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Everything posted by Darkling

  1. putting this under spoiler tags, cause this topic really belongs in the spoiler section: Of course, I could be totally off base, but that's how I saw the story...
  2. Didn't know what the right place to put this was, but I noticed that there are some really awesome fanart threads both in general discussion and the spoiler section. It would be cool to have one thread for people to show off their art, preferably stickied. Just a suggestion...
  3. While I agree that asking for a content patch is pretty much asking for the moon from LucasArts, I don't think asking for a proper expansion pack would be out of line. If we, the fans, let LucasArts know that we want Obsidian to create an expansion pack, they would be crazy to not take the opportunity to make an extra $30 off the large number of folks who have already bought this game. Not that I'm knocking LucasArts for wanting to make money, since I would definitely be one of the ones paying for it. It's up to us, people. We can present a united front and get results, or we can continue to complain...
  4. I kinda doubt G0-T0 has the proper..."equipment" needed to please a woman. Now, T3 on the other hand...
  5. another female vote for Atton. He makes me laugh, is a bad boy, and has a suitable amount of angst. woohoo!!! (w00t)
  6. Ah, time to break out the spoiler tags. These are for real, if you haven't completed the game do not read! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I agree with what you're saying, mostly...
  7. I loved this game, incomplete ending and all. I got it for PC, and had been following the posts here, so I was already aware of disappointment at the ending when I started playing. It's true that you see the "Big Bad" coming from a mile away, and it's true that there are many things about combat that could be improved, but the story totally redeemed the rest for me. As I watched the end credits, I wasn't so concerned with the way it ended as playing again as a DS -- and I *never* replay games right away, even when replayability is one of the big draws. Could this game have been better? Heck ya, but even games that are praised from the rooftops (like PS:T, the Fallout and BG games, for example) have flaws that could be fixed. The story and characters this game did have were as good or better than any of those other games, and even managed to add depth to the story of KOTOR1, which I would not have expected. Right now we should be looking at the bigger picture -- what comes next for the KOTOR series. We should be sending a loud message to LucasArts that we want an expansion pack for KOTOR2, and we want Obsidian to develop it. That's the petition I want to sign, because I think it's a far more realistic goal to reach for.
  8. yeah, a lot of the female heads look like they've been smacked repeatedly with the ugly stick, it was hard choosing one. I personally think that there are more decent looking male heads this time around, but maybe it's just me. I'm about to make a second runthrough as a DS male, maybe I'll give Buddy Christ a try, since he's so highly recommended...
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