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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. Look at you girlfriend, you little Windows registry hacker
  2. Very French choice Coq au vin, I love it and its relatively simple to make once you have all the ingredients prepared Its good to see you dont reject foreign food in the interests of US patriotism This is a recipe similar to how I have made it https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/coq-au-vin-recipe4-2011654
  3. Yes you did raise serious concerns with the motives of Sinema, strange thing is she doesnt come up as much as Manchin on the likes of CNN so I know very little about her outside of what is commonly known
  4. Great way to start the week with my favorite hottie on the right, nothing like humor to make political points. Their facial expressions and imitations of accents is a huge part of the humor, like when they both say " a hung parliament " You can see the obvious problem with the Oz political system, you guys need to get more candidates like them in your system !!! I see they work for the Juice Media and the girls are both actors amongst other skills , https://www.thejuicemedia.com/about/ Small company but making some good points
  5. The definition of an insurrection says it can succeed or fail but I am making a different point An insurrection has by its definition an objective that is achievable, the violent mob had no objective to stop Biden becoming president, how? Even if they killed dozens of senators I am sure Biden is still president while they reorganize the event. And the event will be held again but heavily guarded and Biden would be officially president So my question is still unanswered and that is " what was the objective that would have somehow stopped Biden becoming president "
  6. its a valid question, a game as large as this will be updated with new code in several of the assets and these have conditions that need to be verified still work properly. Meaning an update can break any game if not tested properly And Im sure all of us can understand that CDPR dont want another gaming stability scandal like the Cyb release problems
  7. Comrade how much time did you spend on DY1 ?
  8. I dont know if I told you but I have always had an interest in this game and played it in the early days of year 1 I looked now at it on Steam and its looking good, how would you describe it from a new features game and are how the activities you can do to survive And does it have 1 server for all players ?
  9. Comrade dont forget Dying Light 2 and I was really surprised how many regular members said they wont be playing it....its my best Zombie killing game of all time and I have played lots of them like Dead Island, Dead State
  10. Its not a very nice view of his realities to want to read....its full of virus hour updates. Its honestly the last thing I want to read about
  11. And you still want to call it an insurrect, like insurrection? It was a violent riot with definite right wing influence? Comrade can I share something important with you I learnt in the school of white, male privilege and neo-colonialism....Im not suppose to share this type of knowledge but I dont think anyone will know? You taught certain rules and proven realities of how to become effective and leave a good legacy. But you must never create a definition that can be used against you, rather wait unless you are 100% sure this was a insurrection
  12. Hopefully its quality and enjoyment wont be rushed, the DA franchise is a big part of the Bioware future so I hope they deliver for all of us
  13. Interesting, its disappointing he might not play because I think most people outside of Oz arent that concerned he hasn't been vaccinated. Even if he may have the virus its not like he can create a wave because of the high level of vaccination ....I feel this decision is technically about the Oz rules but I also think its an overreaction SA is 34% so you guys are way ahead of us. We have hit a wall with trying to convince people about the efficacy of vaccines but life is returning to normal and all businesses and places like clubs are open and we have no more curfews but mask wearing is mandatory Is Serbia going to move beyond 50 % because for me I think in our countries we must learn to live with the virus and all you can do is get double vaccinated and then boosters in 6-8 months? Is life returning to normal in Serbia generally ?
  14. Sarex why is Novak still not getting his vaccines, he is a sports superstar and people wanted to see him play yet he travelled to Australia with a exemption that wasnt credible? Oz is extreme and unapologetic about certain immigration policies so this to be expected What is the percentage of vaccinated people in Serbia and do people generally follow the general advice about the virus like mask wearing ?
  15. You guys have a great relationship, I always like to hear about happy couples because their are many unhappy stories out their
  16. I noticed that but lets be honest? For those of us who enjoy DA games I didnt even think there would be a DA4 ....so I have no expectation for the final release ?
  17. That made me laugh. I believe that you can have different political views and vote for different parties but that doesnt mean you cant be friends with people like this. Because it all depends on what matters in any friendship and why would political differences mean you cant other things in common? I have friends on the left and right but we have things in common like a love of gaming and good Greek food
  18. Melkie please dont cross and start shouting but whats with you liberals\socialists and how you guys are so ....jaded about gaming? (I keed, I keed. Im just joking because a lack of gaming interest has nothing to do with our political views . But thanks for raising that point with me on another thread because I dont want to be someone who always seems to think everything is about the other side ...so I am working on that in the political thread )
  19. You cant be serious? I am not use to you being so morbid and cynical. ELEX 2 is going to be epic and its highly anticipated by all lovers of the PB style of RPG But you forgetting BG3, Dying Light 2, Elden Ring, Final Fantasy Origin, Company of Heroes 3 and Warhammer 40,000: Darktide to name a few plus DA4 And I am sure their will be loads of JRPG that are coming?
