It's not as though making a long game causes a set, predefined amount of quality to be spread thinner and thinner as the game gets longer.

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  15. To have your party be a "democracy" of sorts and every character had an equal say would be interesting narratively, but a severe barrier to player agency.


    If the PC is making all the tactical, logistical and equipment decisions it stands to reason that they're the alpha of the group and final word rests with them. One of the relatively few good decisions Bioware made with Dragon Age 2 was the option of allowing companions with contextually relevant experience or skills to handle a situation in Hawke's stead.

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    Impressive, yes. Funny? No.



    This is funny:



    And for those who are not humor-inclined, all of these videos are meant to lampoon the terrible writing/jokes of Garfield comics under the guise of "tribute."

  17. I think this article pretty much sums up my feelings of the OP's comment.




    So what? You're proud of the segment of the community that was going on about the girl kid that was at the party being a loli? You think it was perfectly fine all those guys telling the green shirt woman to take off her top? People should apologise for that crap. If not apologising for comments like that is what makes you so proud of being an American it makes me glad I'm Canadian. Unlike that article I take it as a point of pride that Canadians are known for being polite, well mannered and not total asshats.


    You're being just as petty and immature. It's an opinion piece from a newspaper by a controversial comedian and political commentator. It's also from 7 months ago. Do you understand what an opinion piece is? If you don't like Bill Maher's opinion, don't like it. Stop it with this nationalist garbage before you denigrate your country any further.


    And I couldn't help but notice that Obsidian is an American company staffed and led primarily by Americans. Most of the people responsible for PE are going to be Americans. Did you back PE? Why would you back an American product? You're lumping all of them in together with the people you're insulting as lesser men.



    I think the Green Shirt Girl rocks! Nicole ROCKS THE PINK UNICORN!


    ... several people rock the pink unicorn, actually, there was a grey shirt guy dancing with the pink unicorn too.






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