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Everything posted by Labadal

  1. Don't say that!
  2. Played and finished Costume Quest, fun little game.
  3. Posted by funcroc in one of the other topics:
  4. Touch
  5. Nice price. Amazon.co.uk has Diablo 3 pre-orders for
  6. In the NYCC thread I asked about this and Alvin Nelson anwsered saying that you can play co-op with your own characters from the start. And they were playing the pc version with xbox360 controllers.
  7. Yeah, that's what I thought.
  8. You lucky son of a gun. My copy hasn't even been dispatched.
  9. I know I'll be very excited when I get the game March next year. I will admit I don't like many things I have heard/read about DA2, but I think I will like the game in the end. And I honestly don't know why people bother posting in DA2 topics if they have already made up their minds that the game will suck.
  10. I have bad news: You are a sane man in an insane world.
  11. Don't you mean: Yesss! A Q1-Q2 2011 release sounds good to me.
  12. My copy has still not shipped. I'm really tempted to go to the nearest game shop and buy the Xbox 360 version.
  13. I have never bought as many games as I do this generation. Only this year I have bought more than 50 games. Most of them have been quality games in my opinion.
  14. This was most probably posted b
  15. Wow, DS was one of the worst games I have ever played. The only good thing with the game was how the rogue played and I wouldn't mind seeing something like that in a roleplaying game. Rogues actually using shadows etc.
  16. Four player co-op would be a blast, but I would also accept two players like it is now. I think four player co-op could work online but not offline. There would be too much going on at the same time. The UI would be all over the screen. How many console roleplaying games this generation allows four player co-op? The only one I know of is Sacred 2: Fallen Angel.
  17. The shop I usually go to changed the release to March 2011.
  18. Another game I am looking forward to: Magicka
  19. Or maybe Obsidian can make an original IP again! I'd love that.
  20. A Swedish reviewer has FNV as his GOTY, but he also mentioned several bugs. I'm not really surprised.
  21. Thanks, will check it out.
  22. I did like the screen with the woman typing on a fictional keyboard.
  23. I'm still bummed that they did the exclusive DLC, I was very close to cancel my pre-order, then I rmembered this is my most wanted game of the year. I will skip DLC and get the GOTY version later down the road, vanilla FNV will have to do for now. We can all assume Obsidian had nothing to do with the decision, right? This must have been up to the publisher. Anyway, just a few more days to go! Need to come up with a fun build to play. I want to smooth talk my way through the game.
  24. The sooner developers start to ignore metacritic the better.
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