  20. I am glad you raised this possible confusion of my view, its a view I have ruminated on and followed different discussions around " what is the correct way to describe the violence on 6 January " ? I enjoy all and any debates with anyone who wants to engage with me but sometimes how you frame an argument or disagree with someone can influence if the debate is meaningful and constructive ...and that for me is why we debate, its not about being right or assuming everyone will agree. Its about sharing information and informing people about something they may not know and its sometimes our opinions You are one of those Obsidian members who I have always appreciated how you engage in most debates and then make your point. You not prone to emotion generally and how most of us will frame a valid point in an ideological way. You make your post with facts, data and real examples where applicable and you have changed my opinion on several topics which is appreciated So when you ask "how I can say this " I know you will read what I have to say and if you disagree you may post a link or explain why you disagree. Also another consideration is about the question "can you call January 6 an insurrection " its not unequivocal or defined and their interesting opinions that say it is and some who say it isnt Unfortunately this debate in the US has become one of those debates that for many people it is no longer about the issue or reality of the event but its 100 % politicized by both the left and right....not all debates are like this but this is one of them. Its demonstrated if you watch the more Trump\Conservative view on FOX or the left\liberal CNN view and this is about the journalists and not the overall stance of everyone FOX will always raise the " some of the protestors were just patriot Americans and committed no violence "or say " why is the Biden\Democrats government and FBI only focusing on arresting people involved in this protest but they fine with violence and attacks on police in BLM and ANTIFA protests " And CNN commentators will generally say " of course it was an insurrection, how can anyone say it wasn't this? We warned you guys this was going to happen and Trump is responsible ...this was the darkest day in US history " And both these views have some truth to them but these comments also make certain generalizations and are framed to support certain narratives around politics so what is the truth ? For me it had certain components of your typical insurrection but surely an insurrection has to have an objective that can be achieved? If you consider the deeply spurious views of almost all the protesters is that they like Trump didnt accept that Biden had won the election and their was no real vote rigging or cheating...they chose to believe fake news and misinformation about something as old and successful as the legitimacy of the US elections The whole 6 January event at the Capitol is normally ceremonial as far as I know, so in other words lets say the worse outcomes of what some of the mob was chanting was realized and they had killed Pence, Nancy Pelosi and other prominent politicians would that negate that Biden was president? It would delay the process but Biden would still be president because he won the election with the votes of more Americans than Trump got I just think you shouldn't call this an insurrection based on what is was suppose to achieve? But here is a more important question, why does it matter so much what we call it? I refer to it as Capitol violence or the Capitol attacks and Im more concerned with who was directly responsible for planning it so they can also be prosecuted People who attend any protest or march and commit any crime should be arrested and charged and face jail time if appropriate. This is always my view on protests generally
  21. I have a new pair of takkies for cardio training and the last 2 days of my Cpt walk have been noticeably easier, especially on the hills
  22. Its always entertaining, but disappointing , to see the likes of Ted Cruz squirm when he is confronted by his own doublespeak and hypocrisy And Cruz shouldnt be using the word terrorism to justify all violence against cops unless it is related to terrorism. So BLM and Antifa violence against cops is not terrorism but it is criminal behavior and needs to condemned in the harshest terms And I wouldnt consider 6 January Capitol attacks as terrorism either but rather violent riots? But some people in the US media really love playing the " the left\right media always generalize about our political motives " card ....Carlson is one of the masters of this
  23. Are you forming an Oz militia Gorthfuscious and planning to overthrow the current government....do tell
  24. Im still not convinced we can call the Capitol violence an insurrection, the semantics do matter. Yes it was violence and yes we should all be concerned and yes people must continue to be arrested but it lacked any long term planning to be a called a credible insurrection, here is a good link that discusses this ( with the current inquiries this may need to be updated ) https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/fbi-confirms-there-was-no-insurrection-on-jan-6/ar-AANxOuQ
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