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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. I can do that but its easier if someone understands it to spend the 2 minutes explaining it
  2. I am confused by the point of this meme but I think its significant ....I just dont get it? Is it prolife or prochoice, I assume its saying when you take away a womens choice it can lead to many kids being raised in foster care which is not ideal. So I would assume its prochoice but why do they frame the prolife in a positive way with a parent ?
  3. Thanks for the details around numerous games , nice one
  4. Im 12 hours into AC Odyssey and I am definitely deep into that inexorable " Ubisoft Honeymoon period " ...the game is great and I am loving it I have just left the starting isle and I thoroughly appreciate how that whole part of the game is your learning curve. I am comfortable with combat and loved the normal parts of the game like killing bandits, crafting and completing side quests Im sure the inevitable " Ubisoft fatigue " will settle in and I will move to complete the main quest but right now I am just enjoying exploring and completing side quests
  5. I tend to agree that many media houses will frame things based on their own biases and views even if they, for example, dont specifically say " we support BLM protests even when they are violent but we dont acknowledge the violence and blame the police " But if you take CNN they also raise valid issues and raise important issues so I feel they do more good than bad And also what is unusual in the US is the prevalence of " opinion pieces " where you have media houses, like FOX and MSNBC, that often report using opinion journalism and not " normal " journalism based on facts and not being biased both intentionally and unintentionally But I have definitely noticed what you have observed at times and I have raised this on this forum and other places. So in example we have months of violent protests in Portland and generally CNN doesnt focus on the violence and criminality of some the protestors but will focus on the police response and the deployment of Federal security forces as draconian https://www.oregonlive.com/politics/2020/09/100-days-of-black-lives-matter-protests-in-portland-timeline-and-photos-trace-the-arc-of-events.html
  6. https://www.gameinformer.com/preview/2021/09/06/everything-we-know-about-elden-ring More news about Elden Ring, this time very interesting with some real design and gameplay information about this impending game. I think it looks great, 21 January 2022 is the ETA
  7. You right about the exclusion of rape and incest, its just seems particularly cruel and insensitive One consolation about the US and these new draconian abortion laws is most women have the option of leaving Texas and getting an abortion in another state. So at least its not a country wide legal change
  8. I dont think enforcement is the key, I think a clear understanding and acceptance of the code of conduct and acceptable behavior in any company is the best and most sustainable solution going forward People sometimes genuinely misunderstand what is considered sexual harassment
  9. It is one solution and part of the choices provided, taking personal responsibility for not accidently falling pregnant is possible But not everyone has access to pharmacies or drugs that can help, so we see this in countries like SA. We have a major problem with underage pregnancies in SA, this year we had 934 girls age 10-14 falling pregnant https://www.iol.co.za/news/politics/934-girls-aged-10-to-14-gave-birth-between-april-2020-and-march-2021-gauteng-health-mec-7ebedd6f-96b8-469e-ac1c-766d52ae042b
  10. That sounds very exciting, I like the idea of writing things down. Lets see how it goes
  11. I must say that is one way of looking at these issues and its interesting and paradoxical because I can both see problems and real benefits to what you saying if you think of possible punitive litigation due to sexual harassment and then the charges by not following local hiring policies
  12. Wormie thats the thing, their wont be any because their will only be men working....less stress and NO discrimination
  13. http://www.u5lazarus.com/ I decided to take your advice and look into the older Ultima games and I found this awesome U5 mod called Lazarus. Take a look at the new screenshots compared to the old game as you would remember the graphics So I have decided to start on U5 with this Mod and go forwards from their
  14. Thanks for sharing GD, sorry for your loss of a beloved pet. As mentioned by others many pets become like family members so any grief is not just real its to be expected I think you being too hard on yourself and the reality of the fact you single and the reasons for you being single, Stephanie had an issue with being faithful...that was her issue and you shouldn't judge yourself on that Marriage is an amazing way to have a relationship when it works, do you know how many people I know who are bitterly unhappy and married? I also have a long list of failed relationships and most of it is my fault but not all But I realized something years ago for me, I would rather be single and content than married or involved but be unhappy or do things that are wrong ....like cheating Anyway I hope this post makes you feel better. But you shouldnt be too hard on yourself ...I think you have done many things well and many things I personally admire. Your career and work ethos for example , you have achieved relative financial independence without family resources, that is always something I respect because having family resources makes many things easier. You also did your military service which always matters in a country like the USA You have put effort into supporting retired veterans and you are a law abiding citizen who has never taken advantage of state subsidies or government handouts, you have always worked and been independent. I consider you a success on many levels but I am sorry for your loss of Sunny.
  15. Im not convinced by these allegations, I definitely dont see it in the same way as the Blizzard scandal Paradox is a Swedish company....come on. We all know Sweden wrote the book on " correct SJW behavior " So we dont know the type of discrimination that was being demonstrated, for example even in the article it says 33% of men complained about bad behavior so I am not saying its not true. I am just saying I will wait for further accurate information before I pass judgement
  16. He is entitled to his opinion, it doesnt mean the rest of us have to share it or we have to punish the company he works for by not buying their products for example. I think its wrong what is happening in Texas and I can see this spreading to other Republican states
  17. My favorite hottie is back, I have decided whatever she says its true Dont you love her imitation of Canadian and American accents
  18. I was reading that V-VI are the most popular, I not in rush and will see how I can Mod VII-IX but it might very well be a case of " these games are too outdated " I started on AC Odyssey this weekend, its early days and only 5 hours into the game but so far its been great. Ubisoft always does such a good job of creating a realistic ancient world to play in that it always captivates me in the AC series I love Greek mythology so it should be a fun journey
  19. I was fortunate and had no side effects after my first jab, only slight pain like you on the actual injection spot
  20. Elerond, why you shouting.....their is no need for violence
  21. During the 1980's because of Apartheid sanctions SA lacked PC gaming investment and general access to any RPG games and paraphernalia but if you could go overseas on holiday you could obviously buy things like AD&D and tabletop games in London which we use to do and bring them back to SA. But we didnt ever buy anything PC related because we didnt really have actual computers in SA to run games PC gaming investments in SA only stared slowly from 1990 and onwards so I only had my own PC in 1995 which was more for studies and work related than gaming. Which is why I missed the early days of the original RPG like M&M, Ultima, Wizardry etc. Anyway I always use to read about these games in the Dragon magazine and I loved the concept and ideas of the Ultima world and in 2007 when I invested in my first real gaming rig I played Ultima 8 and Ultima Online for several years which was great but this MMO had passed its heyday which happens to many MMO But I only ever played Ultima 8 and yesterday I bought on GOG Ultima 7-9 for under $5. I have decided to make an Ultima project and look at Mods to update these games and give them a try in the future. I know they are old but I am sure I can get into the game from Ultima 7 onwards Their is still an active and committed fanbase on various dedicated Ultima websites like this one which is always encouraging because you know people still write Mods and updates for the entire Ultima series https://ultimacodex.com/
  22. Please clarify something for me because I havent played Skyrim yet, how are you generating this real gaming events around children. Is this a Mod ?
  23. Well done, its always a good feeling knowing you have your first shot. Now you need to wait 2 weeks or so and you will have your first antibodies. When is your second shot, mine is 15 September
  24. Hoonding I need to tell you something and I know this is going to upset you but thats why you have friends on this forum who can help you shoulder any emotional burden Trump doesnt espouse many Christian values, anyone can say "Im a Christian " but you need more than words to make it true
  25. Mamie we both know this is not even a debate, of course you must support it.....you always support East European games and its also Slav as an added bonus. I am considering buying it myself
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